The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and forty-one, North American Mythical War (173)

——Marvel, 2014——

New York, Stark Tower.

Reports on the "Stamford Incident" were being played on the huge display screen.

"Dear viewers, this is the town of Stamford, which is only separated from New York by a river. As you can see, this town has been severely damaged, and more than half of the buildings have collapsed. Let us interview the local residents. ——】"

"We got news from insiders that this incident was triggered by a 'superhero group' chasing a fugitive 'super criminal'. They were live broadcasting at the time. Let's take a look at the scene before the live broadcast was interrupted - —】"

"Surprisingly, there were no casualties in this serious incident for the town. According to local officials, they received warning in advance. A "superhero" came in advance to warn them before the fight occurred, but Refuse to reveal the identity of this superhero——]”

"According to reliable information, Stark Group will be responsible for the restoration and reconstruction of Stamford——]"

"We invited a famous real estate analyst——]"

On the edge of the town, well-informed media people from all walks of life are reporting outside the cordon set up by the military against the backdrop of a messy town. Although each of them speaks seriously, most of them are just conjectures based on existing intelligence. and conjecture.

Some reporters trying to get exclusive news tried to sneak around the cordon and sneak into the town, but they were often discovered and driven away by patrol officers before they got very far.

Stark, who was wearing a gray suit and seemed to have just finished a formal meeting, paused the screen, then turned to look at Peter Parker, who was standing behind him without wearing a spider suit and looking a little downcast.

"You did a good job on this matter, Peter. When you can't think of a solution, or you have a plan but you are unable to implement it yourself, it is a good way to ask for help from your relatives and friends," he said: "If you were more decisive Even better.”

"But..." Peter looked up.

"You don't have to think too much," Stark patted him on the shoulder: "Everyone should be responsible for their own choices. After 'Nitrogen' gains power through the 'Red Light Ring', he can use it to propose to S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick, who was short of manpower, would probably not refuse the request for meritorious service. However, he chose to immediately take revenge on the 'New Chapter' and destroyed Stamford in the process, so he was imprisoned in 'Azkaban' for his own fault. "

"'New Battle Group'..."

"Don't they like to do live broadcasts and reality shows? Then continue to do that promising job. There is no need for this kind of 'talent' in the 'superhero' team," Stark raised his eyebrows: "Jia Weiss? How are the ratings for the 'New Fight' reality show?"

"After the 'Stamford Incident', there was a rapid rise for a period of time, but then there was a sharp decline, sir," Jarvis's voice sounded: "According to the investigation, their original popularity was due to the use of Their respective superpowers, although many viewers saw that the 'supervillains' they were chasing were not real, their own 'superpowers' were flawless, so they continued to pay attention to them until the 'incident' occurred, and they lost All the super-powered 'New Fighters' tried to continue to disguise themselves through computer special effects, but they were immediately seen through by the audience's 'double construction', and the TV station of the show has made the decision to cut it in half.]"

"Follow up for a period of time and try to train them into comedians or comedians. Although it will ruin their jobs, we can't let them starve to death, right?" Stark said nonchalantly.

"Okay, sir.]"

"So, back to the topic, how did you 'deprive' them of their superpowers?" Stark patted Peter on the shoulder and led him to sit down on the sofa in the lounge: "The 'White Queen' seemed totally satisfied with this. Not surprised, but I’m quite curious.”

"Miss Rachel once said that the source of power for all 'superpowers' is... the 'Universe Demon'." Peter looked at the ceiling: "So these 'superpowers' are also called 'Adventors' .”

Stark nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"I thought about many solutions at the time, but because both of them were wrong, no matter which side they leaned towards, it was not perfect, especially when they had powers beyond ordinary people, so I finally thought..." Peterton After a pause: "Wouldn't it be nice if none of them had superpowers?"

"Your judgment is correct, Mr. Peter," Jarvis continued: "According to my analysis of the 'New Chapter', if they do not learn enough lessons from this incident, their future behavior will be You will become more and more unscrupulous and cause more trouble. Mr. Stark was already discussing the education and transformation plan for these "wild superpowers" with the "White Queen", but you made a wonderful "draw the fire under the cauldron". ]"

"I once met the 'Universe Demon' who provided me with abilities." Peter scratched his head: "It sounds unbelievable, right?...Uh, did I say that?"

"Oh, all of Stark's power comes from Stark himself, and he doesn't bother to obtain the power of others, but I am happy to hear your story." Stark crossed his arms.

"That's a very kind spider lady. She calls herself 'Spider Totem', manages and gives power to all spiders, and I'm just one of them. If I hadn't accidentally appeared in front of her, she might not have noticed my existence. ," Peter said: "I guess that may be the case for all 'cosmic demons'. They don't care at all about the 'adventurs' individuals who have been given power by themselves. Then, if I intercept the power they give half way, maybe it will It can eliminate the power of those superpowers."

"How to do it specifically? I guess Nick will be very interested in this." Stark nodded.

"It's hard to explain clearly. Maybe it's the spider's instinct, or maybe it's the ability to get out of class. In short, I weaved a 'web' above the 'heads' of the 'New Battle Group' and the 'Nitrogen Man', anything." The power that comes will be intercepted, so after they consume the remaining power, they all temporarily become ordinary people," Peter said: "I'm not sure about the bearing capacity of this 'net'. If there is a limit, maybe they will get back the accumulated power and become stronger?”

"That kind of thing..."

"How could something like that be allowed to happen!?" Before Stark could say anything, the door to the lounge was slammed open, and Indy was holding a tablet. No, Artoria Luna... Stark rushed in, yelling, "Those powers are mine!"


Under Stark's gaze, little Luna changed her words angrily:

"It belongs to all of us..."

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