The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and eighty-nine, North American Mythical War (129)

On Oa, beneath the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps.

It may be difficult for ordinary Green Lanterns to imagine that there is a super huge cavity directly under the huge, well-equipped Green Lantern Corps headquarters. There is also a vast underground lake in the cavity, and the island in the middle of the lake. On top, there is also a huge inverted tower that spirals downward. Of course, it is green.

The entire "High-tech Prison" is spiraling downward, looking like a huge drill that goes deep into the ground, and all the cells are on the "spiral" of the "drill". At the same time, the size of each cell, the types of doors and windows, and the internal facilities All are different.

"This is the last stop of our visit, the 'High Tech Prison'," Ion Shark swung his tail and led the way after my boat docked at the dock: "The Green Lantern Corps and those who pose a threat to intelligent creatures, all In the process of fighting various things, we often encounter things that cannot be destroyed, are difficult to destroy, or are inconvenient to destroy. Before finding a more reliable way to deal with them, we can only 'imprison' or 'contain' them, and the original prisoner , or the contained object is the 'Apocalypse' numbered 'ssr001'.】"

"...What are the letters after the number?" I was originally observing the structure of this inverted tower, but I accidentally heard a ridiculous naming method.

"It is the probability of encountering them when each Green Lantern goes on a mission, which is roughly divided into common n, rare r, rare sr and super rare ssr]," Ion Shark replied: "Although it sounds a bit strange, this grading standard is high-tech. It was stipulated when the prison was first established. The Green Lanterns have considered changing it in meetings many times, but they have never been able to reach an agreement.]"


'Whoever founded the Green Lantern Corps must not be a decent person. ’

Are you talking about yourself? 】The stupid system complained at the right time.

‘The person who sets this standard must be dishonest. ’

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. 】

‘It’s so noisy! ’

I pulled my hat and looked at the contents in the nearest "cell".

The number of this room is "n8700", but the thing inside does not look like a living thing. It is a black suitcase placed neatly on an ordinary table. The whole room looks like an ordinary rental room. Room.

"What is that? A box that bites people? It must be very weak with such a low number." I complained casually.

"The number of the contained objects is not recorded in the order of storage,]" Ion Shark replied: "But it is indeed very harmless and weak. Do you want to take a look?"

"Huh? Is that okay?" Although I don't think there is anything that can pose a threat to me, is it inappropriate to touch it easily? What about security measures?

Is it possible that the ion shark is the strongest security measure? 】


"Of course, we are not the target of its influence." The ion shark swam to the door and flicked its tail to unlock the door: "It's okay even if you hold it directly with your hands. Of course, it's best not to do that."

By the way, do you have any hands?

I walked into the room, made a general check that there were no other strange things in the room, and then opened the suitcase.

It was a golden "Blue Eyes White Dragon" card.

You third-rate duelist! With a fourth-rate deck! 】

…Great, there will no longer be poker kings with weird hairstyles in this world.

"'n8700', also known as 'Blue Eyes White Dragon worth 87 million', its speciality is that as long as it is taken to any trading place with an auction function, it will be sold for '87 million', regardless of What currency is used locally?" Ion Shark said: "When Green Lantern goes to a remote star field where currency exchange has not yet been opened, he can apply to use it to obtain local currency as operational funds, but he must use legal means to recover it afterwards, otherwise Things purchased with this '87 million' will be completely damaged inexplicably.]"

I really wanted to complain, but I didn't know which aspect to complain about at the moment. In the end, I casually asked about the conditions for using the expression, closed the suitcase and left this "cell".


Next, I continued down the road under the leadership of Ion Shark, and listened to her explanation and visit to the shelters along the way.

Generally speaking, almost all contained objects belong to "unknown territory" rather than "order destruction", because they all have almost harsh trigger conditions and fixed effects. They are so ordered that they can no longer be ordered, but the effects are a bit hard to describe.

For example, "n095", this contained object looks like just a mask, but it has two effects at the same time: "preventing the wearer from being infected by the virus", and "making the wearer strongly hostile to other similar people who are not wearing 'n095'" ".

Is this the same kind of certification?

Another example is "r002", which can hardly even be called a contained object. It is a block pattern displayed on a smartphone. After anyone touches the phone, the color will change randomly. The specific effect is: "Picture The eucalyptus is green: no effect", "the eucalyptus is yellow: the movement speed is reduced by half", "the eucalyptus is red: cannot be moved by any means".

Is this thing a traffic light? It looks like it could be used to trick The Flash.

At present, it seems that most of the "n" and "r" level things are close to the ground. The deeper you go down, the more "r"s and the fewer "n"s. It is not until you go fifty floors below the ground that you can The first "sr" appears.

This time the "cell" looks like a transparent wardrobe, and the "containment object" is a large protective suit hanging inside with a complete set of parts. From the outside, it doesn't seem to be anything special.

"'sr049', 'stomatologist'," Ion Shark explained: "It will only show specialness when it is worn by a humanoid creature with hands and there is a humanoid creature with a mouth opposite it. The person wearing 'sr049' Will uncontrollably attempt to use the swab carried by 'sr049' to examine the target humanoid's mouth.]"

"Uh...then?" This boring effect is probably an "r" at most.

"After the examination is completed, the subject will make a judgment by tossing a coin. If the coin lands on heads, the subject will disappear for 7 to 14 days and will have no memory of this period. If the coin lands on tails, the subject will disappear. The physical fitness of the subject will be greatly enhanced in the next 48 hours.]" Ion Shark swung its tail: "We generally believe that the pros and cons of this judgment are wrong.]"

"What else? Are there no restrictions on users? In that case, wouldn't this be an enhancement method with a 50% chance of being effective?" I asked.

"The user will start sweating profusely after putting on 'SR049' and must replenish water at any time, otherwise they will faint before completing the examination. In addition, the same person can only use it once a week.]" Ion Shark continued to explain.

Well... In this way, the risks and benefits of using it are proportional.

"Since you have penetrated more than fifty floors of the 'High-tech Prison' and have not been judged as a target that needs to be contained by the High-tech Prison, then we can start to speed up.]" Ion Shark suddenly opened his mouth to talk about other topics.

What? Wait—meaning!

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