The Collection of The End

Chapter 232 Wooden House and Warehouse

My name is Akatosh,

I'm... can the Night Mother resign?

— 4E, 201, Hearth Moon, 3rd, 8:19 —

Lake Elintana, "Hunter's Rest" hut.

The reason for this name is that Arthur’s old hunter adoptive father carved a sign and hung it on the wall outside the main entrance of the wooden house, which can easily confuse people with poor brains: Is this a hunter? A resting place, or a log cabin called "Hunter's Rest"?

"Uh... um... Huh?" Apparently Ella fell into this kind of doubt.

"Don't think about it, I've never seen strange hunters come here to stay overnight. They prefer to rest in Falkreath, which is a little further away, so it's just the name of the house, the same as 'Grimjasmine Witch's Villa'." Arthur knocked He knocked on the door sign and pushed open the door of the wooden house.

Speaking of the residences of those harpy witches, he had to admit that even if they changed their forms, they would still pursue a comfortable life. Although those "nests" were made of tree branches, the walls and ceilings could well resist the cold air at night. The soft dry grass on the ground is no different from a carpet, and they also brought blankets they got from trading with ordinary people, so they are almost no different from a hotel when they stay at night.

"It's easy to cause doubts and misunderstandings, maybe it can be renamed 'Watching Lake Manor'." Lydia said looking at the surrounding environment.

"It's really an aristocratic name." Ella gave her a sideways look.

"The baron is also a nobleman now." Lydia replied calmly.

The reason why they came here was, on the one hand, because the companions who separated before wanted to see where Arthur lived in the past, and on the other hand, Arthur himself had a certain fluke mentality—since the God of Hunting was captured by the Dragon of Time His subordinates have been eliminated or replaced, and all the information about Hircine has been fine-tuned, so will his adoptive father who died because of Hircine suddenly appear?

The interior furnishings, which were almost the same as when he left not long ago, proved that he was thinking too much.

"Wow!" "Aww!"

Outside the house, Babas, who was not interested in the wooden house because he had been here once, was barking at Lia's wolf spirit, and the wolf cub was not to be outdone and howled back.

That's right, this translucent blue wolf cub, which is less than an arm's length and can be easily held in the arms of a little girl, is the wolf soul she attracted by the pile of burning feathers, and now follows closely like an ordinary pet Ria, but Babas is not pleasing to the eye for unknown reasons.

The feathers were burnt, and when the wolf cub emerged from Lia, even Ella, who was far away, had the phenomenon of blue light being pulled, and there was even a trace of blue smoke being drawn away from Xin Ding's body— —He can no longer transform into a werewolf, and he is happily planning the next life, so naturally he didn't follow.

And what the harpies who provided the feathers requested was only to remove the bandits entrenched in a cave named "Shame of Haima" in the southeast of Falkreath. Looking at the wooden house, I plan to take Ria, or Lavisia, back to Falkreese to see her parents.





"Sophie?" Arthur opened the window and looked out. She didn't seem to be interested in the house, but she couldn't participate in the two dogs (?) quarreling.

Unsurprisingly, Babas was fine, the ghost wolf was so frightened by Sophie's dragon majesty that it fell down on the ground.

"Babas, don't bully 'Hati'!" Ria walked over to pick up the wolf cub, and taught the dog a lesson.

The little wolf was named "Hati" by the girl. Although it seemed very dissatisfied with the name that sounded like a sneeze, the protest was ineffective. Anyway, the task of exorcising the blood of the Lya werewolf had been completed, and the witches also hit the line,

If anyone else needs to clean up their blood, they can come back later, at least Ayla has no interest in it at all.

"Wow?" Seeing Ria turn and walk away, Babas spread his two front paws towards Arthur. Even if he didn't speak, the meaning was still understood by Arthur instantly: "Blame me?"

In short, let's leave early, Arthur looked up at the sky, the dragon's power scared away all the wild animals around, it's a trivial matter to go to the lake to catch fish if you can't eat barbecue at noon, in case a giant dragon is attracted If I have to perform dragon slaying and dragon soul sucking live, maybe it will scare the children again.


On the outskirts of Falkreath City, Corpse Light Farm.

As he has been to Falkreese several times before, he has adapted to the strange naming style of this cemetery city. Arthur is not too surprised. As for the other companions, they either grew up here or they are well-informed. With a wide range, amazing experience, and even a saint of a demon god, it is impossible to make a fuss.

"Akai, Ria? Is that you?" The farmer, Mathis, looked at the girl outside the door and exclaimed.

The Mathis and Indala couples at the Corpse Light Farm, Arthur had seen before when selling prey, the couple did not seem to be very harmonious and often bickered, but there seemed to be some kind of existence that both sides cherished to maintain the relationship , Now that I think about it, it should be this girl Lavisia who has never met in Falkreese before.

"It was me, Dad," Ria replied. "These heroes saved me."

"This... this..." the farmer was incoherent and at a loss.

This is also the solution that was discussed before. As for the mysterious mage who really saved her, and the strange appearance a year ago, it is better not to tell this couple who thought their daughter was dead before there is no definite information. They were pleasantly surprised and didn't have time to tell if Ria had grown taller.

"We are Artoria and...Galahad of the 'Knights of the Round Table'," Arthur said to Mathis. Although he had met him before, he didn't talk much. Presumably the other party would not repeat a The armored warrior is connected with the former Orion, and the appearance of him and Lydia is trustworthy enough: "They are Drizzt and Mordred."

"Woof?" If dogs could make human expressions, Babas must have an expressionless face.

"Mordred?" Sophie tilted her head: "It's incredible."

After all, the name of the comrades-in-arms group is not suitable for playing now. It would be a troublesome thing for those silver hands to target this couple. Even if they have doubts, this ordinary couple does not have the connections to know what happened in Xueman City .

"We are committed to eradicating werewolves, vampires and annihilating demons." Seeing that the farmer was still in shock, Arthur simply said the setting adapted from the Vigilante: "We have been staring at that werewolf for a long time, so I was able to save your daughter when he shot, but she was still seriously injured, so we didn't have time to inform you and took her away for treatment. This time, I came here first to return her daughter, and second, to apologize for this. "

"No, it's nothing, I mean..." Mathis suddenly took two steps back, and shouted towards the suspected warehouse hut on the other side of the farmhouse: "Indara! Our daughter is back!"

"Have you finally gone crazy? Can't you let someone be alone for a while...?" A haggard woman with a hoarse voice pushed open the door and came out from the inside. She just looked up and stood there in a daze.

"Huh?" Although it was only for a moment, Arthur could be sure that when the woman just opened the door, there was a murderous intent in her eyes. If she was in the warehouse, could it be that she was murdering rats and cockroaches?

"Lavisia! My baby!" Indara rushed over quickly, hugged Ria in her arms, and then burst into tears. At this time, it was completely impossible to see anything in her eyes.

"Mom, Ria is fine." The girl comforted her at a loss, and Hati jumped away in fright.

"Sithis bless... Sithis bless..." Indala refused to let go at all, and kept mumbling to himself.

This is... Could it be? Arthur gestured to Lydia to explain to the couple, and then walked towards the small warehouse by himself.


This is an ordinary farm warehouse. In addition to bags of seeds, dried vegetables, and dried meat, there are also damaged agricultural equipment and furniture. Perhaps because of the bad harvest, the originally small warehouse is only half piled up. On the other half of the open ground, a strange magic circle composed of dried blood is drawn. Judging from the few dead chickens beside the circle, it is basically possible to determine the source of the killing intent in Mother Ria's eyes and what she is doing. .

She's trying to summon the Dark Brotherhood.

Arthur had heard about this assassination organization before, but he didn't know about it from the exact files until he joined the Comrades. Their predecessor was the "Morag Gang" that once spread all over the Tamriel continent. After hundreds of years of hunting and counter-killing, the Morag Gang has almost disappeared on the continent of Tamriel, and the Dark Brotherhood is the only one in Skyrim Province.

The dark ritual that summons them has no effect in itself. What is important is to spread the fact that "she is performing a dark ritual". The rumor of "a mother who lost her daughter performed a dark ritual to kill the murderer" has its own merits. With a certain degree of communication strength, what is uncertain now is whether they have sent someone to contact them, and whether they have accepted the commission.

"Close it, close it..." Arthur said subconsciously, but he couldn't continue, because he didn't know any spells other than "close it", and the ceremony itself was not important. How did a group of assassins get in touch with the magic circle drawn randomly by the peasant woman?

"Please take Ria away." As soon as Arthur walked out of the warehouse, he met Indara, who looked relaxed but still had murderous intent in his eyes. Although Lydia was talking about the "Knights of the Round Table" tracking Werewolves and the "details" of healing Ria, but the mother wasn't interested at all.

"You mean..." Arthur guessed, but couldn't be sure.

"Maybe you didn't know it when you first came here, but the fact that I summoned the Dark Brotherhood to kill that werewolf has already spread throughout Falkreath," Indara said firmly, "Even if my daughter Nothing happened, the beast must die, in order to prevent him from coming back to take revenge after he escaped by chance, please take Ria away."

But Sinding is now a complete mortal, under the supervision of the Harpy Witch. If those assassins followed the method of finding ordinary wild werewolves, it would be impossible to find him.

"Is this okay? After all, you thought she was dead before, and if you just met and said goodbye... And we can't guarantee that we won't be in danger." Arthur replied.

"Actually, you want to keep her too?" Indara seemed to want to smile, but in the end he just twitched the corners of his lips: "The strange little wolf she was holding should be the reason why she was attacked by a werewolf, and The reason why you are willing to take her in is that it must be a very rare talent, which is very helpful in combat."

"Uh..." Arthur was speechless. Although it was true that he wanted to keep Ria, the reason was not that. In comparison, "finding a playmate for Sophie" was more important than what she said.

"My request is not high, as long as I bring her to see us occasionally." Indara's voice dropped, and Arthur couldn't say anything for a while, so he nodded silently.

"Don't worry, her father will leave it to me." After receiving Arthur's affirmative reply, the mother seemed to recover instantly, rolled up her sleeves and walked towards Mathis.

Although there were some strange misunderstandings, at least the purpose of this trip was successfully achieved, Arthur shrugged.

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