The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and forty-four, Sherlock and Ragnarok (8)

——Marvel, 2015——

"Split into pieces! Split into pieces! Phantom body... Well, forget it."

Standing on a broken meteorite, Sherlock raised his hand and threw out two magic spells to break the incoming "mechanical octopus" into pieces. He originally planned to add an invisibility spell, but after thinking about it, he gave up. After all, it was still unclear. The means used by those "mechanical octopuses" to detect organisms, simple optical interference is of little use.

Moreover, he was looking at the battlefield that was constantly emitting fierce explosions. Someone else was attracting attention.

This is the galaxy where the "Hive Planet" is located, and the target "Hive Planet" is right above Sherlock's head.

It was a strange planet composed of a dark yellow metal structure. The surface of the planet was composed of hexagonal blocks, and there were densely packed small black spots on it that were moving in a fixed route. From a distance, it looked like a strange planet. It does look like a "beehive".

At this time, the "honeycomb" is not in a peaceful state. It seems to have been stabbed with a bamboo pole, and "bees" are flying out crazily - those mechanical octopuses, which are surrounding the "culprit" "The culprit" circled back and forth, as if this was a deep seabed and they were surging fish schools.

However, the overwhelming numerical advantage has no effect on their enemies. The "eye" part of the "mechanical tornado" is constantly flashing green light and exploding, lifting large pieces of mechanical octopus away, revealing what's inside. There are various embodied creations glowing with green light and contestants who display their magical powers and glow with green light.

There is no doubt that Sherlock's previous guess was correct. The hive planet was the target chosen by the "Green Lantern Corps". They seemed to have abandoned the attack camp provided by Asgard early and took the initiative to fight against this planet, relying on intelligence support. The mechanical planet engages in close combat, and judging from the opponent's huge reaction, they may have really caused a lot of damage to the opponent, causing an army of mechanical octopuses to come out in full force, vowing to tear them into pieces.

The only problem is...those mechanical heads didn't even spare Sherlock, a melon-eater. Originally, they just sent a mechanical octopus to test the attack, but after being killed several times, the number of octopuses that came to trouble him began to increase exponentially. The number increases.

Is there something wrong with the core logic of these mechanical brains? In the current situation of the enemy, there is an unknown third party watching from a distance, and three or four groups of men sent out were all killed instantly without any tricks. Do you want to send more troops here?

Due to the threat that the flaming eyes could pose, Sherlock had originally given up on causing trouble for other contestants and only planned to observe these Green Lanterns to determine their specific abilities and fighting styles, but in this way... Sherlock frowned He frowned and waved his wand to destroy another batch of mechanical octopuses that were attacking him.

We can only help them complete their tasks in advance.


"Hang—!" "Armor protection!"


Horace Stubborn flew tens of meters with his almost completely shattered protective shield, and turned over more than ten times before regaining his balance.

"Hey! Human magician over there! Even if you help us, I won't give up my right to grow a beard!" The beardless dwarf, who was no taller than Sherlock's shoulders, shouted loudly from a distance.

"...I'm not old enough to grow a beard yet," Sherlock put away his wand and sighed: "Even if I were, I wouldn't ask for that weird qualification."

Sa! Boom!

The huge tentacle that whipped the dwarf away drew an arc and struck again, but was firmly blocked by a huge oar. After a stalemate for several seconds, it slowly retracted its strength.

"Human, thank you." The blue giant Helium lowered his head and glanced at Sherlock.

"I just think that according to your style of play, we may have to wait until next year. I don't want the game to drag on for that long." Sherlock spread his hands.

This is the galaxy where the space disaster "Aether Dragon" is located, and it is also the target selected by Asgard.

According to Sherlock's conjecture, the Askide side, which has almost no magic ability and is full of hand-to-hand combatants, should adopt a "landing operation", that is, using the ability of the light elf Pegasus Abraham, who is good at teleportation spells, to directly Teleport to the surface of the etheric dragon, defeat the etheric creation, break the shell, penetrate deep into the internal structure, and destroy most of the etheric dragon's organs to defeat it.

But they never expected that they would actually try to confront the "Aether Dragon" that was comparable in size to an asteroid.

Sif, who is riding a Pegasus, is responsible for attracting attention. Vostagg, Fandral and Hogan, the "Three Warriors of Asgard", are responsible for attacking the front. The remaining people are responsible for attacking the tail of the dragon - that is, the pile of tentacles. .

According to Sherlock's preliminary observations, this tactic is quite effective. The head of the ether dragon is relatively hard and difficult to destroy, but the only attack methods are impact and bite, which can be easily blocked or avoided, while the tentacles on the tail are Relatively speaking, it is relatively fragile. Although the attack methods are changeable, as long as you find an opportunity——

Xilulu! Katcha!

Just when the tentacle was about to be retracted, a golden light flashed with the neigh of a war horse, and the tentacle exploded into a thin ether cloud in the air. Then, the golden light stopped in front of Sherlock, revealing a silver Pegasus riding on it. The Valkyrie Sif has a golden winged helmet, golden light armor, and golden wings on her back.

"You-" "Pegasus! Transfer!"

Before Sherlock could say hello, Sif shouted loudly.

The next moment, Horace, Helium, Sif, and Shylock himself were all covered in a pale white halo.

Between the lightning and flint, Sherlock could clearly sense that this white light wanted to teleport him to an unknown place, but its priority was quite low. As long as Sherlock refused in his heart, he didn't even need to take any action to teleport this time. will fail.

In this case... of course there is no need to refuse.

After Sherlock accepted the teleportation, he and the three people around him were "transferred" to the head of the "Ether Dragon". In the flash of white light, a bright elf holding a staff could be vaguely seen leading a big man holding a sledgehammer. The thin man in green armor holding a one-handed sword and the big man in nomadic outfit carrying a mace teleported away.

At this time, the giant dragon with strange colors made of ether suddenly turned around as if it was in pain, biting towards the position where Sif had just cut off its tentacles, and was accurately blocked by the "Three Warriors of Asgard" together, and then completely Forgetting about the broken tail, he started biting and hitting the three of them.

Is this a good prediction, or is this dragon not smart enough?

However, with their tactics, stability is stable, but it can only be polished slowly. Overall, it is obvious that there is still a strong enough "damage dealer". Could it be that when Thor gathered people, he subconsciously counted himself? Are you in?

With his IQ, he can really do it.

"According to the rules, even if you help us, the score after killing the Aether Dragon will not be distributed to Hogwarts." Sif slowly landed on the same plane as Sherlock, straightened her blond hair, and then said.

"The other two teams have finished," Sherlock spread his hands: "I just don't want you to finish too slowly for Professor Thor's sake."


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