The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Three Hundred and Four, North American Mythical War (212)

Hogwarts Great Hall.

The finals of the qualifiers, which used the constantly "shrinking" "New York Dungeon Mirror" as the competition venue, finally came to an end. Because the players participating in the Brawl formed their teams in advance, the game ended before the final seven finalists were decided. The suspense had been lost, and the students returned to the auditorium to wait for the principal to announce the results of the competition.


The current situation is that all the other opponents of the "Young Avengers" have been eliminated due to "exhaustion of health" or "falling into the collapse circle". Only the strong Drax and a girl named Lorelei are left, who can The girl who hypnotized people was still struggling to hold on.

Judging from her name and abilities, she should be "Mantis", the last member of the Guardians of the Galaxy in the movie universe, but her skin is neither green nor her forehead has antennae. Instead, she has a Nordic appearance and short white hair.

Of course, appearance doesn't matter, but her spell that makes people fall asleep is the standard "Imperius Curse". No wonder even Thanos falls for it. Fortunately, I didn't stipulate any three unforgivable curses from the beginning. .

If so, all the students in the 'Psychic Intervention' department will have to be arrested. 】Stupid hat Didi Gugu.

‘Talk too much. ’

It now appears that the seven "Young Avengers" led by Luna account for nearly half of the sixteen contestants. Even if they are dispersed throughout New York and no communication is allowed, the impact will be limited. The most critical point is that on To judge whether we are the enemy or not, when you see someone from a distance, or when someone is fighting with each other, just throw a group spell at them. Those who hit are the enemies, and those who miss are your own.

The "Guardians of the Galaxy" organized by Peter Quill and named after his father's team only has four people. Although he realized the disadvantages of this model early on, he tried to form a temporary alliance with other players on the battlefield to deal with it. "Young Avengers", but because of mutual suspicion and "friendly damage", it is difficult to truly fight the enemy together.

"Rachel, do you think the next Triwizard Tournament should restrict the behavior of 'forming a team in advance'?" Professor X leaned over and asked me while waiting for the contestants to return from the battlefield.

"Why are there restrictions? This is originally a competition to select students who can represent Hogwarts to compete with the other two 'schools'. It is a good thing that the students are united in advance," I responded while looking at the aerial projection. Said: "The 'team formation' must be determined before the start of the game. If Luna forms a team in advance and ensures that all members qualify, they should win."

"It seems that you have already acquiesced that Luna will continue to win the qualifying spots for the next top three competition?" Professor X said, stroking his beard.

"The top three tournaments are held every three years. In theory, Luna can get three chances to qualify, but most of the 'Young Avengers' are two grades above her. After they graduate and leave, can she lead the newcomers and juniors? Winning three consecutive championships is unknown, and she caught others by surprise this time. Starting from the next session, players participating in the competition should focus on guarding against and targeting similar early team formation behaviors, so we don’t need to worry about it," I Looking at Drax who was finally subdued and Luo Leilai who was easily knocked unconscious after running out of magic power in the picture: "Okay, it's time for you to prepare the awards and make a concluding speech."


"I am very happy to announce that the seven final candidates for this Triwizard Tournament qualifier are," Professor Tucker, John Watson, Irene Adler, James Moriarty, T'Challa, Atreus Laufeson, and...Sherlock Holmes classmates"

Um? Professor X didn't fish out anything in the end, but declared Sherlock the winner?

"The note with Sherlock's name is missing, please confirm the situation.]" Professor

ha? This is how the Mind Stone is used? Isn’t Professor x’s classic ability to speak directly into other people’s heads?

You'd better think about whether it is possible for him to directly connect to your consciousness. ] The stupid system complained.

'Oh fine. ’

"These students will receive rewards for ranking in the top seven, and will be qualified to go to Asgard to participate in the main competition of the 'Triwizard Tournament'. Now, please come to the stage to say hello to all the students... T'Challa? John Hua Student? Huh? Why aren't they here?" Professor x held up six registration papers and pretended they were seven.

"They haven't come back from the stadium yet? Mr. Principal——"

"You should take a look at the competition scene——"

"They abstained and said they would give me the qualification—"

The naughty students in the audience started to boo.

"Oh, that's it. Then let me go back in order and call them back one by one, shall I, T'Challa?"


Junior Bresta Sheriff, I mean Junior Black Panther, breaks away from the playing field and appears on the ceremonial stage.

How can I put it this way? It is quite energy-consuming to maintain a "copy mirror" as big as New York to ensure that children fighting in it will not hurt themselves, and to turn on the live broadcast at any time to allow other students to watch the game. When the game is over, it will When they brought them back, they had to come one by one. This was convenient for me to take the opportunity to look for Sherlock's note.

Although the Holy Grail placed on the ceremony stage is just a fake, it can only increase the level limit but cannot realize the wish, but it is my thing after all. Whether there is anything in it, what notes are put in and sprayed out, I can directly You know, there is no need to reconfirm after approaching.

By quickly browsing its "database", I initially confirmed that Sherlock's note disappeared just after the final started, after he tried to scout two directions at the same time and used "Sherlock's Unpredictability".

Obviously, when all sixteen contestants have "cameras" and "following cameras", one of the Sherlocks who makes the choice will be completely "accurate", which also leads to the "unpredictable Sherlock". Unable to exist in the real dimension, so he fell into subspace again...

Just like the last time he and Moriarty fell out of the rift in the "magical dimension", I have no way of knowing what he did in the subspace, unless that unfortunate Sherlock died somewhere in the subspace, then I'm While taking back 1/2 of his soul, it will also directly extend the jurisdiction of the ocean dimension.

And now, if the "accurate" Sherlock doesn't return to the real dimension and bring back the one whose soul was attached to the note because of the "uncertainty", he will lose half of his soul forever, and Death is almost here.

If this happens too often and it is too far away from your 'Mermaid Island', the appearance of the 'Ocean Dimension' may turn into a giant sea urchin. 】

‘No, no, absolutely not. ’

"——First place, Sherlock Holmes?" Professor

No matter where you are, come back to me!


The Holy Grail placed on the ceremonial stage suddenly sprayed out colorful lights and bursts of feather light and shadow, and then, with an inexplicable look on his face, the complete Sherlock and his note were sprayed out of the Holy Grail.

The students who didn't know why they thought it was a special treatment for being the first place cheered and laughed.

The SSR is out. 】 least the visual effect is good.

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