The Collection of The End

Chapter 218 The Princess and the Master

My name is Akatosh,

I'm stalking a few members of the Dark Brotherhood who intend to enforce the contract.

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 30th, 15:37—

"Oh? So you're Brinjoff's new apprentice. It doesn't look like much."

A strong Nord with half-bald hair and wearing a studded chain mail blocked the corridor tightly, and he was still holding a double-sided ax tightly in his hand. His guarding posture made Parathos hold it tightly He took the long sword in his hand.

"Okay, Dazhi, we are not being followed, and I can guarantee that this Mr. Parry is reliable enough." Brynchov's expression at this time was much more relaxed than when he was on the surface and facing the boxer. The safety of the big flagon stronghold is very assured.

"Hmph." The strong man called "Da Zhi" put away his ax and turned sideways to get out of the way. Only then did Parasus discover that there was a big depression on the wall of the corridor beside him. As long as the man turned slightly inward Shrinking back, it is impossible for passers-by to notice him, while Dazhi can easily swing an ax to split malicious intruders in half.

Obviously he himself is not like a thief...

"Even if you become a member of us, you are not allowed to act recklessly." When Parasus passed by Dazhi, he added a warning.

"This is just one of the entrances of the guild," Brynchov said to Parathos while leading the way: "We will change the entrance and exit path from time to time. After all, everyone in Rift Valley knows that our headquarters is in In the Rat Path, if we can be found easily, Marwen Blackthorn will definitely not let go of the opportunity to take us away."

"I thought we were a cooperative relationship." Parathos said to Brynjov, looking at this narrow, mossy passage that was obviously not commonly used.

"It's more like the relationship between a rhinoceros and a hornbill, if you know that kind of animal." Brynchov didn't explain in detail, but Parazos still understood what he meant.

The rhinoceros is a strong and solid creature, it has almost no natural enemies, the only problem is that the gap between the teeth may be blocked by debris after eating, so it will open its mouth wide after eating, waiting for a species called "hornbill" The birds landed in the mouth to pick its teeth. From the perspective of outsiders, these birds are in a very dangerous situation, but unless the rhino has not eaten for a long time, it will not close its mouth.

Then, similarly, what Brinjoff called "one pot" does not mean that the Blackthorn family wants to destroy the Thieves Guild, but that it will be "thoroughly controlled" by it. As a big noble who can actually control the entire Rift Valley City, there is always It must feel bad for a small group of people to be out of control.

Now, here’s the trouble, Parasos thought as he followed Brynchov, there’s no need to worry about the princess’s stealth talent outside the specification, but he just changed his clothes, if the Blackthorn family is targeting the thieves During the guild, the origin of each member was strictly checked, and he was likely to be recognized as the scout captain of the sharp-eyed eagle, and then launched a search and arrest operation, which exposed the fact that Her Royal Highness was in Rift Valley City. Although it is completely impossible to be caught, But the princess's original plan was accidentally destroyed...

"Hehe, don't worry, I know that although you 'adventurers' dare to meddle in everything, you hate trouble the most. Since we have been able to persist for so many years without collapsing, we still have something to rely on." Brinjov felt " Parry"'s silence and looked back, and said to him.


"This is Nocturnal, the statue and altar of the Lady of the Night." A corner of the broken jug, Sapphire and little vex are introducing the various facilities of the guild to Amir, since last night Her outstanding actions in the Golden Manor made Xiao Fan less critical of Sapphire's hastily pulling people in, but she was still not enthusiastic enough for Amir, so she just followed silently.

"... Oh." Wearing a blue leather skirt armor,

Emil, wearing a black plush scarf, looked up at the huge female statue over three meters high. She did not enter the looming stealth state. After all, if that was the case, only Sapphire could see her.

This statue is a very temperamental woman wearing gauze, but because it is a sculpture, it cannot show the elegance of the gauze and is a bit dull. She maintains the posture of raising one hand, while the palm is Holding three unidentifiable species of birds.

"That's 'Nightingale', the spokesperson of Lady of the Night in this world. It is said that the three giants of the Thieves Guild were all Nightingales. After they disappeared inexplicably, no new Nightingale was born. If it weren't for the blessing of the lady It still exists, and we almost wonder if they were punished for angering him." Sapphire noticed Amir's gaze and explained.

"...Blessing?" Emil tilted her head in doubt, and since the plush scarf covered half of her face, the doubt in her eyes was very obvious.

Sapphire thought for a while, took out 10 gold coins from her pocket, and gently placed them on the altar directly under the statue of Nocturnal. As a result, those gold coins disappeared in front of their eyes, and the sapphire that had just put down the money became a little transparent.

"That's it." Sapphire's voice also seemed a little ethereal, "In the next hour, it is almost impossible for me to sneak, unlock, and pickpocket."

" hour." Emil said thoughtfully.

"It is precisely because this 'blessing' has a time limit that we cannot expand our business to other cities, but at the same time, as long as we are in Rift Valley City, we cannot be completely defeated." Slightly hoarse but sounds very friendly A man's voice sounded behind him, and Sapphire turned around and saw Brinjov and his new recruit, who should be named "Pari".

"Hi, I'm Safir Malloy, you can call me Sapphire," Sapphire greeted the newcomer: "This is Xiaofan and Amir, we are both Masters of the guild."

Sapphire has seen many such "adventurers" who joined out of curiosity, and only Brynchov would regard them as the fresh blood of the guild. Such people may be very interested in participating in some missions at first, but They will soon leave voluntarily because they are dissatisfied with the cumbersome tasks and the many restrictions. Some people even organize their own nondescript thieves guilds, such as "Shadow of Summer Dusk", but because they are purely out of selfish desires, they are exterminated It's also a matter of time.

"Master? Oh." Brinjov, who is also a master, was a little surprised, but his professionalism kept him from getting to the bottom of it. Sapphire gave him an appreciative look.

"Master" refers to the title granted by the guild to members who have outstanding skills or have made great contributions. Of course, it can also be recommended by two or more masters. After obtaining this title, there are some privileges in the guild that are better than nothing, such as Prioritize the selection of tasks, or increase the share, but you will also receive more difficult tasks.

"For Malloy, what is your relationship with Glover Malloy and Delvin Malloy?" The newcomer didn't seem to understand the meaning of "master", nodded to the three women and then turned to Sapphire asked.

"That's my father and his brother." Sapphire's voice gritted his teeth: "Are they fighting again?"

"I heard them arguing when I passed by the tavern, shouldn't they fight?" Parry said uncertainly.

"I'll go and have a look, little trouble, you can continue to show her around." She rushed past Parry.

Whether the two of them were finished, Sapphire walked towards the tavern angrily.

Glover Malloy, her father, used to be a thief, but now he is a blacksmith. In order to cooperate with the bandits to rob a certain wealthy village, he went undercover first, but unexpectedly got married with the village chief’s daughter, Sapphire’s mother. Falling in love, he managed to get the thieves to dispel the idea of ​​looting, and stayed in that village to spend some sweet days with Sapphire's mother. All his life" was a source of terror, and he fled after throwing all his savings to his wife, the most numerous of which was the blue gem.

Without Glover's persuasion, the village chief no longer hid his strengths and concealed his wealth as he did before facing the robbers, and was finally targeted by the robber group again. At that time, Sapphire was less than ten years old. The mage rescued them, and Sapphire could hardly imagine what would happen to the villagers in that village and herself.

After growing up, she relied on the clues left by her father and the dagger with magical power to search around, and finally joined the Thieves Guild in Skyrim Province with her new friend Xiao Fan, who was said to be very well-informed, and then met her uncle , Delvin Malloy.

Delwin was originally a construction worker. At that time, he was only hired to renovate the jug in various aspects. As a result, he fell in love with Xiaofan at first sight, so he refused to leave and became a thief. However, unlike his brother, Xiaofan was completely against He made no pretense—not many girls would be interested in an old man twice his age.

Originally, Sapphire regarded the confrontation between the two of them as a joke, but through the channels of the Thieves Guild, he finally found his father on Southam Island and brought him back and the brothers recognized each other—the uncle fell in love with his girlfriend or something, It was so embarrassing that I wanted to die.

The most important thing is that now the two of them have clearly become important members of the Thieves Guild, but they quarrel and even fight over old accounts when they have nothing to do. Are they worthy of being brothers?

"You two 'abandoned wives and daughters' and 'old cows eat young grass' guys!" Sapphire rushed into the tavern, slammed the table vigorously, and shouted at the two middle-aged men who were very similar in appearance and were wrestling together: "Do you know that we have a newcomer today? You've lost all your face! Stop it! Sit down!"

"Hmm... Do you want to tell Safir that the newcomer she's talking about is looking at you?" "Forget it... unless you want to be read by her for an extra hour..." Brother Malloy sat obediently and waited for the scolding muttering to each other.

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