The Collection of The End

Chapter 221 The Demon God and the Axe

My name is Akatosh,

The current situation is that the mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind, and I am behind the oriole~

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 1st, 4:22 —

"Dad~ Dad~ where are we going~"

Sophie sat on the back of the giant red dragon, patted the dragon scales and asked it questions.

[(Dragon language) Find a place to hide. 】 Arthur growled while paying attention to the movement on the ground.

"Why hide it?"

"[...]" Although Arthur is very depressed now, he can't get angry at a little girl like Sophie, so he keeps silent.

Originally, it didn't take much time for Sophie to wake up from her drowsy sleep, and it didn't take much time, but the result was that although Sophie woke up, she took her I forgot the reason why she turned into a dragon and flew away. Seeing Arthur in dragon form, he thought he was competing with her, so he turned around and flew more happily, and because it was just nightfall, Arthur couldn't call out loudly. , that would attract the attention of those who haven't fallen asleep on the ground, so they can only chase after them.

After successfully catching up, Sophie turned into a little girl and sat on the back of the red dragon, yelling, "Give up, give up." Arthur finally breathed a sigh of relief and was about to turn around, but he encountered a rain of arrows head-on. Those people looked like the Imperial Legion, but judging from the strange black light arrows mixed among them, it was obvious that there were blade fighters among them. Although those arrows could not pierce his scales, Arthur had to take care of Sophie. Turn again—an action that immediately proved to be a serious mistake.

The actual control area of ​​the Imperial Legion did not know what happened. Many camps and troops did not rest. When they saw a giant dragon flying in the sky, they decisively launched an attack with their bows and arrows, because they did not want to attack ordinary people like a real dragon. , Arthur had to take Sophie farther and farther, and finally when there were no more arrows shooting from the ground, he saw the northernmost coastline of Skyrim province appearing in front of him.

Before dawn, Arthur finally found a hidden alcove to land. The two snow bears who originally occupied this place seemed to be frightened by Longwei. Dare to approach.

After comparing the previously overlooked terrain with the map in his impression, Arthur judged that he had now flown to the Daxue Mountains in the northwest of Skyrim Province, and flew straight east to Solitary City, the capital of Skyrim Province. No wonder the people of the Imperial Legion were so desperate to drive him away.

For now, just find a way to go down the mountain after dawn and hire a carriage from the nearest village to Loristed. Even if they are still wary of the dragon, it is impossible to imagine that the dragon will become People, but in this way, it will delay at least two more days. I can only hope that Ella, Lydia and Ria will not rush to act alone.

For now, the only good news is that the way to transform into a dragon is correct. Although I flew all night, I still don't feel too hungry at this time, but Sophie can...

"Hey——" Arthur looked at Sophie who was throwing herself on the snow bear, and sighed deeply.

"Hey—" An echo came from beside him.

No, a mere depression that isn't even a cave, where does the echo come from?

Arthur turned his head and saw a gray dirt dog. Because of the long fur on his body and lying on the ground silently, he seemed to have mistaken it for a worn-out fur.

"Hello?" Arthur thought he must be exhausted, and even greeted a dog.

"Hello." The earth dog glanced up at Arthur, and replied listlessly, with a voice that sounded like a decadent middle-aged man.

"Sorry, what did you say just now?" Arthur suspected that he had not only hallucinated but also hallucinated because he had been flying a dragon for too long.

"I said 'Hello'." The gray-haired dog bared his teeth at Arthur: "Could it be that you have a problem with your ears?"


Arthur didn't know how to reply for a moment.

"Is it strange that a dog can talk?" The earth dog began to babble: "There are dragons in the sky, giants in the wild, cats with two legs that travel everywhere, and cats that look like lizards and turn into cats on the night of the full moon." Humans who turned into wolves, and now I am questioned by a guy who can turn into a dragon, can I speak?"

"That's different," Arthur refuted it solemnly: "Those things existed in the first place, but you are the only one who can speak among so many dogs in Skyrim Province."

"Hmph, since you can't accept the fact that dogs can talk, just treat these words as weird barks, but they just fit into sentences that can communicate with people." The earth dog yawned: "Want to eat?" Feel free to lose those two snow bears, don't delay my energy recovery."

"It sounds like you are planning to perform some mission, do you need help?" Arthur was a hunter after all, and he has no resistance to canine creatures, and maybe it is because of this that he is full of werewolves in the comrade-in-arms group. The facts hardly contradict each other.

"I'm going to defeat a magician and a... wolf and take an ax from the magician's collection," said the earth dog. "In the process, neither of them can die."

"Hmm...the reason for doing this?" Originally thought that the mission of the earth dog was to hunt or find objects, but he didn't expect it to be such...a humanized task, and Arthur had to suspect that this was an order given to it by others.

"There was a little girl who secretly believed in Hircine, and was endowed with werewolf blood. She would transform twice a month uncontrollably. In order to protect her, her magician father moved out of the city to study a solution. Then I met my master, Calavicus Vile." The earth dog seemed to pause in embarrassment when he said this, but Arthur couldn't see the expression on the face of a fluffy dog.

It really is a dog raised by the demon god, no, or rather, the appearance of this earthy dog ​​is probably just a "shell".

"Then?" Arthur nodded for it to continue.

"The master gave him an 'Ax of Regret', and said that as long as the girl turned into a werewolf with the axe, she would be able to 'stop turning into a werewolf uncontrollably'." The earth dog turned his eyes to the side .

What's with this weird weapon name? There is also a problem with the obviously wrong effect, right? How stupid must that magician be to actually do it? Arthur could almost guess how the girl would never come back after her tail was cut off.

"Then, the werewolf whose tail was cut off completely turned into an ordinary wolf. The magician was furious and refused to listen to anything from his master. Whenever he saw me, he would greet me with a fireball the size of a washbasin." flicked his tail.

"So you're going to sneak in and bring back the ax?" Arthur frowned. "If your master just wants to get the weapon back and get rid of the relationship, not only will I not help him, but I will stop you."

"The demon gods don't have such a superficial idea of ​​'clearing the relationship'. They will only publicize what they have done. Although this incident was caused by the bad personality of the master, if you want to completely solve it, you must take back the ax and put it away. The Hircine blessing that was taken away from that girl is handed over to the master for transformation, if they keep holding the ax, nothing will change." The earth dog replied.

"Okay, I've decided to help you out. Where is the residence of the magician?" Arthur nodded and temporarily accepted the dog's explanation.

"It's in the abandoned mine at the foot of the mountain," the earth dog raised its front paw and nodded towards the outside of the cave.

-- 5:27 --

"Boom boom boom—" "Go to hell! Demon God's lackey!"

Facts have proved that wearing heavy armor is not suitable for sneaking at all, even if four stars are lit in the "sneaking" constellation, Arthur was discovered by the magician even earlier than the earth dog, and then there was a lot of fire An indiscriminate bombardment of destruction magic.

For a small cave that failed in prospecting and was abandoned, the hiding space can be said to be quite insufficient.

"Wait, Mr. Sebastian, I'm here to help you—[Yol]!" Arthur dodged all kinds of fire magic in a panic, and if he couldn't dodge it, he simply canceled it with a breath of fire.

Before the action, Arthur had exchanged names with the earth dog. Its name was "Babas", and the father and daughter who were teased by the demon god were called Sebastian and Flowerdream respectively. , belonged to the noble Lot (Lots) family of Solitude.

As for Sophie, it's better to let her sleep with the two snow bears who want to cry but have no tears. This place is already messy enough.

"Hahaha! I will never believe in any word from the Demon God or the Holy Spirit in this life!" The gray-bearded old mage Sebastian laughed wildly while responding to Arthur's explanation. Magic is the answer.

"Once upon a time, Huzile——" While Arthur was fighting with the old mage, Babas ran out from the depths of the cave with an ax in his mouth, followed by a huge black giant with smooth fur. The wolf is constantly opening its mouth trying to bite it.

"Believe it or not, we are here to undo your daughter's beast blood, and we will see the result in two days at most—" The old mage couldn't hit, even a sword hilt would hurt his muscles and bones, and this wolf There is no need to worry, Arthur said loudly while using the blade of his sword to slap the giant wolf that was pounced on the wall, and then followed Babas out of the cave while the old mage went to check the status of the giant wolf.

"Who told you we'll see each other in two days?" After running a long way, Babas put down his ax and wagged his tail at Arthur.

"Just tell me where you want to send this axe. I am confident that I can fly to any place in Skyrim Province within two days—not to mention that the altar of your demon god is in other provinces." Arthur gasped and stared at Baba. S said.

Arthur was also a little surprised that he was so caring, but if he thought about it carefully, the mission of going out this time was to try to undo Ria's werewolf blood, and what happened to the daughter of the old mage who was also a werewolf was also unavoidable. pity.

"In two days, it shouldn't be necessary. The altar where the master can descend is near Falkreese. Even if you take a carriage for a little more than a day, you will arrive there." Babas tilted his head and looked at Arthur: "Did you plan to go there in the first place?" ?”

Arthur frowned slightly. It seems that the Green Jasmine Witch's Villa is indeed located in the west of the city. Could it be a coincidence?

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