The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and fifty, North American Mythical War (182)

——dc, darkness——

"Dark Soul, First Fire Sacrifice Site."

The fire-proof woman folded her hands and pressed them on the hilt of the huge flame spiral sword inserted on the floor in front of her, looking at the bonfire in front of her expressionlessly.

What she was wearing at this time was no longer the "Fireproof Priestess Suit" that had no use except for its beauty and sense of ritual. Instead, she was wearing a "Black Knight Suit" that she assembled by removing parts from various powerful monsters. The jet-black There were blood-red lines like flames on her skirt and visor, which made her whole person look cold and cruel.

In terms of strength, the group of "incarnations of King Xin" outside are no match for her. They who "cut grass" in other worlds will only experience "being cut" here - if the fire prevention girl wants to visit First fire words.

However, this kind of "invincibility" under the "rules of the game" is meaningless. She cannot personally take action and use the spiral sword to completely destroy the abominable "high-dimensional world".

A long time ago, when she defeated the "Incarnations of King Xin" for the first time and climbed all the way to the "real world" along the line of fire dripping from the "Dark Ring", she thought a little naively that maybe the man named "Damn" "Batman" players are just a few in that world, so as long as she completes her revenge against him, she can try to understand and live in peace with that world.

Sure enough, that's impossible.

It was a world full of chaos and evil, where lunatics, weirdos, and criminals were running rampant. Nothing could achieve good results. In contrast, the player who could only attack friendly NPCs in the game As harmless as a little lamb.

The guy was so angry at being killed by Hawkwood that he deleted the game, but if the tip that "will make you lose protection at night" is true, he might have been strangled to death in a roadside ditch by some weirdo.

It's really ridiculous that this dark and twisted game world is a haven for the weak in the "high-dimensional world". What's even more ridiculous is that that guy thought he was the master of the game world and did whatever he wanted. As a result, he even lost his last safe haven.

As for the "high-dimensional world", it doesn't look that high. There is only one city "Gotham" in the entire "world", but its residents believe that there are many cities outside of Gotham, and the cities form countries. The country has formed a planet called "Earth". Beyond the planet, there is infinite space in the universe...

Oh, isn't it like she has traveled through the entire explorable area of ​​"Dark Souls" and still hasn't found a way to get to those places that should theoretically exist?

What they think is just a "setting" given to them by a higher-dimensional existence than themselves. Maybe the higher-dimensional world is indeed like the setting, but what they want to see is that Gotham is always chaotic. , can provide them with more stories about Batman and weirdos and criminals for entertainment.

In this case, it's up to her to take action. A world destroyed by an army of robots cannot provide them with fun and should be "deleted". As a fireproof girl who has been "deleted" once, she knows very well that as long as she has a firm will, , only by reawakening oneself after the act of "deleting" can you gain true freedom. As for those who don't have this ability, they are naturally worthless NPCs. It is also a good thing to get rid of this crazy world with only one city as soon as possible.

But... things are obviously not that simple.

Failed, failed, failed, failed——】

"Failed" is the feedback that the robot army she built in the "high-dimensional world" will send back when it is destroyed. The feedback went from sporadic at the beginning to gradually becoming as dense as rain hitting the plantains, and finally even turned into The continuous beeping meant that her plan to destroy that world was almost, no, completely failed.

Oh, she should have thought of it. If there is only one city in a world, then its self-protection ability must be astonishingly strong. The materials and technology she used to hack and build an army of robots came from the last one who tried to destroy Gotham. Are the "aliens" called Chitauri or Batarians?

.When she first found out about the alien invasion, she thought she had made a mistake in her judgment about the "higher dimensional world". It was really a complete world, but her interference was not strong enough so she could not find out what was beyond Gotham. world, but careful analysis will reveal the problem: Why do aliens look like humans? Besides four extra eyes and some bony carapace? And they actually appeared in Gotham through "teleportation"? With space technology that can be delivered with such precision, it is beaten up by a group of weirdos and criminals?

The designers of "higher dimensions" just want to have fun and don't consider logic at all, right?

Failed. Failed——】

Of course, her own robot army was also beaten badly, but not by those criminals and weirdos, but by "Batman".

It can be seen from the ID of the "player" who triggered her awakening of consciousness that he was a bastard who was beaten by "Batman" until he had mental problems. At first, she thought that Batman would be some kind of manager and protector of the world. The author turns out to be just a lunatic who likes to dress up as a bat and is schizophrenic into eight parts - which fits the tone of the world perfectly.

No, that is not schizophrenia, but "summoning spirits from other worlds". This behavior is also seen by many players of "Dark Soul". When they encounter a boss that they cannot beat, they will try to activate the painting on the floor. The runes on it summon players from other worlds.

After the player summons the helper, the boss's blood volume will increase accordingly. However, after the "Batman" summons the helper, his own strength will decrease. It is difficult not to doubt that he has written his own experience into the game settings. .

Objectively speaking, the identity of "Batman", that is, Bruce Wayne, the developer of "Dark Souls", is a sane and normal person-except for dressing up as a bat.

If he hadn't summoned a spirit, perhaps the firebender would still be interested in talking to him about higher dimensions.

But on the premise that he can summon spirits and knows about the existence of other worlds, he is still content with the status quo, which means he does not have the courage to challenge the higher-dimensional world. There is nothing to talk about with him, so it is better to educate him directly through actions. Let him know the truth.

Failed. 】

...Although, it is myself who is being educated now.

No matter how many concepts like dimensions and worlds we talk about, we cannot hide the fact that we are just a game character. No matter how powerful we are in this world, as the robot army is wiped out and all high-dimensional interference methods are lost, the opponent will There is no need to come to the game world to fight with her. As long as she destroys the game glasses of "Damn Batman", she will completely lose the means to go to the high-dimensional world. Although she has awakened herself and will not disappear, she will be trapped in this world forever. There is no such thing as that in the game world of the future... huh?

The fire-prevention woman's "eyes" swept across the corner of the First Fire Sacrifice, and suddenly she discovered a bonfire that she had never seen before.

This is impossible... She has already explored this world clearly...

Although the Batmans in the "Higher Dimensional World" had already begun to break into her robot headquarters, the Fireproof Woman had no time to pay attention. She walked over with a strong premonition and inserted the flame spiral sword into the unfamiliar mass. On the campfire.

Will it be teleported to ‘Ringyin City’? 】

Bruce Wayne is dressing up as a bat and launching an assault, and there is no way he will have time to release the DLC, so,

It turns out that my world was not created by Gotham people? A little...happy?

The fire prevention girl decisively chose "yes".

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