The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Two Hundred and Thirteen, North American Mythical War (153)

——dc, light——

Gotham Pier, Lighthouse.

Jin Jing is wearing a business suit and preparing to meet with her "boss at bi".

The identity of "Bi Agent" can at most be used to avoid some troubles in the reincarnation world with a European and American background. It is basically useless to use it to take advantage of the situation or hold someone's thighs. Even if the master god is behind the scenes, no one will track down this low-level person. Although she is an agent, she will not give too much resources to her. If she wants to divert trouble or make profit through speculation, she may even lose this identity.

Jin Jing has always regarded it as better than nothing. However, as the influence of "Bai Jingjing" continues to increase, and its strength and influence continue to expand, the gold content of this identity has also increased.

It wasn't until bi came to her door and wanted to "talk" to her that Jin Jing discovered that her long-unused ID had become "legendary" and her identity had become a "senior senior agent."

"Senior" to the point where even Director Bi can't check her information at will, "senior" to the point that no matter what she does, Bi has to endorse her.

And this time bi will come out of the background description, mostly because "Halo" is so popular.

Although most people do not know the occurrence, process and results of the "Battle of the Atlantic" and the "Second Battle of the Atlantic", the Zheng Mansion of the United States, which has been monitoring satellites in orbit, must know them clearly.

It now appears that if it were not for the constraints of a series of factors such as the "Brando Family", "agent identity", and "Atlantis allies", they would never have allowed alien technology to fall into the hands of the "Gotham Shadow Council" Of course, the fact that Gotham quickly handed over the relevant research results afterwards was also an important reason why they did not interfere.

Even the genuine Batman from another universe can't fight against the entire Zheng Mansion - Batman? How many divisions does he have?

At first, the allies were somewhat skeptical about Jin Jing's suggestion to hand over important technology, but as time went by, the suspicion gradually turned into admiration and praise.

First of all, the alien command system that was handed over cannot be reproduced at all, because it requires the cooperation of individual soldier terminals, and all individual soldier terminals have fallen to the "dark universe". Even the most professional agents cannot Trying to find the remnants of a screw in Gotham, rounding it off equals Gotham having no loss at all.

Then, there are "Game Warehouse" and "Halo Fire". There are video games in the DC world, but games with content such as "fighting against aliens, exploring alien planets and alien ruins" are not very popular, and "technology and "The internal scenes are from an alien planet", those who know about it are not interested in the game, and those who are interested in the game basically don't know.

What initially caused this combination to become popular was the "Game Warehouse" itself. Before the Wayne Group created them and put them on the market, there happened to be a heavyweight science fiction writer named Verne... or was it Versailles? , he published a new book, the main content of which is the story of a person lying in a dormant cabin, with his consciousness in the virtual world.

Millions of fans of his book are still discussing the content, connotation and longing for future technology in the book. As a result, Gotham directly created the physical object and put it on the market. It instantly caused a huge shock, and some people even went crazy. Claiming that the Wayne Group copied Verne's ideas - because this statement was so outrageous and ridiculous, the Wayne Group even gave Mr. Verne a set of game cabinets to ask him not to refute the rumor.

Finally, there is the sturdiness of the game warehouse. A truck delivering game warehouses to the metropolis accidentally broke into the scene of the gunfight. After it rolled over, the fallen game warehouse was unfortunately used as a bunker by the police and criminals, and they fired at each other. for nearly an hour.

And when the dust settled and the truck driver, who was ready to bleed a lot, returned to check the game warehouses, he found that they were all intact, except that some paint had peeled off on the outside - this was even covered by the warranty.

After the surprised driver posted this incident on social networks, someone quickly extracted the keyword: "Made in Gotham", and then everything made sense - the safety of these game warehouses is not a problem at all, at least. To survive the gunfire of Gotham unscathed.

By expanding outward, the "Halo" game built into the game warehouse gradually entered the public eye.

The strength of Wayne Enterprises, the connections of the Brando family, and the convenience of BI from time to time. The end result is that this game and its carrier quickly became popular across the United States, and the impression given by Gotham, a crime city, also disappeared. The city is gradually transforming into a "high-tech city", and a lot of investments are pouring in, making the big businessmen in the Shadow Council all full of money and smiles.


"Hello, Miss Bai Jingjing, I am Amanda Waller, your contact person at bi."

The person who met Jin Jing was a short-haired black woman dressed in black. She looked strong and slim. This weird contrast made Jin Jing, the "Shazam", feel a little dizzy. She looked at it for ten more times. After a few glances, I finally found a suitable adjective: "King Kong Barbie".

"Sorry." Jin Jing rubbed her eyes.

"It doesn't matter, many people have this reaction when they see me," Amanda said with a toothy smile: "Next, do you want to go through the process or get down to business?"

"Ah?" Jin Jing was dazed: "What's the difference between the two?"

"In the former, I will tell you a lot of news and current events and insider information that you are probably not interested in, reveal to you the fact that the United States and the world are in danger, and then point out the role that bi has played and will play in these events. role, as well as what the CIA's bunch of rubbish have screwed up and what bad consequences it has caused, to prove that we are the best secret service agency in the United States, to enhance your sense of identity, and then, to show that BI protects your privacy, How much role have you played in helping your parents' careers and providing convenience to Gotham? Finally, based on these premises, after flattering you, I will make a small request for your cooperation, so that you can work both in public and in private. I'm sorry to refuse." Amanda said in one breath.

"...You can just put forward the conditions, Ms. Amanda." Jin Jing pinched her forehead.

"Refreshing," Amanda gestured with her thumb: "We all know that the large-scale creations in "Halo" all come from the knowledge attached to the alien command system, and it itself is a game for the world, and it does not want the key content in it Acquired by other countries. "

"You want us to delete the game content?" Jin Jing shook his head: "Maybe you think those things are like computers invented by us, but in fact, even the Wayne Group, as the operator, cannot modify the content that was not added by them. 'Alien intelligence', they are 'read-only', can you understand?"

"This is also expected," Amanda nodded, "Then, in order to obtain this knowledge in advance, our request is modified to: launch a 'suicide squad' to explore those unknown areas at any cost, please lift their 'Single login death limit'."

"This... it's okay, because this restriction is to prevent players from going crazy mentally. If your candidate is mentally strong enough..." Jin Jing raised an eyebrow and shouted to the game warehouse in the corner of the room: "Cortana , Cortana, are you there?"

"I'm here, Miss Bai Jingjing.]" A gentle and loving female voice sounded.

"Did you hear Ms. Amanda's request? Can you do it?" Jin Jing asked her.

"Of course," Cortana replied: "You can ask members of this team to contact me in the game now."

"..." Amanda was in a daze. She operated the communication tool for a few times before looking at Jin Jing: "If I remember correctly, 'Cortana' is just every 'Spartan' in the game." Personal assistant?”

"It seems you don't care much about game updates," Jin Jing spread her hands: "Because 'Cortana's Mother' is so popular, those players don't want to be separated from her even if they go offline. Wayne Group has specially developed a game warehouse for this purpose. Connect to the Internet and even control the functions of home appliances so Cortana can take care of them offline.”

"It seems... never mind, it's none of my business."

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