The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and nineteen, Sherlock and the Half-Blood Prince (8)

——Marvel, 2015——


Compared with Thor, who is always attracting attention, and the triple gravity that comes quietly but is well prepared, there is one thing that really catches Sherlock off guard, and that is his "two-piece" bracelet that was closed after Noah's water broke. News arrived.

Dear user of the 'Dual Rewind Transformation Architecture', you have arrived at 'Asgard', the country of the King of Gods. The hospitable Aesir clan warmly welcomes you. If you encounter danger in Asgard and need For help, please contact any of our members, @Sigrun, @Elda, @Brünnhilde, @Slud, @Shilud, @Ortlinde. 】

Valkyrie Guard announced. 】

He didn't know whether to be shocked that Asgard would use a similar format to Earth, or that the second structure could still be used in Asgard.

Judging from the fact that the message clearly calls him a "second-form user", what Askide is using may not be the second-form user of Earth, nor the Green Lantern Ring of the Green Lantern Corps, but another localized one. thing.

With this question, Sherlock turned his eyes to Stark, and then found that other passengers on the ship who also sensed the message were looking at him.

"Uh-huh!" Even wearing sunglasses, he couldn't hide the pride in Stark's eyes. He cleared his throat and then said in a tone of voice: "Stark Group has initially completed the seamless connection of the same model in different networks. By switching, cross-border calls will be possible in the future. If you make friends here, you can safely add the other person as a second-person friend."

"How to ensure information security?" Captain America frowned slightly: "If it is not a real-time call, how can we be sure that the other person is our friend and not an evil alien who controls him or steals the communication tool?"

"The Stark Group will naturally set up relevant filtering procedures by then, but the best way is not to disclose confidential information," Stark raised his eyebrows: "Do you usually use your personal mobile phone to send SHIELD's internal information?"

"Huh? Can't you?" Captain America turned to look at Natasha, while Natasha glanced sideways at "Hawkeye" Coulson.

"I'm very sorry, I will never use my mobile phone to send mission briefings again." Hawkeye immediately lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

"It doesn't matter, SHIELD's official liaison has long been under Stark's protection." Stark reached out and pushed up his sunglasses.

"..." Several Avengers who had various connections with SHIELD stared at him.

Should I say he is worthy of being Iron Man? It can draw people's attention back from the stunning scenery of Thor and Asgard wearing golden thunder armor.


Snap, snap.

While Thor was still enjoying the cheers of the people on the shore, a Pegasus that was more gorgeous than the other silver Pegasus, with an aqua-blue crystal-decorated armor and stomach, broke away from the team of Valkyries in the air and slowly approached the bow of Noah's ship. , and then, the Valkyrie riding it turned over gracefully and landed on the deck.

It was a Valkyrie who was tall but still relatively slender. She had brown shawl hair and blue eyes. She wore a light blue winged helmet and a light blue breastplate that was more capable and did not affect her movement. and skirt armor, paired with long arm armor over-the-knee combat boots of the same color, and sparkling crystals decorated on the joints or vital parts of the armor. He held an unpretentious broad-bladed sword in one hand.

"Welcome back to Asgard. Nice to meet you, Your Highness Thor." Valkyrie put her hand on her chest and bowed slightly: "And your friends."

"Brynhild? Why are you here to greet us?" Thor hammered his chest in return: "I remember that Erda is usually responsible for welcoming guests, and you..."

"Mother went to greet the contestants and accompanying coaches from the Green Lantern Corps," Brynhildr replied: "Sigurune was worried that I would not be able to resist killing when I saw them, so she sent me to greet the players from Hogwart. Your guest."

"Then you can rest assured, here are children, women and good men." Thor patted his chest.

"..." Valkyrie glanced at Thor with some suspicion, then turned her attention to the other people on Noah's wheel.

What's the meaning? Does this Valkyrie specialize in beating up bad guys?

After roughly understanding the conversation between the Valkyrie named Brynhildr and Thor, the passengers on the ship once again focused their attention on Stark.

"What are you looking at?" Stark touched the top of Luna's hair next to him: "I am a good man who can't be found even with a lantern."

"Now" right? I just hope this Valkyrie doesn't settle old scores.

Brünnhilde's eyes swept over the passengers one by one, focusing on Professor X, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, and Bruce Banner for a while, but in the end she did not do anything. action.

"Welcome to Asgard, guest from Midgard," she finally said.

Zheng, Zheng, Zheng——

Following her words, the Valkyries who had followed her and flew close to Noah, wearing ordinary armor and riding ordinary silver Pegasus, dropped the chains on their hands from a distance, connected with the side of Noah's ship, and sent out a formation. There was a burst of blue fluorescence, then the horse's head was turned and it was dragged towards the shore.

"Oh, this is really..." Stark started to speak, but swallowed it back in order to maintain his image of a good man.

"I'm very sorry," Brynhildr said in a tone that was not apologetic at all: "Recently, there have been strange fluctuations in the 'subspace', and all seven countries except Midgard and Asgard have been affected. , any outside guest must be closely inspected by the Valkyrie Guards before being released."

"I hope that will not affect the Triwizard Tournament." Professor X said.

"The competition venue and the venues that players may come into contact with have been strictly inspected, so you can rest assured," Brynhildr replied: "If something unexpected happens, you can contact us through the message sent in the 'Gallal Horn'."

Is that what they call their "second structure"? He seems a bit handsome...?

Sherlock, who had been watching the whole process without a chance to interrupt, suddenly felt something strange about the "time gem" hanging around his neck. After subconsciously raising his hand to grab it, he found that it was "vibrating". To be precise, it was the "gem itself" that was "vibrating". "The shell" was shaking slightly up and down.

It never does this even when using "Prophecy" or "Sherlock's Unpredictability", what the heck is...


The next moment, a huge cracking sound sounded from the distant sky.

When Sherlock looked up, he happened to see an extremely huge monster on the other side of the lake crashing through the "space" and appearing in mid-air.

Its body is purple in color, with a very smooth surface but many beard-like tentacles. It is surrounded by bright green light and looks like a huge jar or... flask?

The time stone that was still jumping jumped twice more, and then became quiet.

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