The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and seventy-three, North American Mythical War (197)

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Mobius, or the current "Anti-Monitor", after roughly examining the multiverse he took over with the assistance of the "Mobius Chair", found that it was similar but different from the original universe.

Both of them have "Earth" as the center of the universe, and their astronomical geography and social and human history are almost the same. The differences between them began to appear in 1934 AD. The center of the current multiverse has shifted to the newly born city "Gotham". ", while the original center of the universe still remained "New York", by 1939, the entire universe had become completely different.

The two multiverses also have a long history. According to common sense, they should only differ in their development after 1934 - but this does not apply to universe-level modifications.

Although the change occurred in 1934, the change spread to "past" and "future", "micro" and "macro", "technology" and "magic" at the same time. When it moved to 1939, even The "birth" and "destruction" of the two universes have been modified to look completely different.

The most special thing is that these changes themselves cannot be interfered by time travel and other means that "appear due to changes". No matter what has happened in the multiverse or how long it has passed, this time has been named "Sacred Time Point" by the Time Variation Administration. The time node will gradually advance in its own cycle and rhythm. At present, it should be 2015 AD].

Only the timeline in which "own time" and "sacred time point" are consistent are the most real, and are also the targets that the Time Administration should protect. The farther away the timeline's own time is from the sacred time point, the less important it is, and even It’s okay to ignore it completely.

And the "Conqueror Kang" who destroyed the Time Administration claimed to have mastered the "Holy Timeline", which was just bragging. After he realized this, he just made a plan to keep his time consistent with it, and that The time point is still stuck in 2015], and he has an absolute time of one thousand years to encounter failure.

Then, there is the biggest difference between the two multiverses, "time" and "space".

The time of the "New York Universe" basically follows the "sacred time point". At the same time, there are countless parallel worlds, or "timelines", that were born due to the influence of the "space-time anchor point", and the task of the Time Variation Administration is to maintain them stability to prevent them from accidentally collapsing and affecting the timeline near the "sacred time point". Generally speaking, although there are small twists and turns from time to time, the overall situation is still orderly.

As for the "Gotham Universe", it's a bit difficult to describe. What splits it is not the timeline, but the universe itself. The personalities of the key characters in the "New York Universe" are basically the same but have different logics. Everyone in the "Gotham Universe" has different personalities. The logic of behavior is chaotic, but this chaos has convergence, that is, "people in the entire universe tend to have a certain personality."

Taking the key figures of the two universes as an example, "Iron Man" Tony Stark, no matter how his situation changes, he will eventually become "Iron Captain", "Iron Hulk" or "Iron Supreme Mage". With that kind of extremely confident, arrogant, and "I am the best in the world" character and attitude, it is absolutely impossible to help an old lady cross the road with one foot and go to the roadside stall to buy a pizza and eat it on the fly.

But "Batman" Bruce Wayne is different. One of his labels is "doesn't kill." Batman has more abilities than ordinary Batman. In addition, he "treats Gotham as his own territory", "is always ready to backstab his teammates", "always disappears after Gordon finishes speaking" and "raises many Robins" "There are also a large number of different and even completely opposite Batmans.

Of course, a Batman with a different personality and style cannot be in the same universe. Otherwise, a universe would be a hell mode for some bats, but it would be a cheat for other bats.

Mobius doesn't know how the original monitors and anti-monitors divided the universe, but it should be no problem to regard those who are united and friendly as silly and sweet as the light universe, and those who backstab and fight with each other as the dark universe. The destroyed universe... has not yet been discovered.

Combined with the task given to her by Ms. "Death" to clean up the influence of "Khorne", "Nurgle", "Tzeentch" and "Slaanesh" on the universe, it may be understood that the reason why the "Gotham Universe" is like this The mess is entirely due to the influence of these four... four... existences that I don't know what to call.

She did not allow herself to "annihilate" them, but "clear" them, which shows that she knew that with her own strength, she was completely powerless against these existences - and this was also true. After Mobius checked the entire multiverse, he discovered many suspected beings. They affect people or things, but there is no clue at all about their true nature.

The most affected among them is naturally the former "World Forger"'s pet, "Eternal Fire Death Dragon" Barbatos. The "Owl Council" formed by it is still constantly hunting Batman from different single universes. Perhaps " They do not have to actually "eat" Batman. After the death of Batman in each universe, they will be "broken" and then become various "attributes" that can be absorbed by them. , for example, Batarang can enhance throwing ability, Bat Cloak can enhance slow falling ability, Batmobile can enhance vehicle driving, etc. In short, all items with the "bat" prefix are targets for hunting by the Owl Council.

But no matter which universe's Batman, Batman is not weak, and he also has many superhero companions. If the Owl Council successfully kills the Batman of a certain universe, then the superheroes who are the support of that universe will basically be dead. Then, the timeline collapses and the universe is destroyed.

The "Gotham Universe" does not have the Time Administration to come to the rescue. As more and more Batmans are hunted, the Council of Owls becomes stronger and stronger. Batman and his companions in any single universe are no match. This led to a snowballing vicious cycle - until Mobius destroyed Barbatos in the "Ring Seal City".

The "Owl Council" who lost the power given by their "master" had to change their original extravagant and wasteful behavior, that is, "cultivate new 'Owl Court' as agents in the single universe without considering consumption." After all, these agents are in After killing Batman, the "profit" will be divided.

After repeatedly contacting Barbatos without success, the "Owl Council" decided to allow only the council's elites to participate in the "Batman Hunting" operation, and lower-level agents would no longer pay attention and invest resources.

This gave many Batmans who were struggling to resist the attacks of the Court of Owls a chance to breathe, and then took advantage of the situation to counterattack, completely wiping out the Court of Owls in many single universes.

But before they could celebrate their victory, the "Owl Council" who thought they were worthy of hunting followed one after another, bringing deeper despair and destruction.

So, to eradicate the influence of the "Eating Evil of the World", let's start with these "Owl Councils", and as for the method... find a universe that has defeated the Owl Court and has initially shown hunting value, and then just wait and see.

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