The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and fifty, North American Mythical War (100)

——dc, darkness——

Gotham, Wayne Manor.

Bruce Wayne has been in a bit of trouble lately.

"Every world must have a Batman, and every Batman must have a corresponding clown." This is what the woman whose real name is "Bai Jingjing" but calls herself "Jin Jing" told him.

This baseless "law" sounds like fantasy, but the information contained in those "Batman Fragments" actually proves it.

If Batman is good, he will do evil. If Batman is unscrupulous, he will uphold the law. If Batman falls into darkness, he will stand in the light.

It seems that light and darkness, winter and summer, dawn and dusk are always on opposite sides, but they cannot exist alone.

In addition, although I don't want to speak ill of my "tenants", when their world was attacked by the "Court of Owls", the most determined one to resist was their clown. On the contrary, it was the Batmans who were hesitant and unable to trust others and missed the opportunity. A chance for the world to survive.

So...why are there three of them here?

First up is "My Own Clown".

According to the theory just mentioned, the Joker will be the complete opposite of Batman. So, as Batman who stands on the "absolutely neutral" position, what is the position of the opposite Joker?

The answer is "no position at all."

His projects so far include: telling jokes about alleys and parents, founding various one-off companies and groups for fun, deliberately becoming a victim of common crimes to cause trouble to the police, and provoking or providing opportunities to others. Super villains fight against Batman and then watch them get beaten up, perform talk shows while cutting off the signal when the TV station is playing unsightly programs, apply for the position of attending physician at Arkham Asylum with a complete profile and diploma, and sing raps while feeding bats The graffiti on the car, the people who took over the Gotham Police Department and then changed the Batlight to pink, etc., have no idea what he wants to do.

Since these insignificant actions did not have a major impact on Gotham and could help at some point, Bruce simply ignored them. Unless he caused too much trouble, he would be arrested along with the Penguin in the police. On the streetlight in front of the bureau.

Then, there is the "Unlaughing Joker" summoned from "Batman Fragments" from other worlds.

According to the interpretation of the fragments, Bruce learned that the Joker is keen to cause his Batman "just the right amount of trouble", that is, trouble that is "just a little short of being solved with all his strength". He will act A warning was issued three days before, and then all the other super criminals in Gotham who wanted to cause trouble were dealt with, so that Batman could recharge his batteries and be able to face him with full energy after the plan started - in a sense. Said, these three days are Batman's vacation.

For a long time, they maintained this delicate relationship, so that later, even the ordinary citizens of Gotham began to hold celebrations during these three days, carnivaling for three days first, and then on the night of the third day When it comes, the birds and beasts disperse.

Then, along came the "Court of Owls."

Batman, who was completely caught off guard by this attack from outside the world, struggled to fight off the "Claw" assassin who attacked him, and then faced the Joker's challenge in a fatigued state. He may have thought he could do it, but he was wrong. .

The Joker was originally practicing his smile and rehearsing his speech at the end of the level, but in the end what was waiting for him was the Penguin who came to him ecstatically and told him "Batman is dead".

The upturned corners of the clown's face suddenly drooped, looking like the face of the Penguin who had just had a close contact with the floor.

Gotham's super criminals went into a spree because of the death of Batman, but they soon discovered that they were happy too early. The madman with the clown face actually planned to kill them all on the grounds of "why not be serious".

The Joker who doesn't laugh vs. the entire Gotham, the Joker narrowly wins.

Then, the main force of the "Court of Owls" came and lifted him up along with the world.

Although the "Non-Laughing Joker" is very determined to call himself the Joker, as long as the medium used to summon him is still "Batman Fragments", then he is Batman.

The third clown is the clown of Batman who calls himself the Joker.

His origin is very clear. A white-collar worker from an ordinary maritime trading company in Gotham named Jack Dawsonja was sprayed with fear gas by the Scarecrow and replaced by laughing gas by the Joker on his way home from work, and then was attacked by the "Court of Owls" "-now confirmed that they are called Chitauri-caught, I don't know what happened to him in the process, but when the unsmiling clown patrolling nearby rushed to prepare to kill those aliens, Jack had become The new Joker ignores Bruce, the real Batman, and only pursues the Joker who doesn't laugh to cause trouble.

In his words, a psycho who thinks he is Batman is not interesting, but a Batman who thinks he is the Joker is more interesting. It would be even more interesting if he could be made to admit that he is Batman.

It's really hard to understand.

But it's like he can't understand why any other normal Joker would be obsessed with making Batman smile.

As Bruce Wayne, does he smile less while keeping the Wayne Group running? If you want to see it, you can dress up as a reporter and sneak into a dinner or cocktail party. You can take hundreds of different smiles in one night.

You laugh too much during the day so you don’t want to laugh at night. Is this natural? Even the Riddler will lose his head if you ask him to tell the same riddles all day long.

Then become a scarecrow.

Tsk——Bruce breathed out from the corner of his mouth, then shut up and straightened his expression.

Look, who said the world would be destroyed if Batman laughed?

"Master," Alfred knocked on the door of the study and walked in after getting permission. His face looked a little troubled: "We have a visitor."

"Huh? What's the problem?" Bruce asked strangely.

You know, even he doesn't know the real strength of this butler. The only thing that is certain is that the old bat, Alfred, who is Batman, has the second-most power among all "mutated Batman" after "Super Bat". "With its strength, if you are well prepared, there is no problem in defeating or even killing it.

Someone who can make him look embarrassed...

"The Elliot family, the Cobot family? The Kane family? It can't be the Falcone family, right?" Bruce said: "Just leave them out for a while. I really don't have any alien vehicles hidden away." , but they just don’t believe it.”

Bruce also wanted to study those dragon-like vehicles, but they have all fallen into the Atlantic Ocean of the "Bright Universe".

"No, Master, the person here is Mr. Joe Cole," Alfred replied: "He said he had a good idea and wanted to find Bruce Wayne to apply for an investment."


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