The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and fifty-four, North American Mythical War (186)

——Marvel, 2014——

S.H.I.E.L.D., Tri-Wing Building.

Nick Fury felt that since the "White Queen", no, "Miss Jin Jing" was assassinated by "Hydra", his job became much easier instantly. The furious Kingpin caught the Hydra and bit him to death. , the gangs don’t care about any judicial procedures and evidence, and “blood revenge” is as big as the sky in their culture.

Those Hydras think they are well hidden, but "very good" only refers to official official investigations. From the perspective of the Fisk family, whose network is spread all over the United States, catching these mysterious little bugs is effortless.

However, why do you remember that the reason why he came back after retirement was because his daughter was killed?

It would be great to have a resurrected daughter. I wonder if there is any mermaid lady in Atlantis who is willing to marry outside.

As for SHIELD's shortage of manpower, there is no need to worry. Rachel Fisk got a "BI senior senior agent" identity from somewhere and transferred a group of BI to SHIELD to help, but the CIA was not happy. , a group of people came in after submitting the application, and then came the National Security Bureau, the National Guard, the IRS, the New York Traffic Police Brigade...the last few were just here to join in the fun!

In short, Hydra is no longer a serious problem for SHIELD. The most troublesome thing is that the factions are fighting each other, which leads to a decrease in work efficiency - hey, this is what a normal director with many subordinates should consider.

In this relaxed atmosphere, when Nick Fury heard the news that the "White Queen" came to his door, he still had the leisure to guess that her purpose was to investigate her for the Hand, but he revealed himself to be the murderer? Or is it an aim created for a small group of fusion factions among the two military factions?

Things turned out to be a little more troublesome than he expected.

She brought an AIM researcher named Alex Mercer with her to interrogate Alex Mercer, the AIM researcher who was captured by Captain America and the others in Los Angeles some time ago.

Hell, the nonsense that "Hydra is a lizard man and can turn into a human and lurk into human society" that was originally said will not come true, right?

Nick Fury, who was worried about this, urged people to watch, well, visit, no, watch.

The "White Queen" didn't have any objections to this and came to the interrogation room with Nick Fury. However, she did not let the two of them meet. Instead, she stayed next door with the "fake" and watched the interrogation through the one-way glass. , and asked the interrogator to ask questions according to her prompts through the headset.

Although this will lead to gaps in the interrogation, it is also a means of creating pressure, so there is no problem.

While sitting behind the one-way glass, Nick Fury carefully observed "Alex" brought by the "White Queen" and compared it with "Alex" who was being interrogated.

The preliminary conclusion is that although the appearance is exactly the same, the temperament is very different.

One was decadent and lost, with a ruthless look in his eyes, and his body tensed up when facing the interrogator, while the other looked at "himself" curiously, with an expression not of surprise, but more like he was thinking about the difference between the two.

To put it metaphorically, they were like two identical rabbits being attacked by an eagle at the same time. One of them was shivering and fled in a hurry. Seeing that he couldn't escape, he was ready to kick the eagle to death, while the other remained motionless, just like that. Staring at the eagle flying down from the sky, there was confusion in his eyes, as if he was thinking, "And food will come to your door on its own?"

Heh, think about it, how can the person who can be favored by the White Queen be an ordinary researcher?

After observing for a moment, this extraordinary "Alex" asked his first question:

"You know your research can easily destroy a city, why are you still involved?"

And ordinary Alex's answer is:

"It's a joke. The weapons sold by Stark Group are enough to destroy hundreds of cities. Why don't you take care of it?"


——Aim catches homeless people for experiments. Don’t you think there is something wrong with this behavior?

——They might just die in the gutter, but they can still make some contribution here. 】

——You are using alien DNA without fully understanding it. Aren’t you worried that there will be unknown dangers?

——How can science progress if we are worried about dangers? 】

——Don’t you know what you’re doing is illegal?

——Heh, your S.H.I.E.L.D. is not doing enough illegal activities? 】

The air-to-air confrontation between the two "Alexs" continued. Alex, the one who asked the question, was not doing well, but the interrogator responsible for relaying the question was already getting angry.

Nick Fury warned him through the earphones to be calm and just watch the debate. At this time, the "White Queen" waved to Nick Fury and motioned him to temporarily leave the one-way glass room.

"What's wrong? The interrogation isn't over yet, and do you think it's appropriate to talk here?" Nick Fury followed her to the corridor and asked, making it clear that there is surveillance here at all times.

"Huh? There's nothing inappropriate. I brought him here just to report, and the current conversation is also part of it." The "White Queen" raised her head and glanced at the hidden camera: "What's your judgment on Mr. Alex?" How about it? No need to be too professional, just talk casually."

"If you are talking about the person being interrogated, he is a typical 'refined egoist' who will arbitrarily put his own interests, behavior or will above anything else when there is no clear violation of laws or regulations. , if these behaviors violate laws and regulations, they will excuse themselves with reasons such as 'others have violated more seriously', 'everyone does it', etc. Even if the regulations are enforced, they will never think that they are wrong. But they will insist that 'the makers and enforcers of the law themselves have problems.'" Nick Fury shrugged: "For such people, after dealing with them according to the regulations, it is best not to say a word to them, otherwise it will change their mentality. Good people are infuriating.”

"Well...where's the other one?" "White Queen" nodded.

"Him?" Nick Fury pondered briefly: "He seems to be asking the other party, but actually he is asking himself. My initial judgment is that he should have all the memories of 'the other Alex', but he has The completely opposite personality of 'trying not to cause trouble to others'. He was very surprised that he would do what he remembered, so he asked you to bring him to question 'me', right?"

"'At the beginning of man's nature, he is inherently good,'" the White Queen suddenly said: "If he wants to become a member of the Avengers, he must cut himself off from his 'original body'."

"The beginning of man? Join the Avengers?" Nick Fury felt that his head was starting to hurt: "Can you tell me who he is? The person you like is definitely not an ordinary person."

"The aggregation of the 'Black Light Virus', an evolved species of the 'Red Light Virus', Aim's current mature product, I call him 'Vision'. If he is capable..." "White Queen" blinked: "He can do it within two hours. Destroy Los Angeles.”


So the "dangerous research" he keeps talking about is referring to himself!

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