The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine, North American Mythical War (171)

——Marvel, 2014——

Northern suburbs of New York.


A black-and-white-striped kitten squatted on a large tree that looked bare because the branches had been pruned. It stared at the ground far below, trying several times but not daring to jump down.

"Hey little guy, how did you get up here?"

A figure wearing a red and blue uniform decorated with spider logos and spider web patterns swung from the side, raised his arms to hug the kitten, and placed it on the ground before it could explode and scratch.

"Meow?" The kitten looked at him blankly.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." The rescuer waved his hand to the kitten, flicked his arm and flew out a silver thread, then dragged it away and flew away.

Katcha kacha!

"Oh my god, it's Spider-Man!"

“A great neighbor in New York!”

"Although not as handsome as Mr. Stark, he is still handsome!"

"The previous sentence is redundant!"

The next moment, many photos and comments buzzed from the surroundings. In addition to praise, there were also some doubts and malicious speculations. However, for Spider-Man, who had already left, even if he heard some rumors, it had no impact on him. .

Because he was busy communicating with his "tenants".

"'get out of class is over', didn't you say you were a good person? You actually spread fear?"

Peter Parker, no, Spider-Man swings webs between buildings while using his superhuman senses to find people who have encountered accidents or need help: "I was severely scolded by Mr. Rogers."

"First of all, I was trained with you. Secondly, who said good people can't spread fear? Those Hydras that were being hunted were so scary that he was scared to death. Finally,]" the symbiote he named "Exit" He replied angrily: "As symbionts, we don't need to spread fear at all, we are fear itself.]"

"...Really?" Spider-Man said with doubt in his tone, "But I don't think you are scary."

"That's because you are too strong," he replied after class: "Ordinary symbiote hosts have no way of deciding whether we can control their bodies."

"Well..." Spider-Man briefly recalled the spider web stretching across the sky and the "Spider Totem" who spoke like a gentle woman: "Indeed."

She has clearly said that she is the source of power for all Spider-Man. If this is true, then the upper limit of Spider-Man's strength in each parallel world should be infinitely close to her, maybe a little lower, but not too low.

Moreover, that lady seems to be very healthy. In the two years since he became Spider-Man, especially after he was "resurrected from the dead" and "dismissed", his strength has been continuously increasing on its own.

Proportionally speaking, the effect that could only be achieved with one hand at the beginning can now be achieved with one finger. If he encounters that weird mutated flesh and blood mecha again, he should be able to easily subdue it.

However, according to the behavior of the Avengers and the reorganized S.H.I.E.L.D., even if that kind of mecha still exists, it probably won't make any big waves.

"I really envy your open-mindedness," "After class" said: "Have you never thought about why the 'White Queen' came to do this test? And what is the 'Yellow Lantern Corps'?"

"Huh? Isn't it because Mr. Stark has an extra daughter? She seems to belong to the 'Orange Lantern Corps'."

While talking to the symbiote, Spider-Man spotted an old woman trying to cross the road, so he swung down and carried her through the cars to the other side of the road, and "flyed" away as she slurred his thanks.

"Why do I feel that after I started to learn the knowledge and rules of this world, try to understand them and pass them on to you, you began to get used to not using your brain.]" He said in a dissatisfied tone after class.

"How is that possible? Didn't you see my recent mock scores? My teacher said that I can definitely be admitted to any university in the 'Ivy League'." As he spoke, Spider-Man picked another balloon from the tree and handed it to The little boy crying below.

"I'm not talking about a trivial matter like going to college," he said after class: "Didn't you notice the ambition of the 'White Queen'?"

"You mean being the vice principal of a superpower academy?"

"It's to control the whole world!]"

"...Really?" Spider-Man descended from the sky and hung a thief or robber upside down from a street lamp on the side of the road: "I think you are thinking too much."

"Although I came late and don't know the specific details of your contact with her, she was right to have the civilians in Hell's Kitchen evacuate in advance and arrange for the gang to be prepared to stop the aliens, right? Maybe those aliens are She attracted it, or how did it happen to fall into the ambush circle?]" After class, he analyzed it in a serious manner.

"It must be a coincidence. She already had the idea of ​​building Hogwarts at that time." Spider-Man thought of the huge hole in the sky at that time, and felt a little guilty for a moment: "And she herself was killed once by aliens. Isn’t it?”

"Have you ever seen anyone whose strength skyrocketed after dying once?"


"The two of us don't count!]"


"Think about it again. After the aliens invaded and were repelled by the Avengers, SHIELD gained a lot of reputation and took the opportunity to conduct a lot of public relations. In the end, it almost became the management of 'supernatural events' on Earth. However, it turned out that he had been infiltrated by Hydra and was executing the "Insight Plan" to monitor everyone. Although he finally turned the tide, his influence was greatly reduced and he was reduced to the Avengers' logistics bureau. At this time, The White Queen happened to be resurrected and took the place of 'Hogwarts' she founded, forming a tripartite confrontation with the two military factions. This was obviously arranged by her in advance!]"

"This is all your conjecture."

"Afterwards, she borrowed the help of Stark Group to copy and promote the 'Light Ring' from the alien force 'Green Lantern Corps' to the whole world, which proved her further ambition. Now, as the picture shows, The NPC in the built-in game of "Second Structure" came to life because of the so-called "Orange Light Power" and claimed to be the daughter of Iron Man. After using this method to contain Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, he also said that he would use the second The people in the organization will be affected by the power of the devil and need to be detected and monitored... Ha, isn't this a replica of the 'Insight Project'? If nothing else, those who are unwilling to join 'Hogwarts' or obey the management of S.H.I.E.L.D. People with super powers will soon go berserk and cause accidents due to gaining the power of the devil. By then, she will eliminate all these people, and no one on the earth will be her opponent.】"

"Is this why you don't let me use 'two constructs' more? That doesn't sound very credible."

"Hmph, you don't need to believe it now. Didn't she install a camp module on your second structure before, which can detect the lantern group the other party may belong to? When you encounter super-powered criminals, scan them. They must be green except The spectrum of negativity is also the reason for arresting them.】"

"It's not easy to find..." Spider-Man suddenly retracted the thread and landed on a lighthouse by the river. Then he looked across: "It's all because I forgot to turn while chatting with you. This patrol went too far and we have already arrived. On the south bank of the Connecticut River ecticutriver, the town opposite should be Stamord, where several of my classmates are from."

"Then go back -]"



When Spider-Man was about to return to New York, he saw a small cruise ship sailing into the Connecticut River from the estuary. Many people were making noises on it. It seemed to be the filming scene of a TV show, and Spider-Man's excellent hearing allowed him to Can clearly hear what they are saying.

"Hi everyone, this is your friend, the superpower group 'New Chapter'. We are hunting down a prisoner who escaped from S.H.I.E.L.D., 'Nitro'. His ability is to turn himself into nitroglycerine. This It’s so scary, no wonder SHIELD can’t lock him up, but don’t worry, justice will surely defeat evil.”

"What? Why didn't I hear that a prisoner from SHIELD escaped from prison?" Spider-Man casually popped out the webbing and pulled himself closer to the cruise ship: "If it is true, maybe they need help."

"I'm going to disappoint you." After class, he seemed to have checked something through the second frame: "This is a reality show group, and the theme is to imitate the Avengers in fighting crime, but there are not that many criminals for them to fight. In most shows, The prisoners are all actors, and their fan groups also have discussion groups dedicated to counting the number of times they have been gang-crossed.]"

"Really? The actor they hired this time is really dedicated." Spider-Man landed on the top floor of the cruise ship and looked down.

In addition to the crew and six teenagers in fancy clothes, the only person who looked like a "superpower criminal" was squatting in a cage beside the ship. He was a man with long white hair, red skin, and A middle-aged man wearing tattered black spiked armor, his hands and feet were tied tightly, with an angry look on his face.

"Damn it," he said after class: "This is the real thing. Although he didn't escape from SHIELD, he is indeed a wanted bomber. He is just an ordinary person. They are planning to label him as a criminal with super powers. Title to pursue the effect of the program? And then take out the police wanted warrant afterwards? What a good trick.]"

"Well..." Spider-Man fell into thinking: "Although he is indeed a criminal, this kind of behavior of not handing the criminal over to the police but instead handling it on his own after catching the criminal..."

"It's an abusive lynching, but it usually gets public understanding," he replied after class: "You don't want to save him, do you?"

"At most, you can convince them to hand the person over to the police," Spider-Man touched his chin: "The bad guys can't be beaten, and the good guys can't help. This is the first time I've encountered this situation."

At this time, two members who had completed the "show" in front of the camera came to the imprisoned prisoner to observe him, but the "nitrification man" lowered his head and turned a blind eye to their arrival.

"Hey, man, although we dyed his skin red and put on a cool-looking plastic armor, he can't create explosions," one of the new chapter members with blond hair and blue clothes said to his companions: "Even if we arrange the explosion effect in advance, what if he escapes directly and doesn't follow our route?"

"Don't worry, my uncle hired people from a security company. The only way to get off the ship is by the route we allow. Does he want to confront the security personnel who are armed to the teeth?" Another member of the new war group wearing glasses and red clothes replied.

"That's right, hey hey," the man in blue chuckled a few times, and then said: "To increase the authenticity, why don't we give him a 'second form'? Recently, 'the change of color of the second form causes the user to gain superpowers' has also become a hot topic."

"Hmph, I don't know which team started the hype, but I have to say it was quite successful," the man in red with glasses responded: "If such a thing really happens, why haven't we members of the 'New Chapter' who are committed to maintaining world peace encountered it? ?”

"Although they look quite ugly, they think quite beautifully.]" Spider-Man mocked in his ear after class.

"I thought about it, and there seems to be no way to stop them," Spider-Man responded in a small voice: "This is the border of New York State and Connecticut. Neither side cares about it, and such a small matter will not bother Mr. Stark." And Mr. Rogers, if it’s Miss Fisk…”

"She will definitely hype this up as a person with superpowers using their powers indiscriminately, and then implement a superpower version of the 'Insight Project.'"

"You are making malicious speculation..."

"But it's just right." The man in red with glasses felt from his pocket and took out a green light ring that was not in good condition: "Speedball smashed his second frame because of drawing cards and sinking ships, and now it's just a good time to use the waste - - Why don't you give it to him? I'm afraid he'll bite someone suddenly."

"Coward, I'll do it," the man in blue took the green light ring with several cracks on the surface and walked towards the cage: "Hey, Nitrous Man, did you hear what we just said? We've already found someone at the place where we got off the boat. We're surrounded, so don't even think about escaping, but if you're willing to cooperate with using 'second structure' to create some explosive effects, maybe we'll let you go."

"——" "Nitrogen Man" stared at him with bloodshot eyes for a while, and then slowly spoke in a hoarse voice: "Give it to me."

"..." The man in blue seemed frightened by his gaze. He took half a step back and became angry. He kicked the cage and threw the ring on his face: "He is obviously a criminal! Why are you so arrogant! "


Almost at the same time, Spider-Man's "Peter's Pulse" that foresaw danger was triggered. As he prepared for action, he quickly turned on the newly added scanning module of the second structure and looked down.

The first thing I saw was the yellow light that symbolized "can bring fear to people". They were slowly emitting from the red glasses and the man in blue, but the brightness was very weak. Obviously, their power and means can bring fear to people. Others bring some fear, but nothing more.

And much stronger than the faint yellow light on them, a dazzling red light that could be said to be a ball of fire was blooming wantonly from the prisoners in the cage.


The thrown ring fell on the face of "Nitrogen Man".

Then, the red light that did not come from the second-structure scanning module exploded with the ring as the center, and at the same time, a deep voice sounded:

"Intelligent life has been locked! Earth's 'Robert Hunter'! Endless rage surges in your heart! You belong to the Red Lantern Corps!]"

Compared with the lines of the other two Lantern Groups that Spider-Man had heard, this sentence seemed murderous. After a brief pause, the voice actually added another sentence:

"Kill them all!]"

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