The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and eighty-four, Sherlock and the Holy Grail (7)

——Marvel, 2015——

Hogwarts, main entrance to the castle.

Buzz buzz...


On the opening day of the "Triwizard Tournament" preliminaries, even though it was the weekend, Hogwarts was still as lively as the beginning of school.

However, only the professors standing on the makeshift podium at the main entrance were dressed in a relatively magical style. The students waiting under the stage were all dressed in various colors and carrying various equipment and props.

In addition to the more obvious diving equipment, there are also different types of transportation tools and some heavy weapons that look very powerful. I don’t know where they got them.

The principal, "Professor

"I am very happy to see all the students on this special day today. It seems that everyone is very eager to win honors for the college. According to statistics, a total of 91% of the students have signed up to participate in the preliminaries of the 'Triwizard Tournament'. I wish everyone good results in advance. Next, I will read out the rules of the preliminaries...]"

In fact, it's 100%, Sherlock thought boredly. Even the students who didn't sign up for the preliminaries had plans to repeatedly participate in the unranked competition after the ranking competition to get most of the rewards. They just didn't like competing with other people. Or maybe you just don’t want your name to appear at the bottom of the rankings.

"The first is the 'land race'. Students need to start from the north shore of the Black Lake, check in at the dormitory gates of Loki, Hela, Thor, and Bader College, and finally arrive at the south shore of the Black Lake. You can use transportation tools, magic and superpowers, but if the actual distance is not enough, you will not be able to check in successfully. Students who are already proficient in the 'Apparition' type of spell are asked not to start celebrating in advance. In addition, due to too many people participating in this project, accidents may occur, so this The competition schedule will be conducted in a 'copy mirror' format. Each student will encounter up to nine opponents at the same time. Apart from this, there are no other rules in the competition. Please trust the professors' rescue speed.]"

This means that they can attack each other. It is roughly the same as what Luna guessed. It is the advantage of Watson and T'Challa. As long as everyone in the same group is knocked away, they can easily reach the end point, but at the same time, we must also consider Speed ​​to avoid being overranked by other "mirror" people and taking away the top seven.

"The second is 'Undersea Treasure Hunting'. Of course, it's actually just a lake." Professor In the game, you find valuable 'treasures' in the lake and give them to the 'merchants' by the lake in exchange for points. The more points you get within a fixed period of time, the higher your ranking will be. How to allocate time to find and return submissions? 'Treasures' are an issue that everyone needs to consider. In addition, there are sea monsters wandering in the lake that are worth a certain amount of points and covet the treasures. Of course, in everyone's 'mirror copy', the distribution of treasures and sea beasts is completely Differently, 'copying answers' is not a good choice.】"

This is considered his strength. Since there is no limit to his abilities, he can use "Sherlock's Unpredictability" to split into two people and start searching at the same time... The "merchant" shouldn't give 50% off the value of the treasure, right?

"Then there is the team competition 'Challenge the Dragon' held in the Forbidden Forest. Note that the 'group' here does not refer to their respective teams, but to each team fighting the dragon. During the battle, there will be differences between all team members. It cannot cause damage or negative effects,]" Professor The latter is difficult to achieve but not impossible. After the challenge is over, the team will be ranked according to the damage done to the dragon. Among them, 'Resist/Absorb/Suffer Damage' and 'Effective Healing/Provide Buffs' will be ranked accordingly. A certain weight ratio is included in the 'damage'.]"

This... on-the-spot command? Luna and Moriarty should be good at it, and if a team has no leader and just piles damage, Erin should be able to put up good numbers.

"Finally, these three competitions can start from any one, and there is no order requirement. The top seven winners of each competition, a total of 21 people, will compete in a 'mirror copy' of the entire campus without any A limited brawl will be held to determine the final seven contestants. At the same time, in order to prevent students with invisibility or other similar abilities from escaping the battle, the range of the brawl will be narrowed over time. If it exceeds the range, they will be directly eliminated.]" x The professor looked in the direction of Sherlock and others: "Of course, if seven people can take the top seven in all events, the brawl competition will be cancelled."

Phew...many students around him instantly turned their attention.

Your ability to attract hatred is really strong... Sherlock glanced at Luna who seemed to be doing nothing. Of course, this matter was essentially due to Luna's overly high-profile announcement of her "sweeping the top seven plans".

"Don't worry, this is a good thing," Luna whispered to Sherlock: "If those who intend to hit the top seven can't see us and can't get in the way, they will target other contestants in an anxious mood and replace us. While balancing your opponents, you will also make your own mentality unbalanced and your performance abnormal."

"Then what if they see our people and unite to eliminate the biggest threat?" Sherlock asked in a low voice.

"You can't attack each other when fighting dragons. Undersea treasure hunting is a solo activity." Luna glanced at him: "If you can be tricked by others in the racing event, you'd better throw away the burden of being a famous detective as soon as possible."

What kind of detective baggage... I am just a mystery enthusiast, and it doesn't sound like a simple race.

"The rules are different from what we expected, but that's okay," Luna opened her second structure and began to send a letter to other members of the team: "Because of the lack of manpower, there is no need to forcefully pursue the top seven this time. Our goal is to collectively Advance to Brawl, then team up and kick everyone else out during Brawl."

Seeing Luna's confident look, Sherlock was slightly relieved, but not completely. After all, the shock of the burning giant tree in the illusion had not subsided.

He had tried to talk to the "White Queen" about this matter before, after all, she was the one who moved the "Holy Grail", but he was told that the Vice-Principal had gone to arrange the competition venue and had not been in the college for several days.

As for Professor

"Now - the game begins!]" the wise old man announced with his hands raised, and then disappeared in the next second.

All right.

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