The Collection of The End

Chapter 230 God War and Dragon Break

My name is Akatosh,

Dragon Break is really easy to use~

— 4E, 201, Hearth Moon, 2nd, 20:27 —

After Arthur got the Horn of the Windcaller, he didn't return the same way. After all, the road was full of camps of the Imperial Legion. Even at night, they would still keep vigilant. Even if the range of ordinary bows and arrows or magic is not enough, it would be very troublesome to be tracked all the time. .

In the end, he chose to take a detour, and took Sophie and Babas to fly along the mountains after transforming. Although it caused panic among many wild animals and was witnessed by several hunters, now that there are giant dragons recovering everywhere, It should not be associated with the dragonborn who Loristed left.

When flying over Lake Elintana, Arthur saw Ella and his party walking on the road in the distance with the super eyesight of the dragon, but because it was not dark yet, and there was an extra person in the team A strange man, he finally decided to land and restore his original shape before rushing to rendezvous.

The choice of this wooden house as the landing point was just a bit familiar, but after landing, judging by the familiar surrounding environment, it turned out to be his former home—after all, he had never overlooked it from the air.

"This place is so dilapidated, and there are no treasures~" Sophie walked around the wooden house, getting in and out, seeming very interested in "Daddy's old lair".

After all, it is an old house of more than ten years, and it is considered good enough to keep out the wind and rain, Arthur thought while fiddling with the bonfire, as for the treasure? Without the assistance of a hound, if the prey cannot be killed with one blow, it will escape or fall into a long-term hunt. At this time, it depends on the handling of the bow and arrow itself, and the power is the strongest, which can barely be called a treasure. His steel longbow had been chopped off with an ax given by Babas,

"Not yet? Actually, I don't mind eating raw."

Oh no...there are hounds now, and Arthur looked at Barbas, the dirt dog was salivating at the venison on the grill - that's what he hunted while Arthur was nostalgic inside the house .

Although it is a little troublesome that it is a demon god's pet, but as a demon god with an infinite lifespan, it shouldn't be a big problem to lend a pet for decades, as long as you pay attention to the details of the transaction and don't be taken advantage of.

Trading... Heh, Arthur cut a hole in the deer steak and applied seasoning with a little force.

There is no difference between "deal" and "deceit" in the mouth of the demon gods. They don't care how much they take advantage of mortals in the process. Most of them just observe the stupid behavior of mortals after they are confused by their own greed. A small minority are interested in enslaving mortals or pitting them against each other.

What Hirsine, the god of hunting, is interested in is the soul of an outstanding hunter.

According to Babas, the Nords who have made deals with Hircine will lose the honor of arriving in Songgarde and entering the Hall of Valor after death, and their souls will be pulled into Hircine's annihilation domain "Eternal Hunting Ground" for never-ending hunting The specific side between the hunted and the hunted will be determined by the comparison of the strengths of the two parties that Hircine puts into the hunting ground.

Although the owner of this earth dog is a demon god who is good at deceiving, this information should be correct. After all, there is no such relationship between demon gods as watching and helping each other. If there is a chance to trick other demon gods and even make them fall, everyone Some demon gods are willing to do it.

"It's been a while since I did it myself, maybe it's a little raw, you can try it." Arthur took down a double-sided browned deer steak and threw it to Babas, who barked happily and began to chew.

"Father, I want to—" Sophie poked her head out of the window of the wooden house and made an "ah" mouth shape. Unsurprisingly, she swallowed the venison thrown over in one gulp.

The dragon roar learned from Jin Shu is indeed effective. The transformation of the giant dragon is not only controllable, but also consumes a lot less. Bottom vortex is average.

"After we finished eating, we went to 'Grimmarine Witch Cottage'.

said Arthur as he put the other half of the stag on the grill.

"Are you going to get rid of the werewolf blood for your friend?" Babas gnawed on the steak, but his voice was strangely unaffected: "Give up, that man is okay, and the two little girls are completely impossible."

"Do you know something?" Arthur paused. He didn't care about the strange man, but Ella and Ria didn't just represent themselves. Everyone in the ring was in the same situation as them.

"The group of harpy witches is the masterpiece of the master, and Haircine had to hold his nose to recognize this group of believers. He has no choice but to say whether he has a nose or not." : "Pull out the feathers of a harpy witch and burn them, which can relieve Hircine a little bit, so it's okay to remove a low-level werewolf blood, but those two little girls are the kind of people who can't control themselves and are likely to lose their sanity." Low bloodline?"

"This..." Arthur thought quickly. Kraco said that this kind of self-controlling bloodline came from the deal made by the first werewolf Tifeg of the comrade-in-arms group and the Harpy Witch. Werewolves are not the same thing, and the harpies who provided wolf blood are very likely to be under the control of Hircine, or even Hircine herself to descend temporarily.

You know, even a slightly skilled old hunter like Arthur's adoptive father will be targeted, how can a comrade-in-arms group composed of capable fighters escape his sight?

If you think about it, even the siege of the elves that forced Tifeg to use wolf blood in the first place is suspicious-why did they come to seek revenge so long after Sgrammer's death? Was it bewitched by the demon god?

Compared with the natural awakening, you have to go through a period of being hunted or counter-hunted. Whether the werewolf survived depends on luck. Those warriors who were given wolf blood after being strictly screened into the "circle" are naturally several times better. Now, after a few years have passed, maybe an army composed entirely of the souls of the ring members has gathered in Hirsing's kingdom of God.

"So the ceremony will fail?" Arthur asked with a frown.

"No, I guess it will be very successful." Babas ate all the meat on the deer steak and continued to stare at the barbecue grill: "The wolf soul summoned from the soul was greatly strengthened due to its pure blood, so it accidentally lost its strength. It is normal to kill their original owners, and then Hircine can reap their souls."

"I guess your master wants me to deal with Hircine. All I can say is that he did it very successfully." Arthur raised his hand and threw the newly grilled steak on the grill to Sophie, leaving only Babas Next piece: "We're off to stop that 'God of the Hunt'!"


"[(Dragon language) Hey! Stop it!]" When Arthur drove Sophie and Barbas to the huge rock in the Witch's villa at low altitude, he happened to see a small pile of gray and white harpy feathers being ignited, and Ella was talking to a woman wrapped in a blanket, as if promising something.

Obviously, she had already reached an agreement with one of the harpy witches, and the other party agreed to pay the reward in advance. This is simply the worst situation.

"Where is the stupid dragon?" Arthur was about to rush to put out the fire, but was blocked by a huge wall of wind blades, and a beautiful witch who woven her whole body of white feathers into a dress stood in front of him.

Tsk! Arthur leaned over and walked around under the wind wall, almost touching the ground and landing on the villa platform.

"Put out that pile of fire! You can't remove wolf blood in this way!" In order to avoid being attacked by the harpy crowd, Arthur quickly removed the transformation and rushed towards the pile of feathers: "I'll explain later!"

"He is our companion—" Ella loudly stopped the witches who were eager to try, while Lydia directly tried to put out the fire.

"Bang!" Arthur, who was running, was slapped back by a huge wolf claw that suddenly appeared.

"Xin Ding?!" "Isn't he unable to transform within the scope of the villa?"

After Arthur turned over and regained his balance, he found that the man who had inexplicably appeared in the line was blocking him. At this time, his limbs and body completely turned into a wolf.

"I don't know—wow!" Howled the werewolf known as Sinding, striding towards Arthur, teeth and claws gleaming coldly.

"The fire hasn't been extinguished yet?!" Arthur had to take up the two-handed sword behind his back to fight, and at the same time shouted to his companions beside the fire.

"No! They can't be extinguished—" Ella also noticed something was wrong after trying to extinguish the fire and found that it couldn't be done.

"Use this! Bow!" Babas jumped over with the ax of remorse in his mouth, and scattered the fire with a shake of his head. Although the feathers that had already been ignited could not be stopped, the feathers that were not on fire at the bottom were still intact.

bump! A transparent little wolf with blue light directly flew Babas and the ax aside, and then swung its claws to tear off all the remaining feathers.

"Kill it quickly——" Arthur was fighting with Sinding and had no time to care about that side. Although this werewolf had no strength to speak of, his style of fighting without dodging attacks at all and focusing on exchanging injuries for injuries also made him flustered. , Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that phantom of the little wolf was separated from Lia's body, so he shouted loudly.

"It's no use! These harpy witches are Hirsine's followers, you have to go!" The dirt dog rolled a few times and fell to Arthur's side, and suddenly jumped up with an ax in its mouth, hitting Cindy's one accurately. The ring has grown a lot with the werewolf transformation.

The ring shattered, and Sinding's huge body gradually returned to normal, but Babas froze in place as if struck by lightning, unable to move.

"【Hehehe, Calvicus, you idiot, do you think I didn't guard against you?" The phantom that was originally a wolf cub quickly became huge, and its appearance also changed into a man wearing an antler helmet. , the image of a man holding a spear.

"Hai, Hircine—" Babas still looked stiff, but his words didn't stop: "How dare you descend in person during the 'Battle of the Gods'?"

"【Huh, what else? You've been tricked by you all the time?】" Blue phantom, no, Hircine said condescendingly: "【This is the kingdom of God on earth built by my believers, there are no other holy spirits or demon gods. If you can come here, I will accept the power of you, the incarnation of a saint.]”

"Damn it, it's a lie that you disliked them and bestowed a curse on them?" Although Babas couldn't move, the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"【Hahaha! What do you mean by that sentence? An honest person will not be suspected at all when he intends to deceive people.】" The huge blue giant stretched out his hand condescendingly to the witch's villa: "[a dragonborn, two A werewolf, a saint of the devil, and a group of defective products, the harvest is not bad.]”

"Wow!" Babas said again: "Someone must catch you through the traces you left!"

"[That's not what you need to worry about-huh?]" The blue giant's big hand that covered the sky and the sun suddenly stopped moving when it was about to hit the villa. Everyone saw that it was blocked by a huge ebony shield at a height of one person. s position.

"I said, I will protect you with my life, baron." Lydia said without turning her head.

"[Oh? Hehe——]" Hirsing looked very interested, and gradually increased his strength to press down, and Lydia had to lower the height accordingly.

Why did the demon god come in person? Arthur looked around, not to mention the harpy who fell into a coma or a daze immediately after Hircine appeared, the death vortex on Ella, Lydia, Ria, Sindin, and even Babas was so thick and terrifying.

Although he thought about dealing with Hirsine and taking back the souls of his adoptive father and even the seniors of the comrades-in-arms group, it was not in this case!

If you turn into a dragon...huh?

Sophie didn't have any "death breath" on her body. She was sitting on the ground sluggishly looking up at the giant. After all, the demon god was still too far away for a young dragon.

If there is anything special about Sophie... it is that she wears the "Jorgen Windcaller Horn" that she took out from Ustengla earlier as a toy.

Arthur looked at Lydia who had started to use his back to resist the pressure, and shortly rolled and rushed to Sophie's side. Before he could take it off, he blew the small horn hanging around the girl's neck.

"【Fight! Fight! Fight! Eah———————Fight! Fight! Fight! E——]"

The horn made an inexplicable sound as usual, but the giant blue hand that was slowly pressing down with malicious intent stopped.

"[No! How is this possible?!]" Arthur heard the fear from the voice of the demon god, and looked up. There was a firstborn with huge double horns, wearing a tight dark green leather armor, and an emerald green veil behind his back. The elven woman who made the cloak was floating in front of Hircine.

"[The Kingdom of God on Earth? This is not far away, it can be regarded as an 'inherent enchantment' at best.]" The woman's voice was gentle and charming. Arthur had never heard it before, but felt inexplicably familiar, and A certain noun reminded him of something important.

"[Even if you are——]" Haier Xin said halfway, suddenly retracted his giant hand, and punched the woman, but stopped less than a step away from her, and couldn't get an inch even with all his strength.

"I——" Arthur's mind was in chaos, and he opened his mouth to call out a name that did not exist in his memory at all.

"【My name is Ysera】," the woman nodded at him, "【Work hard, Lord Akatosh takes good care of you~】"

"Oh," the confused thoughts suddenly became clear, Arthur turned to look at Hircine and said, "What will happen to this demon god..."

"['God War' is out~]" Ysera smiled at Arthur, and rushed forward, pushing Hircine's huge body back, and finally disappeared into a crack that appeared out of thin air.


"It's so boring." Sophie played with the horn hanging around her neck.

"No way, the feathers of the harpies are hard to burn." Lia replied while flicking the pile of feathers with only a small flame.

Arthur frowned suspiciously and turned to look around.

The Green Jasmine Witch's villa is intact, and it has not been crushed by any giant hand at all. Ella and Lydia are talking with a woman wrapped in a blanket, seeming to confirm the details of the next task, while Aviana is staring at Cindy trembling.

No, wait...the man has ring marks on his right index finger.

Arthur thought for a while, then turned to the dirt dog who was gnawing on the bone beside him: "The saint of Calavicus Vile?"

"Pfft! Shut up!" Babas squirted out the bones and barked at him, "Although I don't know when you saw it, but if it spreads out, I'm dead! I'll be turned back into a brainless dog by the master." of!"

"Oh." Arthur responded, looking up at the night sky.

The Dragon of Time, Akatosh...?

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