The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and eight, North American Mythical War (216)

——Marvel, 2015——

Hogwarts, Bardell House Dormitory.

"Yes, we met."

"No, it's not convenient to disclose."

"Sorry, I have no plans to invite my roommates yet."

When Sherlock returned to the dormitory, the news of the meeting between the "Young Avengers" and the "Avengers" had already spread like wildfire. Although it was not surprising in itself because of Luna, it was still envied by many classmates. , all the way around Sherlock asking this and that.

Now it seems that the behavior of "sorting into different colleges" still makes sense. Although the students of the Bardel College of Light and Life are enthusiastic, they are measured and polite. As long as they clearly express what is inconvenient to answer, they will not ask again.

In contrast, the students of Watson's Thor Academy, which represents the storm and thunder, may not be so easy to deal with. Now he must be experiencing countless problems in the storm, the Loki Academy of Ice and Fire, The number of students pestering Irene should be reduced by half. As for the Hela Academy of darkness and death... Even if there are one or two bold people who want to ask questions, no one will dare to step forward even if Moriarty looks at him. .

Sherlock actually understands them. After all, as a person with superpowers, he can communicate with a publicly active superhero organization, learn experience, and even reserve a place to join in advance. This is comparable to starting from fighting street crimes after graduation to accumulate the reputation needed to become a superhero. Much faster.

However, this kind of worry is completely unfounded. Judging from the attitudes of Ms. Natasha and Mr. Coulson, two superheroes who work as SHIELD agents, they would have even planned to come to Hogwart if Professor I'm going to snatch people back now. After all, the "Insight Project" launched by the "Lizard People" has made them lose face, and they are in urgent need of pure human superpowers to join.

Even if you don’t plan to work for S.H.I.E.L.D., other superhero organizations that have popped up suddenly, big or small, official or private, are also in a state of thirst for talent. It is said that seniors who graduated in the past two years are eagerly recruited by these organizations. , and was even appointed as the second-in-command as soon as he joined - is this kind of organization feasible?

Fortunately, I am only a third-year student, and it is still early for graduation. By then, these strange and mixed organizations should have returned to order, just like...the seven finalists were finally selected in the Triwizard Tournament preliminaries.

Is this part of the White Queen's plan?


After returning to his dormitory and locking the door, the noise outside finally disappeared. Sherlock wiped his sweat, sat down at the table and began to read the notes he received about the main event of the Triwizard Tournament in Asgard. .

According to the White Queen, the specific content of the competition will be designed by the "three strong" respectively. Even she only knows the details of the "sea" type topic designed by Hogwarts. "There was a hint of something when they met, but the other young Avengers who were so nervous probably didn't notice it at all.

——The gravity of Asgard is three times that of the Earth. This unfavorable condition is a natural phenomenon. The organizer will not make adaptive adjustments. Participants must deal with it on their own.


——All contestants have some personal characteristics, such as Green Lantern’s will, Valkyrie can fly, Hogwarts wizards cast spells without magic fluctuations, etc. No balance adjustments will be made.

There seems to be no advantage.

——To ensure fairness, the organizer will not provide near-death protection to the contestants, but the Hall of Valor will be free to use during the competition.

Is that something still chargeable?

——The top three players will be selected in order from the prizes provided by the three organizers...


——? ? ? ——

Bang, bang, bang.

Sherlock is awakened by the sound of a train hitting the tracks.

He raised his head slightly confused and saw not the dormitory he was familiar with, but the familiar interior of the "Galaxy Train" carriage. Outside the car window, there was a gray and chaotic mist.

During the qualifiers, I made another choice and experienced an adventure that I had experienced with "Moriarty", but the time was different. That time I was only in the "subspace" with Moriarty. After a short train ride, more than a month passed in the "real space". The second time, it seemed that I spent a lot of time solving the "tram problems", but only a month passed in the "real space". time for the finals.

Sure enough, time is meaningless to the "non-existent space" of "subspace".

He fell into the subspace because he "fell out of the copy mirror", so when the other self "left the copy mirror", it was also very reasonable for the self in the subspace to be "dragged back".

As for returning again in his sleep, as expected, it was because he had entered into, um... an employment relationship with that "Batman"?

"Hi, Mr. Holmes." The door to another carriage opened, and Irisviel, wearing a black velvet jacket and a black velvet hat, walked in: "Hmm, do you think I should say 'Long time no see' or 'First meeting'? ?”

Does she mean meeting her "whole self" for the first time?

And "Long time no see"? "Reality" has obviously only passed for a short day, and it turns out that the mystery of "subspace" is not as big as it is.

"Long time no see, Lady Irisviel," Sherlock replied: "No matter which choice I make, I am who I am."

"Well, long time no see," Irisviel waved her hand behind her: "Dear, come on, haven't you been waiting for him?"

Tread, tread, tread.

With the sound of leather shoes hitting the steel floor, the cold man in black who called himself "Batman the Pretender" walked in, holding a... lollipop in his mouth?

At this moment, the original cold image collapsed.

"..." Batman noticed Sherlock's gaze, moved his lips and moved the lollipop to the other side: "Ellie doesn't allow me to smoke in front of the children."

You have to hold back and not laugh...

"I think this must be a dream, sir." Sherlock said, resisting the cramping feeling in his stomach.

"Dreams don't really exist, so they are also part of the subspace," Irisviel smiled: "However, if you don't establish a master-slave relationship with Che, my dear, you won't be able to get here."

"It's an employment relationship." Batman interrupted.

"As for me, I originally planned to recreate my dear's three past experiences to summon him, but it always failed until you, Mr. Holmes, appeared and participated." Irisviel showed the pattern on the back of her hand: "So, As my dear Master, you also have three opportunities to command or strengthen him."

"It's the employer," Batman insisted.

"If you encounter a 'strong enemy that cannot be defeated' or a 'desperate situation that cannot be escaped' in the 'Triwizard Tournament', call me dear, but it is best not to use it against the 'competition opponent'. Also," Irisviel tilted her head: "My dear, tell me"

"If you end up in the top three, be sure to choose the prize provided by your vice principal, the Holy Grail." Batman took a puff of the lollipop: "It is far more important than you think."

...It was clearly used as a registration box.

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