The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and eighty-six, North American Mythical War (202)

——Marvel, 2015——

Hogwarts, entrance to the Forbidden Forest.

Although it is called the Forbidden Forest, there are no "no entry" provisions in the school regulations, and there are no warning signs "warning of danger" placed around it. Even if students are planning to explore the forest with their friends, the professors overhear it. , and will not try to stop it at all. What's more, some courses require going deep into the forest or using materials obtained from there.

If a new professor expresses concern about this and raises it to the principal, the answer will be: "If you call it the 'Wild and Magical Animal Park', the students' adventure destination will become your office."

However, even though the "Forbidden Forest" itself is just a name for fun, there are quite a few dangers that may occur in it, including but not limited to "crazy students getting lost in the forest", "greedy students eating poison", etc. "Mushroom orphans" and "reckless students annoy the originally gentle magical animals". At this time, it is necessary for the woodland warden "Hagrid" and his hound "Luwei" to come forward to solve the problem.

The "Challenge the Dragon" project in the preliminaries of the "Triwizard Tournament" was carried out under the leadership of the two of them.

For students who are more self-aware and have no intention of competing for rankings, but just want to get a reward of a similar level, such ordinary sports as "racing" and "diving" are obviously not as novel as "fighting dragons", especially After the principal promised that they would not be hurt.

Therefore, after the game started, the entrance to the Forbidden Forest was crowded with noisy students. Every time they gathered 40 people, they would be led by Hagrid into the depths of the Forbidden Forest, where they faced a giant dragon and fought. The group was wiped out three times in a short period of time and was sent out in disgrace.

As "Dragon-Slaying Warriors", when they face the curious and admiring gazes and inquiries of other students, they will instantly forget the "confidential plan" formulated by the temporary team and start talking about the challenges they face. The heroic posture as a giant dragon - no one can last long under that kind of attack anyway, so rather than ranking, the feeling of being admired is the most important at this time.

"Thirty-nine is short of one, is there anyone who wants to join?" Hagrid, a tall man, shouted to the crowd at the top of his lungs: "Is there anyone?"

At this time, the students gathered at the entrance were all students who had obviously formed a small team. They obviously had no intention of leaving the group and flying solo. They looked at each other, but no one answered. Farther away, the "loose students" were busy After asking the classmates who had come out earlier for information about the giant dragon they encountered, it seemed that they did not intend to participate in the battle casually until they gained full confidence. This caused Hagrid, who had shouted several times but was ignored, to scratch his head in embarrassment.

"I'll join." After more than ten seconds, a short, black-haired and black-eyed stick-wielding boy wearing a hood and hood walked out of the crowd: "There's only one left, isn't it?"

"Oh, yes, that's right," Hagrid looked at him, blinked a few times hesitantly, and then turned around: "Okay, follow me."

The young man stepped forward to follow Hagrid, and walked into the woods amid whispers of "Who is that?" "It looks familiar" and "Why haven't I seen it before?"

——? ? ? ——

Deep in the Forbidden Forest, the lush woods and the various magical animals that haunted them were gone, replaced by an empty forest glade.

In the middle of this open space, there is a giant dragon covered with pitch-black scales. There are still large traces of the curse on its body, but it seems that even the scales have not been broken.

The ground around the giant dragon and the trees around the open space are covered with various traces, which are enough to prove that an extremely fierce battle took place here before. But judging from the students who fell to the ground in confusion, they obviously Suffered a failure.

Winter, winter, winter.

The giant dragon took two steps forward with heavy steps and looked down at the "dragon slayers".

"It's strange, isn't it?]" It spoke in a low and hoarse voice: "You have only been defeated once, but you cannot 'start over'."

The students were naturally unable to answer this question, but the giant dragon continued talking on its own: "Odin, this insidious villain, in order to avoid the 'Twilight of the Gods', actually tried to eliminate me in advance. I have to say, this is A wonderful move, as the 'Destroying Dragon' to clean up the mess, is not part of 'Twilight of the Gods' itself, so his actions against me will not cause it to happen in advance.】"

"But it is a pity that I, 'Nidhogg níeh?ggr' will not be destroyed. The 'World-Destroying Dragon' is also the 'Despair Dragon'. As long as despair is still born in the Nine Realms, I will continue to be reborn. , and now, the Midgardians provide an excellent opportunity,]" The dragon looked around at the fallen students: "This ridiculous 'competition'.]"

"How much you desire victory and how much hope you have in your hearts will turn into despair when you fail. And the despair of such a large number of 'Adventors' is enough for me to wake up from my slumber and express my gratitude to Odin and Ah. Sgard launches revenge,]" The dragon who called himself Nidhogg continued to say in a low and hoarse voice: "Oh, don't worry, as a reward for awakening me, you will continue to live as my connection with 'reality' .】"

The students who couldn't move kept rolling their eyes, looking around for something.

"What are you looking for? Do you hope those weak 'professors' will come to save you? Haha,]" Nidhogg made a nasal sound that sounded like a sneer: "I really admire them for cutting space and then using it to create mutual The idea of ​​a parallel 'playing field' is fantastic, but clearly ignorant of the chaos of the Warp. If not me, there will be other Warp beings attracted to this obvious 'exit', you have yourselves to thank. Luck, I'm not one of those idiots who only knows how to kill and eat, and you will continue to live until you go to Asgard and let me destroy that abominable place with my hatred and rage.]"

Because no one came to rescue them for a long time, fear gradually appeared in the students' eyes.

"Yes, yes, that's it. Although the moment when hope turns to despair is far less than the change from life to death, at least it is sustainable," Nidhogg took a deep breath: " You will forget everything that happened here, and just think that you performed exceptionally well and achieved good results in the competition, and thus obtained the qualification to go to Asgard, and I——]"

"You will be sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban for assisting in cheating in major competitions." Atreus walked in from outside the woods, the gem on his cane shining: "You stupid lizard who fell into a trap."

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