The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and thirty-seven, Sherlock and the Twilight of the Gods (2)

——Marvel, 2015——

Asgard, Rainbow Bridge Hall.

Although I have seen the unified "grand", "gorgeous" and "huge" style of various buildings in Asgard during the free movement time before the official game, entering the "Rainbow Bridge Hall", which connects the other eight buildings, After entering the country's transportation hub, the Hogwarts contestants were still shocked.

Different from the expected and tired golden hall, this is a huge space with the theme of "starry sky", and the internal structure is only outlined by the "star marks" that appear and disappear.

When the contestants stepped into the "Rainbow Bridge Hall" from the entrance of the Golden Palace, there was only a wide, translucent golden bridge leading to the center of the hall. There was a circular platform that seemed to be floating in the endless starry sky. There is a key inserted in the huge mechanism that is more than twice the height of an ordinary person.

In addition to the scale that is pointing to Asgard at this time, the "key" is also marked with eight additional scales. It seems that it can be moved to point to the other eight looming, and the starlight outlines a certain kind of mammoth figure. Stargate".

Next to the key was an extremely strong giant with a golden helmet and golden armor who could wield the "key" like a one-handed dagger.

"That's Heimdall," said Thor, the god of thunder who was responsible for guiding the way. "He will be responsible for guiding or opening the doors to all competition locations in this Triwizard Tournament. He is quite impartial and selfless. When Heavenly Father Throwing me to Midgard, he dutifully prevented the Bifrost from responding to my call."

"I am a bridge keeper and a gatekeeper," Heimdall replied in a voice with a rich echo: "If a lock can decide whether to open it by itself, then there is no need for it to exist."

"Yes, yes, you are right," Thor replied nonchalantly: "So, can you now open the rainbow door to the competition venue?"

"Of course," Heimdall looked at the students at Hogwarts: "If you have chosen a challenge target."

"Yes, sir," Luna, as the captain, took a step forward: "We choose the 'Demon of the Plane' as the challenge target."

"Demon of the Plane...]" Heimdall stretched out his hand to hold the key, turned it, and then pointed to an empty scale that was not one of the nine kingdoms.

Almost at the same time as his action was completed, a colorful ray of light started from the "key base" and extended in the direction of the scale, spreading out a bright "rainbow bridge" on the "starry sky ground", and finally At the target location, the combination transforms into a constantly rotating door of colorful light.

"Your enemy is on the other side of the door." said the giant.

"Can I ask, if we defeat the 'Plane Demon' and want to challenge the next space monster, what should we do?" Sherlock asked.

"...]" Heimdall lowered his head and looked at him, his expression unchanged, but no matter how he looked at it, he still had the expression "You better really want to challenge the space monster."

Sherlock kept a polite smile, as if he didn't intend to explain.

"After all three participating teams set off, the rainbow gates leading to all seven 'space monsters' will be unlocked by themselves. You can go there directly without returning here. The specific method will be clear to you after you set off." Heimdall finally said this .

It seems to be similar to what he guessed in advance. Sherlock looked at his companions. The organizer will give a relatively fair start. At least defeat a space monster before he can cause trouble to others. But if you are confident about the next stage, you can also Instead of hunting space monsters, focus on causing trouble for others.

Of course, this almost desperate action plan was quickly rejected after it was proposed by Moriarty - it would be strange for a plan based entirely on prior guesses to be passed.

"Then, shall we set off now?" Luna looked at the Rainbow Gate and shook her staff.

"Not yet,]" Heimdall looked at Thor: "Your Highness?]"

"Ah, I think you should know that although these 'space disasters' don't have a high level of intelligence, most of them are not willing to be 'targets'. It will be very troublesome if they run away when the situation is bad, so Asgar Virtue will make some preparations in advance," Thor stretched out his hand: "Mjolnir is coming!]"


Everyone, including Heimdall, stared at him, and after a moment turned to the star gate leading to Asgard.

After waiting for two or three minutes, the "Thor's Hammer" still had no intention of "flying" at all.

"Strange... I won't refuse when I pick her up now?" Thor took back his hand and scratched his head.

"Although I don't know what the story is between you and the hammer, 'allowed to pick it up' and 'come upon call' are two completely different concepts, right?" Luna said: "It's better than 'accepting a gift' and 'agreeing to date' The gap is even greater.”

"I think Stark's family education is very problematic," Thor glared at Luna: "How old are you?"

"11 years old, meets the admission criteria for Hogwarts." Luna made a face at him.

As a matter of fact, about half a year old... Sherlock looked up into the sky.

"If I remember correctly, most of the Avengers can pick up that, uh, Ms. Mjolnir," Watson blinked: "Professor, you are actually not very competitive, so you'd better not do anything that would make her angry. Bar."

"Watson will probably get a girlfriend earlier than you." Atreus said abruptly.

"You——!" Thor stared at Atreus, as if he wanted to say something, but finally took it back.

"Girlfriends and stuff are in the way! They will only affect my speed of summoning thunder!" he finally announced.

"Odin can't listen to this. After all, you are-"

The next moment, a blazing thick golden lightning struck straight from the direction of the entrance to the Golden Palace, knocking Thor, God of Thunder, from the front without any pause. Only then did the roaring sound of thunder arrive.



Then, Mjolnir, the "Thor's Hammer" that everyone is already quite familiar with, appeared from the lightning, first hit Thor on the head, and then fell steadily into his free hand.

"Hahaha! Great! This is 'agreeing to date'." Thor began to rub the hammer head happily.

"..." Luna stared at the scene in front of her in stunned silence, muttering subconsciously: "If it leads to the death of the Asgard royal family, I wonder if the Stark Group can shoulder this responsibility..."

"Probably you can't afford it, but you don't have to worry about that," Sherlock shrugged: "There is also a 'half-blood prince' in Asgard who can take on this important responsibility."

As the words came out, Sherlock quickly observed the people present, but unfortunately, no one had any additional reactions. Only Heimdall's big face showed an incomprehensible change in expression.

"Very good, very good." After stroking Mjolnir for a while, Thor finally remembered the business, raised his hand and raised the hammer, and thin electric currents began to rise around his body: "I will summon thunder in the name of Heavenly Father, in space A temporary crusade camp has been set up for you near the monster to provide support for space operations and resurrection functions - now, the game begins!"

The next second, a rough and dazzling golden thunder penetrated straight through the Rainbow Gate.

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