The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and twenty-two, North American Mythical War (162)

——? ? ? ——

An unknown medieval town has been destroyed by a fire-breathing black dragon.

Most people might be shocked by the second half of the sentence, but for Mobius, it was the first half that shocked him even more.

There is a place that is not in the "Time Variation Administration" knowledge base?

As an "operator", he receives an average of more than twenty requests per hour from agents who are in the field on different timelines. They ask for "time", "place", "person", "cause", "process", "Results" to him are like familiar building blocks. As long as the combination is completed, the problem can be determined and then handed over to other departments to find solutions.

Because there are so many timelines, it is impossible for him to remember everything, but the situation of having no memory at all is almost non-existent, because that means that those "elements" have never had an accident, let alone something as big as "being attacked by a dragon" event.

However, he has never seen pigs running, and at least he has eaten pork. Mobius relied on his ability as "Operator Commander" to lead a group of soldiers who called themselves Stormcloaks and called him "Lord Ulfric" to succeed. After escaping from the destroyed town, the big black man who also called himself "Mobius" fished the entire time, watching Mobius spend time and effort commanding and fighting, looking very happy.

"Let's stop here.]" When the small team led by Mobius completely left the confines of the burning town, everything around him stopped instantly. Mora came to Mobius and gave a thumbs up: "Let's If you keep playing, big problems will happen.】"

"...What?" Mobius looked back at the direction of the medieval town: "Is this some kind of exam? I think anyone with normal physical strength and a clear mind can escape from it."

"Who are you? Where are you? What are you going to do?]" Maura suddenly asked without warning.

"I'm Mobius, I'm near a medieval castle, trying to find a way... to take revenge?" Mobius answered inexplicably.

"Good answer," Mora nodded: "But the 'ordinary person' you mentioned can only answer at this time, 'I am Ulfric Stormcloak, I am in Helgen, and I want to separate Skyrim from the empire. Liberation under domination.']”

"...Assimilated?" Mobius tugged on his cloak.

"The so-called 'formatting' is to change the 'storage space originally occupied by a program' into a state that can be used by other programs," Maura maintained her hearty smile: "Although the time belongs to you, Places, characters, causes, processes and results have all been erased and occupied, but as long as you maintain the 'character image', 'environment description' and 'storyline', you have a chance to continue to exist.】"

"..." Mobius had an expression that said, "Although I don't understand, I'm shocked."

"In this case, you end up in places that have a chance to exist for some very ridiculous reason, and those places are basically as relevant to you as you are to a million search engines when you're looking for something. Relevant results after answering.】"

"Is it because we are all called 'Mobius'?" Mobius looked at Mora: "Thank you."

"If you still had the ability to view the timeline, you wouldn't thank me." The smile on Maura's face suddenly turned nasty: "Because after confirming that you are special, I am going to have some fun with you. ]"

Are you going to do something for him? He seems to call himself the "Universe Demon God", but I don't know if his strength is at the level of the "Lord of Dimensions".

"Oh, sorry, I forgot," Maura clapped her hands: "Even if you still have the ability, you still can't see my plan. After all, it is already a consensus that 'the Time Administration is a waste organization'." "

Okay, the strength should be here.

And it will be destroyed by the future variant of the founder, which indeed lives up to the name of waste.

"I am about to 'initialize' this world in order to 'entertain guests.' You can make any requests, but whether they are realized or not depends on my mood.]" Maura continued.

Require? Mobius began to think quickly.

According to the cosmic demon, he actually came to this world by accident. He didn't kick himself out because he had fun. Moreover, after passing a certain test, he planned to help himself and find some things along the way. Lezi... seems to be the opposite.

Obviously, if some formal and serious requests are made, he will most likely implement them in a bad way. Only if the requests are interesting and challenging to him, he will not mix some personal preferences in the implementation process.

"I want to... appear somewhere beyond the control of the Time Administration," Mobius said. "Anywhere is fine, but I must have a motor racing boat there."

"Why motorcycle racing?]" Maura asked doubtfully.

Very good, he really did not pay attention to the requirements "outside the control of the Time Administration".

"The presence of motorboats means that the geographical location is near a modern water area, and a race means that there are enough organizations, participants and spectators to organize the race, and its ownership belongs to me, so I must have a suitable person there. Identity, for an agent of the Time Administration, these conditions are enough to continue development." Mobius said nonsense... maybe it wasn't nonsense?

"Hmm...motorcycle racing...]" Maura touched her chin, thoughtfully.

The key to this requirement is not how big of an advantage it can gain, but how little fun this demon god brings into it.

Even if there are some weird problems with the motorcycle racing boat you finally get, it is at least a means of transportation in itself, right?

"Okay, got it,]" Finally, Maura snapped her fingers: "Have fun, and I will be happy too."

Endless gray mist gathered from all directions, and Mobius looked at them. Although he did not have the fear that he fell into at the beginning, he felt more uneasy than before.

What kind of world will it be?

With motorcycle racing, it shouldn't be too outrageous...

——? ? ? ——

"Dear viewers! Dear viewers! The much-anticipated 'Third Survival Racing Competition' jointly organized by the 'Valkyrie Guards', 'Giant Brotherhood' and 'Light Elf Academy' is about to begin! ]"

"..." Mobius was riding on a motorcycle racing boat, listening to the radio broadcast in his ears, and looking at his opponents beside him, he was lost in thought.

There are unicorns with wings, armored crocodiles with eight legs, and bulky tree men. Among them, the most normal shape is a single-person canoe made of a whole white giant tree - but it floats on the water.

"As always, the 'Dark Elf Resistance Army' did not sign up for the competition, but don't worry, as usual, they will send out contestants halfway to snatch the qualifications of these contestants! Let us look forward to their activity!]"

Not looking forward to it at all!

"Three, two, one, the game begins!]"

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