The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and forty-six, North American Mythical War (178)

——Marvel, 2014——

In the suburbs of Los Angeles, a safe house belonging to SHIELD.

This is an equipment maintenance room located next to a desert road, at least on the surface.

If you open the red iron door with the "keepout" and "close" signs, you can find that this is a shelter with sufficient food and water, medicine, tools, weapons, and even a simple operating table, and its architectural structure is also Much stronger than it looks.

At this time, Steve was lying on the operating table, looking at the nervous Colson and Natasha who was flipping through the information through the second structure, with a helpless expression: "I told you, I'm fine, I feel fine. "

"It's no use telling us, Captain," Natasha said without raising her head, "You have to convince the 'that' in you."

"Hmm." Steve looked away and looked at "himself", or "the green light and shadow surrounding himself".

It looked like a ball of flame, and also like a mist, showing a dull green color, wrapping Steve completely in it, and just as Steve said a few words to Natasha, it seemed like a flame When it burns out or the fog dissipates, it shrinks in a circle visibly to the naked eye.

"Hope!" Colson jumped up suddenly, clenched his fists, and stared straight at the green mass. Then, a stream of cyan flowed out of him like water and blended into them lightly. Then, that The green mass seemed to be replenished by firewood or water vapor. After expanding outward for a circle, it regained stability again.

"Even for the sake of Colson's mental health, please try to hold on, Captain," Natasha shrugged: "I don't think what will happen to you after this green thing disappears, but Colson obviously I do not think so."

"What are you talking about?" Coulson was obviously opposed to Natasha's opinion: "The captain does not have a 'second structure'. This is clearly his own willpower. If it goes out, the captain may..."

"Maybe I'll fall asleep." Natasha spread her hands.

"...I may never wake up again!" Coulson choked: "We must hold on until the support of the Avengers arrives!"

"But you just talked to the 'White Queen'. Apart from congratulating you on becoming the captain's best assistant, she didn't seem very nervous about the situation you described." Natasha sighed: "And the person scheduled to come to support is Professor Bruce Banner, do you think he knows how to handle this?"

"But she also said that the situation we encountered was beyond what Mr. Stark and Mr. Rhodes could handle," Coulson insisted: "And what they have in common with the captain is that they are all 'ordinary people'."

"You have redefined 'ordinary people'." Natasha shook her head and turned to look at Steve: "However, this situation is indeed rare. We all thought that even if you can't use it, at least you can." Carry a two-piece ring with you, just like a cell phone.”

"I just learned how to use a smartphone, and Tony came up with something new...but the reason why I didn't bring it is not that I don't know how to use it, but..." Steve showed a puzzled expression: "It said I'm already on Log in from other devices'."

"Huh? Account hacking? This is impossible," Natasha touched her chin: "Although they are indeed made by the Stark Group and are relatively crude, the login verification is a technology provided by the Green Lantern Corps, even if it is a clone No one can log into their own devices."

"Did SHIELD create a clone of me? Or is it a product left over from Hydra?" Steve discovered the anomaly.

"Uh, of course not," Natasha blinked: "And captain, your power comes from the super soldier serum, so cloning you is useless."


"The captain's strength comes from his strong willpower! It's not just a serum!" Coulson immediately retorted after recognizing the keyword.

"Yes, yes, you are right." Natasha spread out a hand and looked up at the ceiling.

"I asked little Rachel about this, and she said..." Steve paused for a moment, as if he wanted to imitate someone's tone and then gave up: "Maybe I have someone who has 'logged in', green light The Legion’s original ring was then given to Howard for deconstruction and mass production, but don’t worry, the new ring will appear again like the ‘owl that failed to deliver the letter’.”

"What a wonderful metaphor. It roughly means that you will 'replace' a new green light ring, but it hasn't arrived yet?" Natasha commented.

"So this green color is really the willpower of the captain himself!" Coulson interjected again: "Don't fall asleep, captain!"

"...I'll try my best." Steve shrugged.


"Hope! Hope!"

Winter winter winter!

After Coulson instilled "hope" into Steve five or six more times and night had fallen, the Avengers' reinforcements finally arrived.

"Oh? Is this a code?" Dr. Bruce Banner opened the door of the safe house and looked at Coulson, who had his hands clenched in fists: "Then, hope is the most precious thing of our time]."


The cyan "water flow" that was originally rushing towards Steve paused, and half of it flew towards Dr. Banner, causing a purple light to flash around him.

Dr. Bruce Banner was wearing a brown coat that completely covered his body, and he also had a matching brown large-brim hat on his head. If he paired it with a pair of sunglasses, he could go directly to the photo shoot. The movie is, of course, an old movie from the 1950s and 1960s.

"Oh, I was just joking," Banner adjusted his glasses: "But Hulk seems to be suddenly excited - do you have a target for him to smash?"

"Of course there is. Aim's factory in the suburbs. Here is the detailed information and location." Natasha handed a tablet to Banner: "By the way, your clothes seem quite interesting. They look like they were from decades ago." Agent, are there two Chicago typewriters hidden in there?"

"Hulk doesn't need that kind of thing. I'm wearing this to cover up the new equipment sent to me by the White Queen." Banner casually unbuttoned his coat while checking the content on the tablet.

"What-" Natasha was about to answer, but was shocked and speechless by what she saw.

It was a one-piece black combat uniform, as well as a set of white rubber-like armor, gloves and boots.

"I know what you want to ask. I've already asked." Banner put his coat and hat into his pocket and spread his hands: "Rachel assures me that there are no such aliens in this universe."

"I have to say, if this thing is genuine, it will indeed suit you." Steve smiled.

"Of course it's the real thing," Banner returned the tablet to Natasha, then turned and left the safe house: "I'll take the first step, and you'll come back later."

"Wait, I think we should-"

Coulson was about to speak to stop him, but was interrupted by a burst of purple light and a huge roar from outside the door.

"Hulk! I'm going to hit someone!]"

The Hulk, wearing a Saiyan combat uniform, leaped high and disappeared into the night sky.

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