The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and forty-eight, North American Mythical War (98)

——? ? ? ——

After "Sun" left, Professor There was no trauma, but they were still unconscious. Even if they used the Mind Stone to check, they could not find any problems, as if they had fallen into a deep dreamless sleep.

In this way, the next development is that the Winter Soldier, who has forgotten his original purpose, wakes up, takes the couple away to be frozen according to the modified order, and completes the connection with the secret base in Siberia. Unless, he stays and conducts Interference, such as finding a way to communicate with the outside world on Howard, calling for support from SHIELD - which doesn't seem to be called this now - and then capturing the Winter Soldier.

No, there is no need to do it. To ask for trouble in order to verify the logical laws of time, and finally mess up the chronological order, that is the job of scientists, and whether it is Gandalf as a wizard or Magneto as a mutant, there is no reason To do something like this.

Now, he should return to the "original time" as soon as possible and complete the task that "White Yinluvita" has arranged - to become the principal of a magic academy.

But how can we go back? I don't have the ability of "Sun" to leave at a moment's notice. Even if Maiya returns to the Eternal Hall to see Yin Luvita -



As soon as Professor The paint was constantly peeling off, cracking, rising, and disappearing. At the same time, his body was gradually dissolving, but he did not feel any discomfort.

Was he specially thrown here to save the Howards?

The moment before his vision was completely submerged by the golden light, he saw the fallen Winter Soldier twitching and trying to get up.

Really good timing.


In the process of "Back to the Future", Professor X once again saw the "reality of the world", or in other words, part of the reality.

After being completely golden, he found himself in a straight up and down, green, metal-like pipe. From the cracks and parts that were rapidly "falling" on the inner wall of the pipe, he could tell that he was using the same method. The speed moves "upward".

Just as he was trying to analyze the significance of this pipeline with great interest, the surrounding environment suddenly became clear.

The outer wall of the passage that originally looked like a sewer pipe suddenly turned into a nearly transparent material, revealing the outside world.

There were countless pale green "pipes" that looked exactly the same. They gathered together but kept a certain distance from each other. It made Professor It was completely dark and unsettling. As for the "pipes" that made up the "forest" itself, almost all of them were straight up and down.

The reason why he said "almost" was because from time to time he could see some pipes breaking, bifurcating or even getting knotted and extending downward during the process of "growing" upward.

Most of these pipes are empty, and only a small part of them seems to have humanoid shadows flashing past. Because the speed is too high, and no magic or superpowers can be used in this environment, Professor Qing's attempts failed.

If you think about it carefully, even if you see other "time and space travelers", it is impossible for you to recognize them, and it will be a waste of time. As for the arrogant idea that "all travelers are yourself", it was directly eliminated when it first appeared. extinguish.

So, this should be the "time flow".

Regarding time, there are one-way theory and parallel world theory. The former is directly rejected because it is easy to cause contradictions such as the "grandfather paradox" and because "people from the future have not come back to tell them that their theory is correct." Naturally, not many people support such an unromantic theory about the possibility of time travel.

In contrast, "every time you choose, a new parallel world will be born." The so-called time travel is the hypothesis of traveling between parallel worlds, but this is too arrogant - just human beings, two people go out to decide who has which. Just stepping out feet first can lead to the birth of six parallel worlds. Why?

Even if you add a prefix, "significant" choice, it is still difficult to dilute the arrogance contained in it - is major in human concept? Why?

Now, I can respond without hesitation - because the "Yinluvita" who created the world likes human beings.

At present, it seems that those densely packed time streams are undoubtedly "unimportant" choices. Ordinary people cannot detect that they have changed the time stream, and even return to the original world after making several choices. Impossible.

As for the branches, collapse and falling parts, those are the really important choices. After making the choice, those worlds have separated from the big army and don't know where they went.

What I just did was to jump out of the time flow "above", go "below" to change some established facts, and then jump back to the original position. The "time paradox" caused by this process is caused by "Sun" solved it with one stick.

Even if he didn't say it explicitly and the Mind Stone couldn't detect it, Professor "It's for your own good." I wonder if Rachel will be angry if she finds out——

————! 】

In the silent "Time Flow Jungle", there was suddenly an indescribable cracking sound, and there was more than one.

When Professor A time stream conduit.

The lower half of the first pipe stretched upwards in vain, but it was unable to connect to the first half that had run far away. It eventually turned into a "∩" shape and slumped down, disappearing far below in an instant.

What did the people in that time stream do to make Yin Luvita interrupt it with her own hands?

——! ——! 】

Before Professor Like a balloon that was suddenly popped, it stumbled and disappeared into the depths of the pipeline forest without any pattern.

If he saw it correctly, the girl seemed to be holding a sharp, slightly curved knife in her hand?

It seems... I really have to learn from "Sun".

This is for her own good.

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