The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and eighty-one, North American Mythical War (201)

Hogwarts, Vice Headmaster's Office.

"This is really interesting. Most of the students who intend to participate in the 'Triwizard Tournament Preliminary Tournament' have started to find people with whom they have better connections to 'form a team'. Although this helps to improve the overall ranking, it can also easily lead to elimination. It's the situation of the entire team." I looked at the heated pre-war meetings in the "Response Room" and felt a little emotional: "If this is also in Luna's plan, then she is indeed qualified to become a 'Young Avenger' leader."

But it’s a violation to check the statistical information of the second structure without authorization, right? Although those are not personal privacy. ] Didi Gugu, the stupid system that became the Sorting Hat.

"Collecting opponent information is part of the preparation before the game. The rules of the game itself cannot restrict this kind of thing, and I haven't started to formulate the rules yet, so I just turn a blind eye."

The hard core turns a blind eye. 】


I pulled down the brim of the hat on the left side slightly, covering my closed left eye a little more tightly.


At the same time, in Asgard's Golden Palace, the "Scarlet Witch" with only her left eye open was looking through the entries submitted by the "Green Lantern Corps" and "Asgard".

Due to the large scale of this event, the "White Queen" as the vice-principal responsible for organizing the qualifiers cannot leave, and the "Scarlet Witch" cannot be idle as the coordinator of all forces and the auditor of the contestants, especially the "White Star" I have to start designing the "sea" arena. If I didn't have enough experience in fine points, I would probably be exhausted by now.

Hmm... The three heads and six arms are really great magical powers. Did it originally belong to Brother Monkey or Nezha?

Aren't you already dizzy? 】

‘It’s so noisy! Why can you switch freely? ’ I glared at the wand in my hand with my left eye.

Multithreading, that's common sense, my friend. 】


Since the Green Lantern Corps has a more detailed evaluation method for its members, Asgard is always competing to see who is stronger, and the strength gap is relatively obvious. Therefore, there is no need to hold qualifiers. If you are not satisfied with the submitted candidates, go up and have a fight. Everything is solved.

The purpose of the review is not to bring everyone to the same level - that is unrealistic, but to limit certain abilities that have too obvious advantages through rules.

For example, if a contestant's ability is teleportation, then the race will add a restriction of "must have a continuous movement distance". If a contestant has precognition or lucky abilities, the goal of the underwater treasure hunt will additionally require these abilities. As for the effect of immunity, if the contestant has the ability to attack dragons, the dragon as the target will gain the trait of "not being a dragon, and its inherent attributes cannot be changed".

In this case, one principle of restricting means is to try to improve the "rules" instead of weakening the contestants, which will give people a very bad experience.

As for the specific elimination rules, Luna guessed it right by mistake. The top three in each of the three events, up to nine contestants, will have a big battle, and the last three contestants will be the "top three" , if someone really takes the top three, the game will end early and go directly to the awards ceremony.

As for the prizes, they were provided by the organizers Bai Xing, Ion Shark and Odin. They didn’t know yet. The prize I provided was the “Holy Grail that can make wishes come true”. Of course, in essence, it was asking me to make a wish.

"White Star", as the "spirit of existence", wants to modify reality without disturbing "Death". If the wish is too small, the "White Queen" may be able to do it with a wave of her magic wand.

If someone dares to ask me a question like "What is the meaning of the universe?" I will throw a "42" to him and let him think about it on his own.


Ocean Dimension.

Unlike the "sea" in the "qualifiers" which is only as large as the Black Lake and can be reused, the treasure hunting location in the main competition will be an entire "ocean planet", and the only landmark on the entire planet is the "Red Earth Continent" in longitude. and the “Grand Line” in dimension.

Are you looking for devil fruits and onepiece? ] Mekaro said.

"Actually, there is also the Certificate of Overlord and La Laiya." Because there is no need to look here, Bai Xing's eyes are completely closed, and he only needs to use his consciousness to tinker with the planet born in his hands and throw away various things.

It’s a hodgepodge, which treasure has the highest score? 】

"Of course it is, Mermaid Island."

This is shady! 】Mekaro pretended to protest.

"It's a joke, even in the original world, what treasure can be as good as Princess Shirahoshi herself?"

Yes, such as the Empress, Princess Vivi, Nico Robin, and Big Mom. 】

"No...wait a minute, forget the first few, what's going on with the last one? What are you comparing it to?"

tonnage. 】

"Fly high up for me!"

Shirahoshi flicked his tail and knocked away the stupid shark.



"Oh? This expression is not common. It seems that hosting this event is very stressful." Stark sat on the sofa opposite the desk in the vice-principal's office and raised his eyebrows. "Fortunately, that was not my idea. "

"Children of this age will always come up with things you can't imagine. If you ask me, gangsters are easier to manage than them." I held up the brim of my hat: "How can Iron Man, who just escaped from the antitrust hearing, have such trouble?" Coming to Hogwarts on your own? I thought you would at least cause some trouble for the sponsors."

"Actually, that's your fault."


"Those reporters got the information about Luna from somewhere, and they even found a 'biological mother' of the right age to drive a wedge between me and Pepper. I have to take Luna back for a few days to appease her. "Emotions," Stark smacked his lips: "Such a low appearance, tsk tsk, even if I'm blind, I still can't look down on her."

“Are you running for governor?”


"I mean, you definitely had a close relationship with her at the beginning." I opened the second structure to search for relevant news: "Although those reporters basically 'start with a picture and make up the rest', they must at least have pictures... …Well."

Isn't this the temporary heroine of "Iron Man 3"? !

Because the 'Extremis Virus' was replaced by the 'Black Light Virus' and 'Vision', she did not die either.] The stupid system gloated: It is indeed your fault. 】

"Hey, wait a minute, what was your reaction? What do I really have to do with her? Is magic so convenient? I swear I am devoted to Pepper!" Stark began to talk nonsense.

"Although it's nothing, there is something," I turned the two-dimensional projection to Stark: "Her name is Maya Hansen. You were initially interested in the results of the institute where she worked, but you were not Star at that time. The boss of Gram Group couldn't get it with money, so he pretended to be a researcher to apply for the job, and was very attentive to the senior who led you. Finally, after obtaining the key technology, he decisively ran away and directly cut off all ties with her. "

"Look, I don't even remember..."

"She got cancer because she worked in that illegal research institute for a long time," I interrupted Stark's scumbag: "Although I knew who you were in the past ten years, I never contacted you. Recently, she felt that she Time is running out and an unscrupulous reporter comes to visit me again, so I plan to use this opportunity to meet you."

"She can only see my lawyer," Stark muttered, "Okay, so what does she want? A cure for cancer? It's not like -"

"No, she wants to..." I held up the brim of my hat: "Finish the dance at the Christmas ball with you."


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