The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and twenty-eight, Sherlock and the Chamber of Secrets (3)

——Marvel, 2014——

Hogwarts, Black Lake.

"All curses are final! Infinite bubbles!]"

With the two large-scale group magics performed by the vice-principal "White Queen" after she arrived at the scene, order was finally restored to the chaotic shores of the Black Lake.

All the two-dimensional images disappeared, and the students participating in online or offline duels were trapped in transparent bubbles and unable to move, while a beautiful woman in white with a hunting cape pressed her hat brim and fell from the sky with dots of firelight.

"...Cool." Watson said with wide eyes.

"You'd better think clearly about how you're going to apologize to the vice-principal as the cause of this big fight." Sherlock rolled his eyes at him.

"It's obviously Moriarty's fault!" Watson couldn't act and could only express his dissatisfaction with his eyes.

"Do you think Madam Vice-Principal will listen to your explanation?" If Sherlock could act, he would definitely hit this silly friend on the head.

That was the legendary "White Queen" who could read minds. She didn't need to ask what happened, she could know the facts with just a glance - maybe a bit exaggerated, but it was really convenient.

To put it bluntly, even if she was willing to give both parties a chance to explain, the fact that Watson made the first move would not change.

Sherlock looked at Moriarty and his followers who were also trapped in blisters in the distance, and began to think about the cause of the chaos.

What happened is not complicated and can be summarized in one sentence: Moriarty's followers laughed at Sherlock as a zero-krypton poor man, and Watson angrily attacked Moriarty.

The cause and effect cannot be said to be unrelated. We can only say that the truth is wrong.

As I said before, those who dare to play games in a place like the lakeside lawn are either mentally strong enough to not care about other people's eyes, or too slow to feel that they are being watched. Sherlock is the former, and Watson is naturally the latter. By.

What Sherlock wanted to teach Watson was how to maximize his own strength without spending money and relying only on in-game income. He was ridiculed by those upper-class people who claimed to be elites and had no shortage of money. For Riati's sake, he was even prepared to reply, "It's a pity that your boss values ​​a poor guy like me."

But Watson somehow concluded that Moriarty had instructed his men to say those words, and took action directly.

How should I put it, if Watson really stepped forward because he was being laughed at, Sherlock would still be quite moved, but his outstanding observation skills told him that things were not that simple.

Before Watson took action in anger, the follower Didi Gugu had been saying stupid things about masters, nobles and commoners for a while. Watson didn't even blink until he said "This kind of thing" Trash characters are only liked by Sherlock Holmes."

This is enough of a reason to stand out, but the key to this sentence lies in the "junk character" mentioned in the words, which is a shield character "Baldrich von Montagny" that can be obtained in the early stage. All of its skills enhance energy shield and armor strength. They are always equipped with a riot shield and can only use pistols or melee weapons.

Because his output is not high, he is naturally not very popular among players of the sci-fi gunfight game "Mass Effect". However, for players who do not plan to spend money, it is quite cost-effective to cultivate him as a "tank with output". , can be used in almost all types of battles, and is also one of the main players recommended by Sherlock to Watson.

The Stark Group probably deliberately gave this character a Captain America paint job, or "skin", which can be obtained as long as he completes his personal mission. When Moriarty and his followers came to provoke him, Sherlock is working with Watson to complete the task.

By the way, the slogans Watson shouted before attacking Moriarty were: "Don't laugh at Sherlock!" "The characters who use shields are good people!"

Hmm... Put it this way, it seems that I have never heard of a bad guy using a shield.

In the end, all kinds of magic were flying around during the battle, and the innocent passers-by who were implicated took the opportunity to take revenge and complain, turning the Black Lake into a complete mess.


"Theoretically, I should put you all in solitary confinement, but I highly doubt you will start fighting in the solitary room."

The "White Queen" held her hat and walked among the crystal-clear blisters. There were wisps of white light flowing out from her body like smoke, giving people an ethereal and ethereal feeling. It looked a bit... Like her rumored identity - the mermaid princess of Atlantis.

But, after seeing her image as a girl riding a bear and yelling about breaking branches, Sherlock no longer regards her as some mysterious and beautiful vice-principal. Although the acting is quite similar, her mental age may be Not as big as him.

"...So, I have decided that your 'confinement' will be carried out in the dormitories of your respective colleges, under the personal supervision of the deans of each college]"

It's still lunch break. This "punishment" is equivalent to giving the students present a half-day vacation in advance. Some guys who are not well-educated have already begun to cheer quietly.

"But, since you like 'Er Structure' so much]" "White Queen" added as expected: "Students who have classes in the afternoon will all use the newly launched 'Friday' online class program of the 'Er Structure' system. Come on, don’t take this opportunity to be lazy, the professors will call your name]”

Amidst the wailing, the "White Queen" continued to walk in the "Bubble Forest" with a leisurely attitude, staring at some students from time to time.

Tsk, when I first used Stark Group's second-structure system, I knew that it could integrate almost all network-related functions. The previous convenient functions and games were just for promotion. Sooner or later, it will radiate into daily life. In all aspects, if you don't use it, it will be difficult to move forward.

And even with Sherlock's reasoning ability, he can't be sure whether there will be any hidden dangers after this thing is promoted, but since it is the company of "Iron Man"... let's give it a certain degree of trust.

"——?]" "——!"

After making the decision to confine the dormitory, the "White Queen" did not remove the blisters that trapped the students. Instead, she walked and stopped, talking to the students trapped in the bubbles from time to time, and seemed to be waiting for other deans to arrive. Take away the students from their respective colleges.


When they reached the bubble where Sherlock was, the "White Queen" made a sound of surprise. Following her gaze, Sherlock found that the strange orange cat from before was washing his face with his paws on the lawn directly below the bubble. When she got closer, she just raised her eyes and continued to lick her paws.

I hope this guy is smart enough not to show his true colors in front of the principal.

"...Your cat?]" The White Queen looked at the cat and then at Sherlock, her expression seemed a little surprised.

"You picked it up this morning, can't you keep it?" Sherlock replied.

If they can't be raised, they can only be sent to the Forbidden Forest to live among other magical creatures.

"You can raise it, but if it causes trouble, your normal points will be deducted." The White Queen waved her hands and turned away, still mumbling something: "It's surprising that it didn't scare away this time. Could it be because... ]"

Sure enough she knew it.

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