The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and twenty-one, North American Mythical War (221)

——Marvel, 2015——

Asgard, central area dock.

After "Noah" docked, Gandalf asked the accompanying professor to cooperate with other Valkyries to arrange the students and the visiting group, and he followed Brünnhilde to the Green Lantern Corps team that had made a lot of noise before.

Should I be called an Asgardian? When they encountered a suspected external invasion, they did not immediately flee. Instead, they picked up weapons and prepared to rush in and fight. The Valkyries who were originally preparing to defend against the enemy had to return to stop them from messing up.

At this time, the huge, flask-like biological vehicle had landed in the dock area under the "escort" of Valkyrie. Not surprisingly, seven Green Lanterns emerged from its "bottle mouth" He walked out along the stairs woven by the tentacles.

At this time, their team leader was protesting to the Valkyrie who was in charge of welcoming them, dressed in dark red and with thick armor.

"Is Asgard's Valkyrie so rude? How can you call someone else's mother ugly?"

"I am Malda, responsible for welcoming the contestants. I would like to apologize to the Green Lantern Corps on behalf of the Valkyrie Guards," the red-armored Valkyrie said calmly and in a gentle tone: "But with all due respect, we did not learn from this... ...'Mother' detects any thought fluctuations belonging to intelligent creatures."

"Of course, the common mother of our Green Lanterns, Oaaa, has long been asleep. This is just one of her kin, but their appearance is the same." The leader of the Green Lantern Corps is a man wearing a white tights with green edges and a face. A young human woman wearing a black eye patch, she was still a little angry and said: "If someone says that the mother of an Asgardian is ugly, how will you treat him?"

"I will kick him off the Rainbow Bridge," Brünnhilde approached with Gandalf: "My mother is the most beautiful Valkyrie in Asgard."

"No, Sir Sigurune is the one who deserves this title," Erda turned to look at her: "Also, please call me captain during official duties."

"Captain Elda is the most beautiful Valkyrie in Asgard."


Gandalf raised his eyes and glanced over the heads of the two Valkyries responsible for welcoming guests.

Brünnhilde: Hahaha, mom is shy. 】

Elda: This child...]

Does Asgard not have the ability to block the Mind Stone? Think about it, simple emotions and thoughts written on your face will not have any impact even if they are known, but if you want to understand some secrets in depth, you will probably be stopped.

"Are you mother and daughter?" The expression on the leader of the Green Lantern Corps seemed to be more relaxed: "Okay, since you have already apologized, let's let this matter go."

Jade: Really, when will dad be willing to tell me about mom? 】

This is the so-called sutra that every family has difficulty reciting.

"Hello, Captain Elda." In order to prevent them from continuing to think about family matters, Gandalf took the initiative to say hello: "I am the leader of Hogwarts, Professor Would you like to meet the leaders of the legion?"

"You're welcome, Mr. Principal," Erda quickly changed back to a business-like expression and attitude: "The main reason for the three team leaders to meet is to confirm each other's opponents. After all, there may be dangers from other than the opponents in the competition venue. , there could be problems if you go easy on them.”

"I agree with that." Gandalf nodded, and then looked at the leader of the Green Lantern Corps known as Jade.

"Ah, of course it's no problem. Can I just use AR to project the information of the contestants?" Jade raised her hand and lit up the green light ring on her hand: "By the way, I am both the team leader and a contestant. My name is Jie De jade.”

Buzz, buzz, buzz——

After Jade finished speaking, without waiting for Elda and Gandalf to respond, she directly projected the figures of the seven "Green Lanterns" in the air one after another, with notes thoughtfully written on them.

The first is Jade herself.

Jade, the daughter of Alan Scott, the leader of the Green Lantern Corps, is very powerful and has led the Green Lantern Corps members to deal with galaxy-level cosmic crises many times. She has been nominated as the candidate for the next Corps Commander. This time she will lead the team to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. Definitely winning the championship. 】

A short boy with a flat head wearing something like a martial arts uniform:

The remaining light is nicknamed the "remaining one-meter light" because the energy of the green light cannot be separated from the body by more than one meter. For this reason, he practiced close combat and broke through the preliminaries in an attempt to obtain the main competition prize to solve this problem. 】

A strange black sphere with a green light ring flying around it like a satellite.

Disaster Seal uses green light energy to seal ongoing natural disasters. Once the seal is unlocked, the original disaster will happen again. Former number: sr666. After accidentally gaining self-awareness, he hopes to get the main game reward to solve those disasters. 】

A strong stone man.

Chen, whose name is composed of several 'g' sounds superimposed, was rejected by other Green Lanterns to form a team because it was difficult to pronounce. He signed up on his own out of anger. The purpose of participating in the preliminaries was just to let the host pronounce his name correctly, but he didn't expect Entered the top seven. 】

A green robot with a round head and a square body that looks like a child's doodles.

Stesteel, a contestant jointly recommended by the Mechanical Green Lanterns and the first place in the qualifiers, was repeatedly complained that using the wisdom of the outside crowd was cheating. He was asked to cancel his ranking or disconnect from the Internet before participating, but was rejected by Ion Shark. 】

A... giant tomato with a human face?

Tomartu, the former king of the planet Thomashead, joined the Green Lantern Corps in order to protect the tomatoes that were not yet born with intelligence on the planet. His hearing is extremely sensitive. If he hears any jokes about tomatoes, he will use super long-distance attacks on them. headbutt attack. 】

A young man who looks very handsome and has added filters.

Kyle Rayner, the most popular prince of the Green Lantern Corps, is strong and gentle, loves painting and poetry, and is the idol of all female Green Lanterns from the age of 14 to 1,400. Unfortunately, famous flowers have their own owners. He is Jade's boyfriend! You idiots, stay away from him! 】


Realizing that the other three people were staring at the last line in their applications, Jade turned around and looked at it in confusion, and then immediately deleted the last line in a hurry: "Ahem, his strength is really good, I didn't ask my father specifically for it. quota.”

Jade: We must not leave him on Oa! What if I'm kidnapped by another vixen while I'm busy competing? 】

"So, these are the contestants from Hogwarts." Gandalf didn't intend to expose her. He raised his cane and projected the images of Sherlock and others, and noted the college, school and grade. Of course, There are no bells and whistles like showing off or demonstrating.

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