The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and eighty-six, North American Mythical War (126)

——bc, 1719——

Thebes, Temple of the Ennead.

The variously dressed nine-pillar statues were looking condescendingly at "High Priest Yin Morton" who, after expelling all the monks, began to wander around the temple like a headless fly.

"'sunwukong'? 'sunwukong'? Where are you?"

With the intelligence support of the green light ring, Thomas successfully completed attending the Pharaoh's banquet and the subsequent dusk sacrifice. Although there would be a morning sacrifice the next morning, he had no time to care about so much now and had to call the monkey. Come out and ask clearly.

Atlanna, no, Pharaoh's fiancée Ansuna, had been staring at her during banquets and sacrifices after winning the contest.

As a distinguished guest and the host of a ceremony, it was normal for him to be stared at, but that look was obviously abnormal. If I had to describe it, yes, after Atlanna was injured and drifted to the lighthouse she was guarding, until both parties expressed their feelings for each other, This was the way she looked at her before they became husband and wife.

There was no possibility of mistaken identity, because he specifically looked for a mirror to look at. This "High Priest Yin Morton" looked exactly like Thomas Curry himself with a shaved head.

Although saying this now may seem like a good deal, he didn't think about that at all when he rescued Atlanna. He only thought about taking good care of the "young lady in distress" and waiting for her family to take her back. Keep a lot of money for yourself or something like that.

Now he must find the "sunwukong" who seems to have thrown him into this era and ask if it is Atlanna.

Atlantis should have nothing to do with ancient Egypt. It may just look similar, but what if, what if the time and space turbulence caused by the "Kang the Conqueror" who claimed to be from the 30th century swept Atlanna away? Come in?

Is this pharaoh important in history? If you kill it directly, it won't have any impact, right?

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha" At this time, a thin laugh came out.

Thomas searched in the direction where the sound came from, and finally found a small box behind the statue of Lara. When he opened it, a golden-armored monkey many times smaller was inside, patting his leg armor and laughing.

"sunwukong?" Thomas called in surprise.

"My name is 'Li Dihuo redeemer'." The little monkey in the box responded.


"The top knows for five hundred years, the middle knows for five hundred years, the bottom knows for five hundred years, and the total knows for fifteen hundred years." The little monkey scratched his head: "What do you want to ask, tell me quickly." "

"..." After hearing this "five hundred years", Thomas felt a little ptsd, his brain twitched, and he asked directly: "What is the last digit of pi?"

"Hey, it's '42'.]" The little monkey who called himself "Emperor Goods" replied.

"Can you prove it?"

"Can you falsify it?]"

Why did it suddenly enter the stage of sophistry?

Thomas decided to drop the question and ask what he really wanted to know: "Is that Atlanna?"

"Hehe, yes and no," Li Dihuo scratched the back of his hairy hand, "For some reason, 'Yin Morton' and 'Ansuna' are bound. When one of them appears, 'the other half ' will appear at the same time, but unless both of them are qualified to 'travel through the world', then the one attached is just an indigenous person with no memory and the same appearance, not the person.】"

In this case, you can safely let her marry Pharaoh - that's weird, right?

Not even without memory! After all, they look exactly the same!

"So what is my mission in this era? 'Sunwukong' won't throw me here for no reason, right?" Thomas asked.

Complete the task quickly and leave, so as not to suffer from stomachache.

"The task is very simple," Li Dihuo replied: "You need to mess up the sacrifices of Shu, Horus, Amon, Aton and Mehen in sequence without anyone noticing, oh , it doesn’t matter if the last one is discovered, because there will be no next mission.】"

These Egyptian gods... range from the main god to the subordinate gods and branch animal gods, and their powers span six unrelated realms.

It is precisely because there is no contact that it is troublesome. Their sacrifices cannot be arranged together at all. Under the condition of ensuring that no one will become suspicious, even if the order is changed once a week, it will take at least 42 days to go through it again.


Thomas glanced at the Lidi goods in the box. He was scratching his head and looking around, pretending not to know anything.

Well...for now, there is no big problem with this task. As the high priest, he has the right to arrange the specific content of the sacrifice. The only person who can interfere with him in holding the sacrifice, or even hold it on his behalf, is the Pharaoh himself. But before The old man I saw at the banquet obviously didn't have the hobby of spending time and effort just to attract attention.

The general process of worshiping gods is as follows: priests and monks bathe and burn incense, wear sacred clothes for the gods, and offer clean food once in the morning and evening. There are many places where you can do things with your hands and feet. In order to avoid being discovered, you can also use green light energy to cover it up. As long as these gods don't suddenly show up and slap him to death.

After confirming the current mission, Thomas relaxed a little. The Pharaoh had just returned from an expedition to the city-state of Nubis. He had a lot to deal with. He probably wouldn't be interested in marrying Ya, ahem, Ansuna in a short time. He only had to wait until 42 days. After he leaves this world, he can...

"High Priest Yin Morton——" A monk announced loudly outside the temple: "Miss Ansuna, the Pharaoh's envoy, is visiting——"

"...Invite her in."

"Hehehe...]" Li Dihuo jumped on the spot and closed the lid of the box by himself.

Thomas tidied up his pure black priest clothes and put on an extra desert cloak, then stood in front of the statue of Ra and waited for Ansuna.

The pharaoh himself also liked to send his favorite concubines to convey orders, which was no big deal, although it was a bit strange that they hadn't consummated their marriage yet——


He saw a mermaid.

Ansuna was wearing a long dress that seemed to be spliced ​​together with silver scales. The long skirt dragged on the ground like a fish tail. There were strings of gold and jewelry hanging on her body. Under the light of the fire, she looked like she was in the sea. The pearls, veil and light gauze scarf constantly shaking on her shoulders made her look like she was swimming in the sea.


From being attacked on the territory of the Trench Clan, to being rescued by Deadpool and becoming the Green Lantern, to fighting against the Void Realm entity with his friends, to being intercepted by the Conqueror Kang when he was about to succeed, to finally coming to ancient Egypt inexplicably.

The pressure accumulated along the way made Thomas almost lose his temper when he saw this extremely familiar figure, of course, just almost.

"Thank you for your fair judgment during the competition, High Priest Yin Morton," Ansuna saluted him: "Princess Ophelia, whose mother's family is from Babylon, has always wanted to hinder our Hittie Empire's efforts to join the Hittie Empire. Egyptian marriage, we would be grateful if you could facilitate this.”

You did a great job, Your Highness Princess!

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