The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and ninety-one, North American Mythical War (131)

"You went to see other women! You went to see other women!]"

‘…How do I turn this thing off? ’

I held the small stone statue by the back of its neck and watched it—perhaps I should call her—hanging in the air, showing its teeth and claws, and making noisy noises.

Teleporting and twisting the neck sounds very cruel, but this premise has already determined the location where she will appear. As long as she disappears and reaches behind her neck, she can be picked up.

Of course, this is mainly because she is worried about breaking her own neck. For this special existence, "repairing it as before" is of no use.

If you can't turn it off, you have to wait for her to stop it on her own. ] The stupid system gloated: At least there is no relevant record about this in the Green Lantern Corps' files. 】

'So, how did they take her in? ’

During the 10-minute 'rest time' every 45 minutes, she is completely harmless and can be transported and contained.] The stupid system replied: Even if she is in the 'blackened pursuit' state, she will still be in the 'rest time' 'Start back to your original position. 】

'Once she is triggered, she will either stare at her non-stop for 45 minutes or endure the noise for 45 minutes. Where does this baby cry at night come from? ’

"You went to see another woman!]" 173 shouted persistently.

Okay, okay, yes, yes.

After confirming that I couldn't shake the stone statue away, I carried her and continued to search for "ssr001".

The reason why I use "search" is because the deepest environment of this "high-tech prison" seems to be changing at any time. In addition to the front, left, and right, the "back" can also be regarded as a road. More than once, after taking a step, Looking back after the door, the containment environment that we just walked through has changed into something we have never seen before.

If nothing else, this "Rubik's Cube" adjustment should prevent some contained objects from becoming "neighbors" for too long and causing some mystical reactions. After all, these things that abide by "absolute order", if each other When encountered, it is impossible to judge based on common sense what will happen.

Do you want to look at the girl you are carrying before you speak? 】

‘I will keep carrying her until she is handed over to the ion shark. After all, she is not in any danger——’

"You went to see another woman!]" 173 suddenly started struggling, aiming at a holding room that he had just passed.

Um? Her judgment should be based on the gaze of "intelligent creatures", right?

I looked at the containment room. It turned out to be a very rare transparent wall. I could clearly see the magma flowing around like a stream inside and the rockery made of obsidian, which continuously flowed magma outward.

I looked carefully, but there was no sign of any intelligent creature at all.

Boom boom boom——

Perhaps because I had been observing outside the wall for too long, the obsidian rockery suddenly erupted, and a large amount of smoke, dust and magma spewed out, and then were "absorbed" by the ceiling and walls of the transparent room respectively, without any accumulation or spillage.

Um? Three-dimensional image or space system effect?

Before I could think about it clearly, a black dragon with flames all over its body crawled out from the crater. It stared in my direction with its glowing red eyes and uttered human words at the same time:

"How lucky I am, usually I have to leave the nest to find food.]"


"In this world, time is your enemy, but it is my comrade. This time that you think is under your control is actually your master."


"My name is Deathwing! The Destroyer of Destiny! The Terminator of all things! Unstoppable! Unstoppable! I am the great disaster and change!]"

"You went to see another woman!]" 173 shouted at the black dragon through the glass - at least it looked like it.

Well... let me take a look...] The stupid system said: 'ssr682', 'Immortal Lizard'. 】

How come the Green Lantern Corps doesn't recognize Dragon?

‘ssr682’ is a giant lizard with a conventional dragon-like appearance. It is extremely hostile to almost all types of life and is always in a state of angry attack. 】

It has strong vitality, adaptability and regeneration ability. When it is killed by any means, it will 'evolve' and transform into a completely different form in a very short time of less than 0.03 seconds. 】

The current statistical forms include 'female dragon who likes to take deep breaths' is common, 'male dragon who likes to play games' is common, 'steel dragon who is keen on rolling' is rare, 'giant lizard that can't speak' is rare, and 'black skin wearing a turban' Short males' are very rare. 】

'ssr682' can communicate verbally, but all dialogue so far has been about expressing its desire to destroy life and the world and mocking our attempts to cliché. 】

"Your armor is useless! Your faith is worthless!]"

"You went to see another woman!]"

Well…verbal communication.


Since the dragon was locked in a transparent room and could be seen clearly, and it had no cuteness or use value, I looked at it for a while and then left with 173.

So 173 has value? 】

'It is unrealistic to expect her to break the necks of other contained objects, but the function of detecting the sight of intelligent creatures is still quite useful. ’

It's not useful at all, is it? 】

‘That’s not possible. In a place like this with a large number of contained objects, containment failures are common. ’

Do you want to hear what you just said? 】

'I just……'

"You went to see another woman!]"



I looked in the direction where 173 suddenly started to make noise again, and as expected I saw a "containment breach" SSR.

It was an elderly man with a stooped figure, wearing a tattered gray cloth with no discernible material. Half of his body was wrapped in some kind of dark and viscous liquid, and the other half looked like he had been severely burned. He was moving slowly. At the same time, it constantly leaves corrosion and burning footprints on the ground.

At this time, his eyes were fixed on 173, as if he didn't dare to move away at all.

Well, it, or rather he, obviously didn’t know the true attributes of 173. After that shout, it had already entered an attack posture, but it didn’t teleport over because I grabbed the collar. Could this new SSR think that he " What effect does the behavior of "watching closely" have?

'ssr106', 'Scary Old Man',] The stupid system was silent for a moment, and finally found the other party's information: his appearance is that of an elderly male who has been corroded and burned at the same time, and is very sensitive to 'water', 'fire', and 'thunder' Immune to type damage and effects, 'Earth' and 'Wind' type damage and effects are greatly reduced, and will only be affected by the effects of 'Gold', 'Wood'. 】

...Where did this humanoid Five Emperor Dragon come from?

‘ssr106’ spends most of his time in a small ‘dimensional space’. Rather than saying that we contain him, we contain the entrance and exit of his ‘dimensional space’. 】

If and only if there is a boy or girl aged 16 to 20 within two kilometers of the entrance and exit of 'ssr106''s dimensional space, 'ssr106' will leave the dimensional space and physically penetrate obstacles along the way to meet him/her. . 】

After meeting with the target candidate, ‘ssr106’ will say the following in a language that the target candidate can understand:]

'Young man/girl, I see that you have amazing bones and are a unique martial arts prodigy. The task of maintaining world peace is left to you. I have a secret book with notes. I am destined to sell it to you for ten yuan. ’]

After the target agrees to deliver any currency with a face value of 10 yuan, 'ssr106' will leave and return to its own dimension to sleep again. If the target does not hold the currency or refuses to purchase, 'ssr106' will tie it with a white silk thread of unknown material. , and brought back to the dimensional space. There are currently no reports of the successful return of those taken away. 】

Note: It is known that the secret books that ssr106 has produced include: "Nine Yin Manual," "Nine Yang Divine Art," "Tathagata Divine Palm," "The Great Shift of the Universe," "Six Meridians Divine Sword," "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon," "Yi Jin" Sutra, "Nine Swords of Dugu", according to the confirmation of Green Lantern from the same cultural circle, these secret books are completely impossible to practice. 】

This... what do you think? 】

'Well, the activation condition is that there is a 'girl aged 16 to 20' nearby...'

Are you following this? Maybe that refers to ssr173? 】

‘It’s so noisy! Shut up! I don't listen! ’

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