The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and thirty-five, nightmare

Jin Jing felt like she fell into some familiar half-dream and half-awake state.

This is completely unreasonable. Although a lot of "points" and virtue have been earned during this period, the last and most critical event has not happened yet.

What about Thanos? What about snapping fingers?

Regardless of success or failure, what about customs clearance and settlement?

Until her consciousness was completely submerged in darkness, this complaint that only existed in the bottom of her heart did not receive any response.

——day1, 39.1℃——

When she regained consciousness again, Jin Jing found herself lying on the bed in her bedroom, with the early morning sunlight casting a slanted band of light through the curtains that were not tightly drawn.

She subconsciously wanted to get up and close the curtains, but found that she could not move at all.

While she was doubting, her body started to move on its own, but her mere attempt to change from a lying position to a sitting position failed to be achieved. Halfway through the movement, her "body" staggered and fell down again.

"Huh? Huh? Ahhh——?!" "Body" let out a series of exclamations of unknown meaning.

Hmm... It's really strange. Everything I see is indeed my own home, but I can't control my body movements. Is this a magpie's nest being taken over by a dove?

So in this case, should we call the Lord God——

Katcha, the bedroom door was opened, and mother opened the door and walked in.

"Why are you so crazy so early in the morning?" she asked with a frown.

"——! Cough cough cough cough!"

Due to the complete synchronization of body senses, Jin Jing could detect that "his body" - forget it, let's call it "another self" - fell into a state of shock, and then started coughing crazily.

"I, I seem to have a fever." She said in a tone that was a little triumphant for some reason.

"Who told you to always drink randomly and have an irregular schedule?" Her mother came over and touched her forehead, then turned and walked out of the bedroom.

The reaction is exactly the same as that of his real mother... What on earth is this?


Jin Jing was still thinking, but the behavior of her "other self" was a bit difficult to understand - she grabbed the huge teddy bear placed on the bedside table and started beating it, muttering something while beating:

"Stupid system, come out!"

Why do some people think that they have been selected by the Lord God or the system when they have a fever? Is she crazy?

Until his mother brought a cup of dark medicine and gave his "other self" a thermometer, the teddy bear did not admit what kind of system it was.

"Hmm... Are you and dad okay?" The other person finished drinking the medicine, holding the thermometer, still looking around, as if he wanted to get up and do something.

"Our immunity is very strong. Unlike you who always stay up late, we should adjust our work and rest early. In the current environment, strengthening our own immunity is the first priority." Her mother held her down and prevented her from moving.

"Is Dabai in the community still there? I remember they set up a tent outside for duty? If we go to find them..." The other self looked straight out of the window.

"They evacuated after that. Even if they didn't evacuate, you'd better not go to them. They are all volunteers. If something happens, they will only report it to one level. They can't help you." Mother replied.

"Damn it..." The other person beat the bed: "There are no serious doctors among the volunteers. I can't find any."

She always felt that she had some important information that only she knew, but it was of no use to her.

"Okay, time is up, let me take a look," the mother took the thermometer away: "39 degrees 1."

"Ha, it's less than 41. Who are you to be afraid of? I can still smoke some more." The other self started to make some unclear words again.

"Lie down and rest, just sweat." The mother frowned, pushed Jin Jing down, and then wrapped her tightly in a quilt.

——day2, 38.7℃——

"Damn...every time Thanos snaps his fingers, nothing good happens..."

"I feel like I'm being cooked..."

"So Ragnarok is the whole world having a fever? Great, I finally understand everything."

"Why is it that monitors are responsible for managing community surveillance? They are all retired old men, Ying Ying Ying."

"Brother Monkey, wuwuwu...Brother Monkey was captured by a monster...Master, please save him quickly..."

Watching her "other self" fall into a fever and coma for two days, Jin Jing's original worries about "whether the other person is a dove occupying a magpie's nest" have long since flown out of the sky. There are many things like taking one's own life to get sick for others - No, it’s better not to.

During this period, except for being woken up by her mother to take medicine and eat, her "other self" had been in a state of unclear status. Those nonsense words were just unconscious murmurs in her mouth, but Jin Jing could clearly understand their content. .

These contents seem to be somewhat related to Jin Jing's unfinished mission as the Lord God, but they seem to be from the "Marvel" side.

Could it be that she is the "spirit body" that was generated in the original universe after she accidentally fell into the Batman universe?

Jin Jing made various guesses, but because there was no way to prove it, they all stopped at guesswork.

I could only watch my other self tossing and turning in and out of sleep, uttering meaningless murmurs.

——day3, 37.2℃——

“Cough cough cough!


After two days of coma, "another Jin Jing" was finally able to get out of bed and move around, and the first thing she did was to open her computer and create a new text document.

Then, he started to feel dazed.

"It's over...Am I crazy? How did I originally plan to write this outline?"

"This guy is going to appear? Have I laid the groundwork? Does it feel a bit like a deus ex machina?"

"Hey, hey, this chapter number is so interesting."

Finally, after typing out a few hundred meaningless words, she deleted them all.

Although Jin Jing maintained visual synchronization with her "other self", she was completely unable to see what she typed and what the so-called outline and content were.

Until she clicked on the familiar social software.

Jingjing Little Demon Fairy: Hi, do you miss me?】

yk: I heard about you ■? How does it feel? 】

xp·lin: You are running too slowly. We are already in the finals. 】

tossgirl: Look at these two bars, are they red or not? picture】】

Jingjing Little Demon Fairy: Are you pregnant? ! 】

tossgirl: laugh and cry]

yk: crying with laughter]

xp·lin: I have a cousin who is a doctor. I took Yinqiao tablets together and he was fine in one day. 】

Jingjing Xiaomoxian: Please download the national anti-fraud app. 】

yk: Is it completely okay to be able to joke so well? 】

Jingjing Little Demon Fairy: Of course, it’s just ■■, I’ll do it in two days——]

“Cough cough cough cough!


The other Jin Jing couldn't finish typing, so he collapsed on the table after a sudden cough.

"I'll just think about playing games when I feel better! Go and lie down on the bed!" The mother wearing a mask rushed in, dragged her and threw her back to the bed.

"I haven't done my daily routine for three days...and I haven't received my monthly card..." She stretched out her hand in despair, but her mother shut down the computer mercilessly.

——day4, 37.1℃——


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