The Collection of The End

Chapter 234 Demon God and Earth Dog

My name is Akatosh,

Sure enough, intelligence-type demon gods are not easy to catch.

——4E, 201, Hearth Moon, 3rd, 19:40——

Walking on the mountain road leading to the east from Falkresh, Arthur ignored the bickering between Babas and Hati, and kept thinking about the next action plan. The good news is that the mission given by the Harpy Witch is exactly where Babas is going to hand it over. The place of the ax can be completed along the way, but the bad news is that a group of vampires are entrenched around the demon altar, who knows if they have traded any strange abilities.

Moreover, before that, one must deal with a commission that will inevitably be encountered.

At noon, Arthur obviously underestimated the influence of "Lavisia is not dead" on the city of Falkreath. You must know that the temple of the god of death and funeral [Akai] is here, and his master Priest Runier personally held the funeral for the little girl after the "Werewolf Murder Incident". Although it was only a tomb of clothes because no body was found, it also represented Akai's acquiescing to the rationality of the funeral. As a result, a group of adventurers turned that The girl who was confirmed dead by the Holy Spirit was brought back, not only the priest of Akai, but even the lord was alarmed.

As a result, the "Knights of the Round Table" who originally planned to leave after a lunch at the Corpse Light Farm had to attend a banquet hosted by the lord at the "Wine of the Dead"... Well, it sounds the same.

Due to its particularity, no force will do anything here. If you accidentally angered Akai, you might be thrown by him to the annihilation domain of some strange demon god after death. In order to reassure the forces that actually occupy the city, various responses have been carried out. For example, in the face of the tug-of-war between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloak, the method adopted is-replace the lord.

The lord who entertained Arthur and his party was named Sid Gale, and he was inclined to the Imperial Legion. Since this is still under the control of the Imperial Legion, he is still in charge of the city. The one who took the place was Dangar, who sympathized with the Stormcloaks, Sidgail's uncle.

To sum up, the lord's banquet for the "Knights of the Round Table" was naturally not for the purpose of recruiting, and there was no need for that. He just wanted to entrust these adventurers to eliminate a group of robbers who were blocking the road on Falkreath's Eastern Mountain Road. That's all, and the full payment of 500 gold coins was paid in advance.

"Stop! Strangers! In front of you is the 'Pine Watchtower'. You must pay a toll of 100 gold coins each to pass!" A voice shouted condescendingly, interrupting Arthur's memories.

"Well, is this the robber checkpoint that the lord asked us to dismantle?" Arthur stopped as he said, and began to observe the situation ahead.

There is a tall wooden sentry tower on both sides of the mountain road ahead, connected by a bridge at the top, protected by wide planks and iron sheets on both sides of the bridge, so that the caller and how many people are lying in ambush are completely invisible, leading to the top of the sentry tower. The simple stairs are very long and located inside the tower. Simply put, if you can't fly, you don't want to break through this level easily.

"There's a rockfall trap under that overpass," Ella reminded in a low voice.

"I can block falling rocks and bows and let you rush into the sentry tower, Baron." Lydia also said.

"No, wait... How far is the 'Shame of Haima' cave from here?" Arthur turned back to ask Babas who was with Sophie and Ria.

"It's not far away. After passing the sentry tower, there is a fork in the road. Turn left to Helgen, and turn right to the cave." Babas said, wagging his tail.

"Hmm..." Arthur began to think based on his impression of the vicinity. Turning left to Helgen is naturally correct, but turning right is not a cave. Arrive in Ivarstead.

Although it is not clear who Haima is and why this person is ashamed of a cave, it can basically be judged that the cave should be very close to the guard tower.

So here comes the question, this sentry tower is half a day away from Falkreath, how did the robbers staying here avoid being assimilated by those vampires? Or, they have been assimilated at all?

"Five people, one dog, we need to charge 50 more gold coins—" Due to the dark sky, the robber who shouted found Babas after hearing Babas' barking—obviously, his language was intended to be understood by anyone. optional.

"Sidgail asked us to spread the word—" After confirming that the robber couldn't see his specific actions clearly, he directly used the "summoning bow" magic, and at the same time tried to make the other party show his head: "Why did you betray him?"

"Ha! Betrayal?" The voice of the robber was quite disdainful, but he poked his head out as Arthur wished: "That stupid lord! It's agreed that we will share the toll we received with him, and he We provide supplies, and changed our tune a few weeks ago, and told us to buy supplies ourselves, just deduct the money from his share, phew! The guy wants to wait to collect money? What do we need him to do if we have a way to buy supplies ourselves !"

Although it was clear that the lord was a fool at the banquet, it was even more verified now. Arthur drew his bow and aimed at the cursed robber. He was sure that he was aiming at the head that would kill with one blow, but there was nothing on the robber. Any "death breath" appears.

"Go back and tell Sidgeil that idiot! He can't get another dime from us! If you want to attack by force, go ahead!" The robber continued to curse.

"Is it really a vampire..." Arthur shook his head, and shouted loudly while releasing the arrow: "【Yol】!"

puff! "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"!

The summoned arrow hit the bandit's face, but the sound came out like a hit, the vampire was still stunned, and then was ignited by the dragon flames attached to the arrow, screaming and started running around, triggering those rockfall traps nearly half.

"What?" "Enemy attack!" "Sidegail sent people!" The two sentry towers began to become noisy. From the moving torches and figures, it can be preliminarily judged that there are at least twenty people stationed in the entire watchtower. .

"Follow me! Barbas and Sophie protect Ria." Arthur grabbed his two-handed sword and rushed towards the burning sentry tower. Ella and Lydia immediately followed closely.

"Really, Dad, I want to play too." Although Sophie was complaining, she still hugged Ria obediently.

"'s 'defend', not 'enfold'." Ria, who had been a little listless since leaving Falkreath, laughed.

"Aww!" "Wow!" Hati and Babas quarreled with each other routinely.


"Here it is! Woof!" Barbas barked at a cave on the mountain wall that glowed with a faint blue light.

It didn't take much time to clean up the pine towers. Knowing that the opponent was a vampire, sometimes just letting them set themselves on fire with the torches they held was enough to end the battle, but even this made Arthur's "two-handed sword" and The "Bow and Arrow" constellations each light up one more star.

The only thing that has not been transformed is the cook of the robbers. He was completely shocked by the fact that all his companions were vampires. After being let go, he walked towards Falkreath muttering "I said how they like blood food recently".

"Why do I feel that your master made these vampires?" Arthur said casually, and stepped into the cave before waiting for an answer.

"That's right, woof!" Babas followed in with his tail flicking: "'I want to get Hircine's blessing, but I don't want to be a werewolf' This kind of request involves demon gods, and there is little room for manipulation, at most Let them become different types of lycanthropes, but the master who is too disgusting can't accept it."

Haima's Shame Cave is different from ordinary caves with a small entrance and a wide interior. There is a narrow passage inside, and a small stream flows from the inside to the outside. One has to suspect that this cave was washed out by the stream.

"So - the wishes of these guys are very broad and easy to manipulate?" Arthur swung his sword suddenly, beheading a vampire who jumped out from a corner, but the strange thing was that it was clearly wearing a mage's robe, but Seems intent on attacking with teeth and claws.

"It's too weak, where's the agreed-upon mage?" Ella walked in with Sophie and Ria.

"Lord Balgruf said, don't believe anything the devils say, and don't accept anything they give." Lydia changed a few angles and followed because the shield was a bit in the way: "The demon god is naturally too. "

"The original words of those idiots are 'I want to live forever, and I am willing to pay all my wealth for it'. Sounds very thoughtful, right? It is not easy to earn money back after immortality? In the end, the owner directly turned all of them into If you are a vampire, you will never want to go to the mortal world to make money again." Babas barked, as if laughing.

"Hmm... so if you want to make a request, you have to be careful not to be tricked by him?" Arthur turned a corner and the passage widened slightly. He raised his hand again and killed a vampire mage who came by surprise.

"No, what about the promise of immortality?" Ayla pointed to the fallen body.

"Maybe it's a new deal that was reached in the last few days. I haven't been here for a while," Babas replied, "but it's mostly related to those guys from the previous sentry tower."

"[They plan to use the souls of those dependents to exchange themselves to return to normal,]" a voice that Arthur once heard in the event that no longer exists: "[You helped me collect those souls, as a thank you, let these fools The task of 'returning to normal' is also entrusted to you.]”

Accompanied by the words of the demon god, more than a dozen vampires wearing various mage robes rushed forward, but without exception, they could only attack with fangs and sharp claws. It was not a combination of Arthur and Ella at all. enemy.

"Wow! As expected of the master! How insidious!" Babas cried.

"Hmph, it must have been many years since they transformed into vampires. 'Returning to normal' means death, doesn't it?" Arthur kept cutting down all the vampires who only had beast instincts.

"[If the person who trades with me only makes a request, the price will be determined by me. If I make a request and price by myself, I can only make minor adjustments. Obviously they have some research on me, but they are just being smart.]" Demon God The voice continued to sound: "【Come to me, I hope you are smart enough.】"

At the end of the winding stream is a small underground dark lake in a cave, surrounded by traces of the life of those vampire mages, and on the altar by the lake stands a sculpture of a man with a dog in his right hand and an eagle in his left hand. The demon god of the contract [Karavicus Vill].

"Listen to me, woof!" Babas barked at the statue: "You only need to make your own request without saying the price. If the price is unacceptable, you can refuse it, but if you raise the price yourself, it means the contract is established. , how the master will meet the requirements is not sure."

Even so, the harpy's commission has been completed, and the next step is to return the axe. As for making a wish to the demon god, he is not crazy. Arthur looked at the statue and couldn't think of what to ask for a while.

"[Ah, it seems that you brought back my axe. You must have discovered that this ax can eliminate the influence of the Demon God very well. In fact, it can kill the residents of Annihilation with one blow]," the Demon God paused. : "【If you give me back the ax and that nasty dog, I'll make you a deal as fair as possible, but if you want to keep the axe, chop Babas with it and let it go to other Any demon god who stays in the Annihilation Domain for hundreds of years, of course, I won’t reward you for doing so.”

"Wow! Evil master!" cried Babas.

"【You stupid dog who leaked all the details about your master!】" The demon god who only had a voice sounded very angry.

"Dad, don't kill the puppy—" Sophie suddenly hugged Babas like Riya hugged Hati.

"Master Vail," Arthur untied the [Ax of Regret] from Babas's back, and took two steps forward to place it in front of the statue: "I hope to exchange this ax for Babas's temporary ownership."

"[What——]" The Demon God seemed to lose his voice in shock.

"Wow woof!" Babas barked inexplicably, but it sounded like he was laughing.

"【This... I am the complete beneficiary?】" Weier's voice is full of inconceivable: "【Not only get back the power, but also temporarily get rid of that stupid dog?】"

"That's right, I don't pray for anything like you, and of course you can't dig a hole for me." Arthur winked at his companions complacently while saying that, Lydia didn't say anything, and Ella gave him the thumbs up. Thumbs up.

"[No, that's not okay, I can't do this, um... that's fine, I'll just give you a piece of news that you want to know, yes, that's right, that's fine.]" The Demon God's voice was a little incoherent Feel.

"[Listen,]" The ax placed in front of the altar turned into bursts of blue light, converging towards the statue of the demon god, and finally formed an ax carving on its waist as if it existed in the first place: "[The silver-handed leader's The name is - 'Hestra']"

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