The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and seventy-five, North American Mythical War (115)

——Marvel, 2014——

Green Lantern Corps Headquarters]

Although his expectations were lowered by the unorthodox Wade, when Thomas stepped out of the "Green Lantern Hall of Valor", he was still shocked by the sight in front of him.

Outside the door is a wide platform on a high platform, where you can see a huge city that stretches all the way to the sky. The main colors of the city are green and black, and the architectural styles are not completely unified.

From cubes and cylinders that are easy to understand, to rectangular and tetrahedral buildings that make people worry about their internal structures; to inverted triangles and hemispherical buildings that seem to have no reason not to collapse; to those that make people wonder if the designer drank too much A twisted, mud-like building.

There are many air passages and flying vehicles of different shapes shuttled between buildings with different structures and functions. If you look closely, you can faintly see many humanoid or non-humanoid residents shuttled back and forth in the city.

"Welcome to the 'Center of the Universe', 'Sector 0', Oa - although Ion Shark has already said it once," Wade's voice came from behind: "Don't waste your time looking at those 'green light civilians' 'Come with me, hurry up and visit the headquarters and condense your own ring, and then Mr. Deadpool can go out and have fun."

"Sector 0?" Thomas decided not to expand on the topic of "liquing and drinking" and asked while following Wade who was leading the way.

"The arrogant Green Lantern Corps divided the universe into 3,600 sectors with this place as the center, and then arranged 7,200 'Green Lanterns' to manage these sectors, hehe," Wade sneered: "If the DC editorial department can Write out the names of all 7,200 Green Lanterns, and Mr. Deadpool will change his ways and become a good person."

"...?" Thomas felt that there seemed to be something missing in Wade's words, but he couldn't find out what was wrong for the moment, so he responded with what he could hear: "Most people don't call their good deeds 'returning to righteousness', right? ?”

"What a simple view of good and evil," Wade clapped his hands: "If anyone dares to say to Uncle Deadpool, 'You are a good person,' I will slap him with an avocado lake."

…Why avocado?

"Okay, this is the 'Foundry' located in the same sector as the Hall of Valor." Wade stopped and pointed to the steel building in front of him that looked like a huge furnace: "All Green Lantern rings and Green Lantern's regular equipment. They are all cast here. If you want to visit, you can go in by yourself. Uncle Deadpool has a friend he has never met who hates the noise."

"Friends" who "have never met"? Thomas tried to understand the meaning of this sentence, but quickly decided to give up.

"I'm not very interested in forging or casting," he said. "Let's go to the next-"


Before Thomas finished speaking, a cold light flashed in front of him, and the red-and-black monster was chopped in half from shoulder to waist, and black blood splashed all over his head and face.

Wade fell down, revealing a shirtless red-haired young man standing behind him, slowly putting away his knife.

"You still dare to come to the foundry?" The red-haired young man's voice was very young, but his tone was very old-fashioned: "I cut this knife for the forty-nine Muramasa that you ruined."

"You, him, this..." Thomas' logic was a little confused for a moment.

"Huh, you're actually bringing someone new?" The red-haired young man looked at Thomas: "I'll give you a piece of advice. No matter how good a young man is, you can't trust him for even a second - Ion Shark, treat this scumbag. Deduct the energy coins from me."

"'Hal Jordan' has been completely cured, 'Zong Zheng Mo' has spent 1,200 energy coins]" The ion shark did not appear, but the voice sounded nearby.

Wade seemed to have gone back in time and returned to his original state, even the blood splashing on Thomas disappeared.

"What a knife!" Wade didn't seem to care at all that he had just been cut in half. He looked very excited and jumped in front of the red-haired man named "Zongzheng Mo": "It happened that my two swords were notched. Why don't you just give it to me? Look, it's stained with my black blood."

"Don't let me see you again!" Zongzheng Mo threw the knife in his hand and the scabbard at Wade's face, and then walked into the foundry with square steps.


"He said it himself, the weapons he forged are 'unparalleled in the world.'" Wade rubbed the newly acquired weapons: "Then wouldn't it make sense for Mr. Deadpool to chop them off in pairs and leave only one?"

"……you deserve it."


After being cut in half once and given a new knife, Wade took Thomas to the "Center Sector" of the Green Lantern Corps' headquarters.

It can be clearly seen from here that the Green Lantern Corps headquarters is centered on this sector, with three petal-like arc-shaped platforms radiating outward, looking like a clover.

According to the signs on the roadside map, it can be seen that the "Green Lantern Hall of Valor" and "Foundry" are also located in the "Combat Readiness Sector", and the "Public Canteen", "New Warrior Theme Restaurant" and "Service Hall" are located in the "Service Sector". Zone", "Disaster Simulator" and "Planet Fortress" and "Sector House" are in the "Port Sector".

The "Central Conference Hall" and "Central Energy Battery" - the "Green Light Furnace", are in the central sector.

However, because these two facilities are very important and are not allowed to be approached during normal times, Wade only took Thomas outside for a circle and the task was completed.

"Hey, did you know? There is a secret 'dungeon sector' below the central sector," Wade pointed at his feet and winked. Fortunately, he could show it through his hood: "It is said that there are prisoners there. They are the most ferocious enemies, but unfortunately I never had the chance to be imprisoned. They would rather kill Mr. Deadpool than imprison me."

"..." Thomas decided not to point out the errors in his logic.

"You'd better not talk nonsense to the new guy, Wade."

At this time, a rich male voice came from the direction of the central energy battery. When Thomas turned around to look, he found that it was a tall and strong man with a strong body, a simple appearance, and a purple-red color.

"Hi, old man" Wade greeted him happily: "Are you on duty today? How is the situation of the lamps and furnaces?"

"It's very stable. Don't even think about disturbing it again." The strong man known as Lao Argon glared at Wade.

"Old Argon?" Thomas was curious about the name.

"Oh, this guy is an Argonian, and argon is a very inactive element, you know," Wade patted the strong man's shoulder...elbow: "His ability is that the effect of all attacks on him is reduced to The original 18%, if you want to kill him, you may have to find something that can kill him with one hit - ugh!"

"Where are you going to visit next?" Lao Argon turned to look at Thomas, his big hands still squeezing Wade's neck.

"Uh... service hall?" Thomas looked at the map: "He plans to explain to me the use of energy coins."

"Just listen, don't spend money." Old Argon raised his hand and waved his arms, throwing Wade, who was waving his hands and feet, like a discus into the service area.

"...Thank you." Thomas thanked the Argonian and walked to the elevator leading to the service area.


The "Service Hall" is a place that integrates the Green Lantern Corps' official services, private commissions, and free transactions - the latter two must be functions developed by the Green Lanterns themselves.

Formal services include "name change", "change of jurisdiction", "conflict arbitration", "promoting military rank", "accepting/submitting tasks", etc. As expected, the first name change only costs 500 energy coins, the more times you change it, , the more it costs - God knows how Wade raised the cost of changing his name to 10,000.

Among them, "accepting tasks" and "promoting military rank" are two in one.

Just looking at the Green Lantern Corps Code, every Green Lantern seems to have become a selfless devotee of saving lives, but in fact, the "Ion Shark" regularly issues tasks to the Green Lanterns, including "reconnaissance", "exploration", "Recruitment", "Destruction", "Rescue", "Construction" and "Development", the tasks will reward certain 'energy coins' and 'merit' points.

Every time a task is completed, Ion Shark will ask whether to continue accepting new tasks. If the previous task is not completed or fails, the difficulty and reward of the newly accepted task will decrease.

Theoretically speaking, if a Green Lantern is diligent enough, he might even be able to catch up with the achievements of a veteran in one year after joining the group.

When the merit is high enough, the Green Lantern's rank in the Green Lantern Corps will also increase accordingly. After the rank is raised, in addition to being able to take on more difficult missions with more rewards, it is mainly manifested in that it can obtain more power from the lantern furnace and increase its combat effectiveness. powerful.

As long as you work hard, you will become stronger. This sounds really attractive, doesn't it?

If you encounter difficulties in the mission, you can also ask other Green Lanterns for help by setting up a "Private Request" at the cost of——

"Are you new? We provide a stable task replacement here. You get the merit and I get the energy coins. It's the best of both worlds. What do you think?" A high-pitched voice sounded in the ears of Thomas who was browsing the task list.

Thomas turned around and saw a... uh, translucent jellyfish floating in the air?

He or she looks similar to a jellyfish on Earth, but there are dots of light and cloud-like things floating in the body.

Although there are many strange-looking Green Lanterns in the service hall, he/she is particularly strange - there is no green color at all.

"This is my business card," Jellyfish handed a green card to Thomas: "The 'Starry Night Soul' family is your best choice to quickly increase your military rank and catch up with the large army."

"Hmm..." Thomas looked at the card and then at the jellyfish, not knowing how to respond.

After swiping, the card was snatched away by Wade, who was looking very embarrassed.

"JJ?" He narrowed his eyes - or the hole in his hood: "Where's KK?"

"..." Jellyfish seemed to tremble: "He is dealing with a long-term commission."

"Nonsense, that commission was assigned to him by me," Wade rubbed his chin and mumbled, "Sure enough, tracking a... um, that kind of thing, even a green lighthouse jellyfish, isn't it?"

"Even if KK is not here, I can still handle the commission. Your friend doesn't seem to have a high military rank." The starlight on the jellyfish known as JJ became a little brighter: "I——"

"You can't," Wade threw the card back: "If you don't want to be fired, just stay out of business for two years."


Thomas followed Wade, who suddenly fell silent, to the last place to visit: the port sector.

The landmark buildings here include the "Disaster Simulator", "Planet Fortress" and "Sector House". Among them, the "Planet Fortress" serves as a dock for the landing and take-off of spacecraft and individuals arriving at Oa using non-teleportation means. , the "Sector House" is equivalent to the waiting hall.

From a functional point of view, the "disaster simulation device" is incompatible with them, but in fact, this device is the soul of the other two landmarks.

The disaster simulation device can predict a disaster that will occur in a certain place, obtain relevant information through the "Sector House" and then issue a commission. Then the Green Lantern responsible for handling this time will set off from the "Planet Fortress" on a battleship to stop the disaster.

Originally, as long as they visited the three buildings in sequence, the two people's tasks would be completed. Thomas would officially become a Green Lantern and return to Atlantis to report that his family was safe, and Wade would also be able to obtain a considerable sum of money. , able to do whatever he wants.

But Wade just stared at the "disaster simulation device" in a daze.

"Are you having any trouble?" Thomas asked proactively: "About...kk?"

"I asked a jellyfish to solve a crisis that could destroy the planet. Isn't it a bit evil?" Wade said.

"It depends on whether he has the ability to solve it, and whether he deceived this when transferring the task." Thomas responded.

"Theoretically, there is no problem, as long as he doesn't mess around," Wade looked up at the ceiling: "Hell, is there a time when he doesn't mess around? I won't kill him, right? Wuwuwu..."

This kind of reaction... It seems that he really kept the jellyfish in the dark.

"I asked you, can you ask me for help in a more normal way?" At this time, a voice spoke very fast: "Oh my god, we already have a photographic memory and we have to record your meaningless actions and words. It's just criminal."

Sir, you can take out the "simply".

Thomas looked in the direction where the sound came from, and out of the closed-to-visit part of the "Disaster Simulation Device" came out an alien who was as thin as a scarecrow and was green in color.

"This is 'Unnamed Color'," Wade said: "His race is very strange. His name has nothing to do with his family, but consists of his life creed and hobbies."

So he is a person who has not yet found his life creed and likes... uh...

"Asshole Wade Wilson, my name is Wumingsei, which means a good fighter with no illustrious achievements, a good doctor with no brilliant achievements," the lanky alien who called himself Wumingshu said angrily: "Next time you are cut into seven or eight pieces. I will never sew you up again.”

So, this is a... doctor?

Thomas briefly thought about the Green Lanterns he had met so far.

Assassins, human shields, scouts, doctors... The acquaintances Wade has recruited along the way can already assemble a team, although the captain is a freak.

……etc? I am not included in this team, right?

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