The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and thirty-seven, North American Mythical War (87)

——Marvel, 2012——

New York, Westchester.

Members of the "Avengers" are holding a meeting in the newly built Great Hall of Hogwarts to formulate countermeasures for the "Insight Project". Most of the regular members, non-staff members, reserve members and family members are present.

However, Kingpin and Vanessa were not present because they did not intend to participate in "a group of children playing house."

"The chief messenger of the Insight Project is Alexander Pierce? It is indeed very possible. Although he has been promoted to a member of the Security Council, he often returns to S.H.I.E.L.D. for inspections in the name of 'guidance'. Some agents even say, 'Mr. Pierce can't To refuse my order on the grounds of "agreement" - is there anyone in SHIELD who has higher authority than me?" Nick Fury put down the interrogation report about Agent Sitwell and then said.

"In fact, there is, but it is the preset 'impeachment or removal of the director' mechanism of the Security Council and does not belong to a specific person," Natasha replied: "But activating this mechanism requires the Security Council Only if more than half of the people agree.”

"This at least proves that Hydra cannot control more than half of the Security Council members, doesn't it?" Nick Fury spread his hands.

"I hope you interrupt my repair of the Rainbow Bridge not to talk about SHIELD's stupid bureaucracy," Stark said, crossing his arms: "Of course, if you delay me for a few more days, there is no need to think of a way to deal with it. 'Project Insight', the angry all-American gangster godfather and the princess of Atlantis who misses her daughter will tear 'Snake and Shield' to pieces."

"We started this discussion to prevent this from happening, Tony," Dr. Banner said. "But it's really interesting. I never thought I would stand in the gang's shoes and plan against S.H.I.E.L.D. - Even if it’s penetrated like a piece of cheese that’s been gnawed by mice.”

"The essence of the Insight Project is to find black dots from a piece of white paper, but if the black dot runs onto a piece of ink paper, it will be difficult to find it," Nick Fury said: "In its Algorithmically, we are as black as Hell’s Kitchen, without a doubt — and I don’t mean skin color.”

"You mean the heart?" Stark mocked.

"No time for joking, Tony," Steve, who had been somewhat silent since the beginning of the meeting, said, "Now that they have begun to arrest me semi-openly, they will soon fully launch the 'Insight Project' without any cover-up. We have to stop it before it causes massive casualties."

"You are always like this, Captain," Stark looked at him: "'should', 'must', 'duty', 'mission'. I have read your biography in the museum. You are either fighting or rushing. On the way to the next battlefield, I'm curious, have you ever tried to stop temporarily and analyze what you should do based on the known intelligence?"

"...A plan to destroy Hydra?" Steve replied hesitantly.

"How? Where to go? Who to deal with? Hoho?" Stark asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we can find a stronghold involved in the Insight Project and arrest its leader for interrogation?" Steve answered uncertainly.

"Then confirm the fact that 'Captain America is a criminal'?" Stark shook his head: "The war is over, Captain, there is no enemy in the world today that you can defeat with just your fists and shield...Okay, Maybe, but Hydra must not be included. They have the advantage of the Insight Project, and we must have the same chips to even the situation or even overtake it."

"Do we?" Steve asked confused.

"Of course," Stark leaned back slightly: "The reason why 'Snake Shield' dared to order your arrest, and those stupid agents would obey the order, is because they pushed you through the 'Insight Project'" The opposite of justice, but what if they themselves are the opposite?"

"You want to reveal that SHIELD was infiltrated by Hydra?" Nick Fury interjected: "I think that's not a good idea."

"Are you reluctant to give up your position? 'Lord Director'?" Stark mocked, and then continued without waiting for his response: "Don't compare a Stark to you. Listen, I have a plan."


"A few days ago, due to the 'First Contact War', there was a large-scale loss of debris that had not yet been cleaned up. The military solemnly reminds the public that such relics from unknown civilizations may have unknown risks and will not cause people to have super Ability, not recommended for personal collection or research.】"

"There was a large-scale exchange of fire between gangs in Clinton District. According to people familiar with the matter, the cause of the incident was that multiple gangs took a fancy to and robbed the same piece of alien debris.]"

"'Iron Man' Tony Stark showed up in Clinton District and tried to acquire alien debris, but was resolutely rejected. In an interview afterwards, he declared that 'you will regret it if you only care about petty profits.'"

"The 'good neighbor of the people of New York' Spider-Man was injured in full view of the public. The assailant was suspected to have green scales and a tail. Please see the photos taken by reporters at the scene.]"

"Shocked! The 'lizard people' that have caused widespread discussion recently have appeared again, and they have shown the ability to transform into humans! Aliens are around us?!]"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury officially issued a statement stating that the so-called 'lizards' are an alien race called the Skrulls. They were the aliens who launched the invasion during the 'First Contact War'." A slave race of the kree', these aliens usually disguise themselves as humans to provide intelligence and preparations for their masters to invade the earth, and collecting alien debris is the task assigned to them by the invaders.】"

"'Lizardmen' are not powerful. They are just scary in appearance. Their strength, speed and physical ability are not beyond the scope of humans. Moreover, their original shape will appear after direct contact with alien debris for a period of time. SHIELD reminds us that aliens have been sold before. If citizens of the wreckage actively report it, your buyer is likely to be a lizard man.】"

"Major scandal! After SHIELD proactively investigated itself, it was discovered that one-fifth of its agents were lizardmen!]"

"Nick Fury publicly apologized and clarified that S.H.I.E.L.D. only attracted lizardmen to infiltrate because of contact with supernatural events. He said that he would thoroughly investigate the issue of aliens infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D. and at the same time stop the patrol work of the three space carriers. , and will take the initiative to submit a resignation report after the matter is over.]"

"The World Security Council issued an announcement confirming that the total number of lizardmen is far lower than the data transmitted online, and that all of them have been captured. However, in order to prevent any fish from slipping through the net, large-scale lizardman testing will be carried out from time to time.]"

"News: S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury's resignation report has been rejected.]"


Nick Fury closed the comprehensive display of recent news on the large screen on the wall, and turned to look at Alexander Pierce, who was tightly handcuffed on the stool in the interrogation room, his whole face turned green: "Look, humans are unwilling to accept that they are being It is infiltrated by other forces, but it accepts the infiltration of aliens well. It’s strange, isn’t it?”

"We all know that there are no lizardmen at all!" Pierce glared at him: "Why did we turn green! What the hell did you do!"

"Who knows?" Nick Fury shrugged: "Maybe 'God' is on our side."


"Ah sneeze!"

Atreus, who was far away in Hogwarts, sneezed:

"My sister must be missing me, hehe."

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