The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and fifty-seven, Shylock and the Evidence of Overlord (3)

——Marvel, 2015——

Ocean planet.

Detailed rules for the second game came belatedly after Sherlock was almost startled by his own face.

Those slender and elegant cursive characters seemed to be burned by flames on the picture with the slowly rotating planet continent as the background:

The second event of the ‘Triwizard Tournament’ is ‘Undersea Treasure Hunt’. 】

All contestants will come to the planet 'Nirn' as 'family leaders' and compete for a total of seven 'Certificates of Overlord'. 】

When all seven Certificates of Overlord are obtained by the participating players, or 1800 days have passed, the second schedule will be settled. 】

1800 days? Should we graduate directly? Is this a graduation exam? It must be, right?

The time passed in this competition will not affect the players' mental and physical growth. Don't underestimate the power of the Lord of Dimensions. 】

Sherlock shrank his neck, if he had a body that he could control now.

Since the planet where this event takes place is dominated by human civilization, all contestants will use human avatars in this competition. 】

When using an avatar, there are no restrictions on the player's own abilities, but after using his or her own abilities, all benefits generated by that ability will be cleared, including but not limited to Bailey, loot, reputation, and influence. 】

Well, that makes sense, otherwise it would be a bit funny no matter how you think about letting these half-grown children or that giant tomato lead the troops to attack the city.

As for whether non-human races are used to communication between humans? Is it possible that on this planet, which is far different from Earth in terms of environment and history, humans are the least likely place to communicate with the indigenous people?

In the last 'Challenge the Dragon' competition, the team ranked first in points not only has abundant initial resources, but also has a powerful elder brother who can join the team in the early stage, and a younger brother who can join the team one year later. , and a younger sister who will not be able to join the team until two years later. 】

The second-ranked team has average starting resources but no older brothers, and the third-ranked team has almost no resources and no older brothers or younger brothers. 】

Hogwarts seems to be ranked second...good, so I renamed the younger siblings Mycroft and Donna.

When this tournament is settled, in addition to the 'Certificate of Overlord', additional points will be awarded based on factors such as Baileys owned by the players, items acquired, reputation in each camp, influence on the world, and achievements achieved. , and finally decided on the starting order of the third event, 'Land Racing'. 】

Now, the game begins! 】

The information given is not detailed enough!

As Sherlock complained silently, his "perspective" fell like a meteor towards the land in front of him.


Choose your family’s culture]

When the picture in front of Sherlock stabilized again, what appeared in front of him was a seemingly ancient parchment, with a relatively abstract map drawn on it, but it could barely be seen that it was a map of the planet's continent.

There are about twenty small flags scattered loosely on this map. When Sherlock focuses his eyes on a certain flag, the camp to which the flag belongs, its sphere of influence and a brief introduction will appear.

The most obvious and largest camp is naturally the four empires that occupy the richest areas and main waterways in the center of the continent. Their names and introductions are very consistent:

East Sea Empire: The Kalad Empire has declined. Before the 'Cataclysm' split the continent of Tamriel into two, their internal struggles had torn this once unified country apart. Now, there are four empires each occupying the four seas. They all claimed that their ruler was the real 'Dragon King' of the Karad Empire, and fought endlessly for this. 】

Garrison salary 20%, influence gained in the legion +25% green]

Village population growth rate 20% red]

Well... although preliminary speculation can be made, it is still unclear whether these advantages and disadvantages are significant.

Sherlock thought for a moment and turned his attention to other forces that were remote or isolated overseas.

Valentia, Swadia, Rhodok, Cyrodiil, Battania, Vaegia, Sturgia, Nord, Hammerfell, High Rock, Kuset, Kugit, Rakan Khan, Gondor, Arnor, Aselai, Salander.

Sherlock did not have difficulty in choosing, but he still had no idea where to start when faced with such a large number of countries. After a little hesitation, he set his sights on "Nord" located near the "North Pole".

Nords: The northernmost region of the Kalad Empire is known as Skyrim, a cold, mountainous region where a loose confederation of tribes once existed, and when the empire's borders expanded into their cold forests, the Nords found themselves The ores and furs were very marketable, so the chiefs became princes, and the hunters and miners became mercenaries and adventurers, looking for opportunities for trade and plunder. 】

The cost of recruiting and upgrading infantry is 25%, and the loss of legion cohesion is 20%. Green]

Relationship penalty caused by kingdom decision +20% red】

Although he obtained more information, he also received more doubts. Sherlock turned his attention to the slightly desolate flat grassland in the middle of the continent.

Rohan: The land of Rohan is covered with pastures and grasslands and is very empty. Most Rohan people live a nomadic life. With the increase of the influence of the empire, they are gradually transitioning to an agricultural society centered on fixed towns. However, they are still Retaining its love of mounted archery and horses, it formed an alliance with neighboring Gondor after many conflicts with the Empire. 】

The cost of recruiting and upgrading cavalry is 10%. In the village owned by the Lord of Rohan, the output of cattle, sheep and horses is +25% Green]

Urban tax 20% red】

This is the key clue!

Sherlock quickly "clicked" on the introductions of all the countries, skipping the invalid information that explained the background, and focused on looking for clauses related to "lord ownership" and "towns and villages", and finally successfully found some "increased output of castle-affiliated villages". Force characteristics such as "increased militia in towns belonging to lords" and "reduced town construction speed".

What a risk, he was almost cheated. The importance of choosing culture turned out to be here. Sherlock wiped away the non-existent sweat.

The second event seems to be a competition for hegemony of ancient kingdoms, searching for and competing for treasures, but the use of one's own strength is restricted, and one can only rely on the troops and legions of the indigenous people, and the support for them is naturally the occupied towns. And villages, so... what if the "loyalty" of these villages and towns is insufficient?

From those pros and cons, it is obvious that most of the data will change, making logistics management as important as frontline combat. If towns with different cultures are not managed for a long time, they will not honestly provide taxes and soldiers, but just refuse to It's okay to pay taxes, but if you're not lucky, you might just raise the flag of rebellion and start a fire in the lord's backyard.

If the purpose is to compete for hegemony, the four empires with the same culture are obviously the first choice. When conquering each other, there is no need to consider the loyalty of the villages and towns they occupy. But if you just want to be an adventurer or a mercenary, there is no need to worry about this. Just choose a culture that can increase combat effectiveness.

So the conclusion is...

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