The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and seventy-two, North American Mythical War (112)


"give it to me--!】"

Quentin Baker had completely lost his mind, his whole person was shrouded in a layer of black mist, and he was chasing Sherlock with a posture like an animal on all fours, but his main attack method was still his "Suzuno". A huge "spirit behind" that is almost the same.

Taken as a whole, this strange combination looks like a "djinn" - Baker is the lamp.

Boom boom!

When the black fog giant is attacked, the attack will pass through it just like ordinary fog, with almost no impact. And when it attacks with its fists or the giant claws it conjures from time to time, it can easily tear apart anything blocking it. Everything ahead, whether it's the furniture in the Room of Requirement or the various magics shaped by the two teenagers.

This very obvious feature would have been solved by an experienced mage.

This seemingly powerful enemy can be easily eliminated by stunning Baker himself, condensing the mist, and confronting the Black Mist Giant head-on at the moment he attacks, or by purifying all the magic buffs on Baker.

If it was really difficult to deal with, I wouldn't be able to let it run free and become the subject of a special "final exam."

Although the house points have become regular points, and my Hogwarts does not have something as mysterious as the House Cup, it always looks better when the total score is higher, right?

"Hey, Moriarty! Do you have any way to subdue Professor Baker? I'm a brainiac and not good at fighting!" As the target being hunted by Baker, Sherlock didn't even stop casting spells. Run away in panic, or use some magic with extremely short casting time or instantaneous magic to contain it.

"Why don't you put out those fancy searchlights of yours and shine a light on him?" Moriarty waved his wand leisurely and used magic on Beck, but rather than trying to restrain or subdue him, it was more like he was testing different methods. The effect of magic on Baker: "Besides, I'm also a brain guy."

"I can only use that level of 'physical mutation' with the help of the professor!" Sherlock avoided Baker's attack again: "Maybe we should make the noise louder to attract the professor?"

"What do you think I just went out to do?" Moriarty replied.

"Aren't you an enthusiastic classmate who just came here and is brave enough to do what is right?" Sherlock responded.


'So what did he just do? ’ I cut to the corridor outside the Room of Requirement and found that there was only darkness.

It seems that he took the initiative to trigger a 'magic riot' in order to alert the professor on duty. The stupid system replied: He rushed back without even caring about the specific effect. 】

'Well... it seems that he simultaneously triggered energy transformation and space-time guidance, that is, dark attribute magic explosion and dark dimension erosion. He is worthy of being the person chosen by Dormammu.' I distinguished the effects in the corridor: 'So Who is on duty today? ’

Well...] ​​The stupid system cut the screen.

In the Hogwarts kitchen, Thor was eating hazelnuts while randomly instructing the automatic kitchen utensils to add oil and vinegar to the food.

Of course, there are no house elves in automatic kitchen utensils. Settings aside, who can eat the food made by a chef with that image without any grudges?

It's 'your Hogwarts' after all. 】

'Hmm... Although I knew that Baker would attack when Professor : 'Just in time, this bill can be sent to Odin. ’

This prince is a little further away from the throne. 】

'Anyway, there is no competitor, neither Hela, Baldr nor Loki has any idea of ​​becoming the King of Asgard. ’

It's Atreus. 】

'Okay, Atreus. ’

The second prince of Asgard has the status of "professor" and "student" at the same time. Taking advantage of his privilege, he neither teaches nor attends classes. However, whenever there is fun to watch, he will choose a suitable status to participate. Many Students all know that there is such a fun-loving classmate from the dark faction of Hela Academy, but they don't know exactly what his name is, which dormitory he lives in, or who his friends are.

By the way, Atreus's favorite topic is "guessing the identity of the mysterious Dean of Loki Academy." Those students who spoke freely must have never imagined that every point they raised was recorded by Atreus. , be prepared to find opportunities to realize them one by one, and "happen" to be discovered by students who support that view.

The "facts" that everyone believes are also "lies", worthy of the God of Deception.

Speaking of the students, it seems that among the first batch of students at Hogwarts there are quite a few characters who are obviously part of the show but not followers.

For example, "Slender Ghost", "Hatsune Miku", "Drax the Destroyer", "Peter Quill", "Gamora", and "Nebula".

There is also the Whomping Willow who is not a student and lives in the "Forbidden Forest", shouting "I am Groot" and waving his branches to beat him. There is also an upright raccoon who does not wear high-tech armor but rides a Firebolt.

The first two should be just random intrusions, but the latter ones are obviously time-inconsistent.

Judging from these key characters... the plot of Guardians of the Galaxy has completely collapsed.

At this point in time in 2013, they clearly shouldn't be 11-year-olds.

And even if Hogwarts were to functionally replace Karma Taj, they shouldn't be on Earth.

If anyone knows the specific reason, there is no doubt that it is "Alan Scott", the leader of the "Green Lantern Corps" who suddenly appeared. After all, he was the one who sent Gamora and Nebula as exchange students.

Could it be that... they arrested Thanos just when he started to destroy the planet, and adopted the little sisters by the way?

No, it’s not actually “sudden.” The original Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters has a superhero named “Cyclops.” Except for the color scheme and logo, his appearance is almost exactly the same as that of Green Lantern, especially the only one. A small mask that blocks his eyes, and has the same "Scott" in his name as the original Green Lantern.

And if we think about it in terms of the same voice acting or actor, "Deadpool" Wade Wilson and "Second Generation Green Lantern" Hal Jordan are the same person, and "Deadpool" is a character who can wear characters in the Marvel and DC worlds. For a guy who comes and goes, it makes sense to bring the entire Green Lantern Corps here... just weird.

The biggest and most likely reason is that the "Green Lantern Corps" is the "Green Light". Otherwise, there is no way to explain how the majestic commander of the Green Lantern Corps would treat me, Jin Jing, and Rachel Fisk, the little mermaid princess of Atlantis. He was so polite and invited me to visit.

After confirming that Sherlock and Moriarty were not in danger for the time being, and that Professor Then appeared in front of me.

"Welcome to Oaaa, Ms. Supreme Mage.]"

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