The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and seventy-seven, North American Mythical War (117)

——Marvel, 2014——

Deadpool transport helicopter】

This is a large transport helicopter that is all green, lacking in structure and details, has no pilot, the rotor does not rotate, and there is a bar in the cabin.

At this moment, it has just taken off from the planetary fortress on Oa and headed for space.

The conversation between guest correspondent Wade Wilson and the port control tower is as follows:

"Green Lantern 'Hal Jordan', please explain your mission.]"

"Uncle Deadpool is going to the dock to order French fries."

"Can you please explain...what? Okay, permission to leave Hong Kong.]"

"Asshole! You stopped asking! What is the mission that is more formal, more valuable, and more in line with the interests of the legion?"

"call ended.】"

Because there are so many outrageous things, Thomas is too lazy to complain about them one by one.

"So, where are we going to get our fries on the dock?" he asked.

"Humph, since you asked sincerely, Mr. Deadpool will tell you mercifully." Wade put one hand on his hips and the other making a V in front of his eyes.

"I suddenly don't want to know." Thomas rolled his eyes.

"Dangdang! It's the imaginary number space]!" Wade said with his mouth.


"You don't understand this? Come on, one of you can explain it to the new recruits?" Wade pointed to the other passengers.

The humanoid knifesmith is wiping his sword, while the strong Argonian leans silently against the aircraft cabin wall, the lighthouse jellyfish sparkles but makes no sound, and the lanky amphibian doctor hesitates to speak.

"Very good, you don't want to steal the limelight from Mr. Deadpool," Wade nodded with satisfaction: "Then let the leader explain the basic knowledge of the universe to the new recruits."

Suddenly taking an astronomy class?

"The entire universe is like a piece -" Wade raised his hand to make a gesture, but nothing happened, so he began to shake his arms vigorously: "piece by piece..."


With a reluctant buzzing sound, a shining metal disc appeared in the sky.

" a hard drive!" Wade completed the words.

Oh, that's true. When he heard that the Green Lantern Corps divided the entire universe into "3tors", Thomas had a similar idea, but he felt that it was a bit laborious to think of the three-dimensional universe as flat sectors, so he gave up further thinking.

"The universe is a 'hard drive' and jurisdictions are 'sectors', so the 'intelligent creatures' that the Lantern Corps wants to protect are naturally 'data storage'." Wade conjured a branch from nowhere and placed it on the disc phantom. Write and Huahua: "You may not believe it, but planets and space without intelligent creatures are just 'hard disk space' and do not exist. No matter what happens in those places, the Legion will not care."

Under the premise of accepting that the universe is a hard disk, this inference is understandable, Thomas nodded.

"Since you have such an advanced iron case, I won't explain computer-related things. To put it simply," Wade poked at the "hard drive" again: "If there are 'sectors' and 'data', there will be 'Bad sectors'."

Unreadable area, hmm.

"'Sectors' without 'data', even if there are 'bad sectors', can't be found?" Thomas asked.

"That's right, the bad sectors produced in that kind of place can only be 'physical bad sectors', but what the Lantern Corps often deals with are mostly 'logical bad sectors' caused by the activities of intelligent creatures," Wade stared at Asking Thomas, "Do you understand what we are going to do?"

Bad sectors...imaginary number space...

"We want to access the 'data' on the 'physical bad sectors'?" he tried to ask.

"So smart! As expected of a newcomer personally recruited by Uncle Deadpool!" Wade patted him on the shoulder: "'Logical bad sectors', sometimes 'data' can be handled by themselves, but they can't handle 'physical bad sectors' at all. There’s nothing you can do about it, and you’re influenced by bad guys that you can’t even find.”

"But we are considered 'data', how can we access...oh." Thomas paused mid-sentence.

"Yes, have you thought of it?" Wade continued to pat him on the shoulder: "We have the almighty 'green light energy'! It allows us to go to the 'physical bad sectors' to repair them - and then gain a lot of 'merits' and 'Energy Coin'!"

If he didn't say that last sentence, he would really look like a hero - even though his appearance is not up to par.

"I think there shouldn't be such a good thing as 'go in, fix it, come out, and get a reward'?" Thomas asked.

"Ha, don't you think that a place that won't be found by anyone in this universe is an excellent refuge?" Wade raised his hand and turned the "hard drive": "Almost every 'physical bad sector' There is a 'cosmic demon' who likes to cause trouble, and they like the way others hate them but are helpless, and no one except Deadpool can deal with them."

Well, Thomas roughly understood the current situation: no reinforcements, deep in the tiger's den, narrow escape, and huge rewards.

"As for the target..."

"Of course they are the four biggest 'natural disasters' in the universe," Wade pointed out the window: "The eating evil of the world]'Nidhogg', the thread of life]'Knull', the whisper of the void]' Jörmungandr jand', instrument of desire] 'Yin Ge ego'."

"...There are two names that sound familiar." Thomas responded.

Nidhogg and Jormungandr are both monsters in Norse mythology, right? Judging from the abilities of "Shazam", the pantheon of this universe should be from Greece. Of course, since he is just an ordinary person, it cannot be concluded that the Nordic gods do not exist at all.

"If you plan..."

"You still have to ask? Hold on, push harder, DPS will hit you hard!" Wade waved his hand.

"..." Thomas looked at the other teammates.

"No matter what kind of demon you are, as long as you are struck by me, you will definitely be injured, and it cannot be cured by means other than green light energy." Zongzheng Street continued to wipe his knife without looking up.

"Adapt to circumstances and go all out," Old Argon said in a deep voice: "Wade never has a plan. The greater his ability, the less responsible he becomes."

"My ability to collect intelligence is very strong. At the same time, because I have no conventional brain structure, I will not be affected by mental interference abilities." Starry Night Soul JJ's body flashed.

"As the best doctor of the Green Lantern Corps, as long as it is not destroyed, I will definitely be able to save you. Especially Lao Argon, I really like his ability to forcibly reduce the damage to one-fifth. I have a sister who wants to introduce him to him. It's a pity. He firmly refused," Wuming Se said.

"Hmm..." Thomas began to think about how to use his skills to cooperate with them.

"Their codenames are -" Wade finally found a chance to speak: "'Indestructible Force', 'Unshakable Thing', 'Mindless' and 'Unhappy'."

Is the style difference between code names a bit big?

"Okay! Pre-war mobilization is over," Wade punched the cabin wall: "Let's go!"

Are you mobilized? !

Before Thomas could say anything, the helicopter was covered with a layer of green, and then turned into a meteor flying backwards, disappearing into the night sky in an instant.

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