The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and sixty-two, Shylock and the Evidence of Overlord (8)

——Marvel, 2015——

Ocean planet, East China Sea Empire.

On the vast plains with occasional undulations, a troop of about a hundred people, a mixture of infantry and cavalry, was marching along the road trodden by passers-by. Occasionally, a few, a dozen, or even dozens of bandits and robbers would appear around them. A team of marauders, but they only took one look at the team from a distance and turned away without hesitation.

This resulted in several caravans and villagers traveling in the same direction following behind as if they were hitching a ride.

Of course, there is also the Strange family, which is well-known for helping towns and cities to eliminate gangsters. If it is an armed force with a low reputation, they may have to worry about whether they will be robbed by the other party if they follow them rashly.

"Oh, this is really amazing, Sherlock, you know? I don't know how to ride a horse at all, but look at this handsome Hugh" tall and fat "Mycroft Strange" is riding an unlucky horse. The traveling horses galloped back and forth around the outside of the procession.

Don't you know how to ride a horse at all? Sherlock looked at the team panel.

Mycroft’s Riding Skill +5, now 5]

Mycroft’s Riding Skill +3, now 8]

It's not that he is being modest. This level of riding skill is just the ability to ride on a horse without falling off. It takes at least 100 points to be able to control the mount as flexibly as a real rider.

Sherlock's cousin, Mycroft Holmes, didn't seem to care about the surname change, and ignored the big words "Stephen Strange" above his head and insisted on calling Sherlock Sherlock.

Naming the younger brother Mycroft will cause Mycroft to become the younger brother. If this is the rule, then if you name some real people... I hope other players will not name their family members randomly, right?

After Mycroft unexpectedly appeared, Sherlock had a serious communication with him and basically confirmed that the time on Earth was about a week after they left Hogwarts for Asgard to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. Mycroft While sleeping, he saw a strange panel in his dream, asking him if he would like to be Sherlock's "off-site aid", and he agreed without hesitation.

This incident answered one of Sherlock's doubts, that is, how the "1800 days" required for the second game will be compressed. His original guess was to let the players "fast forward" time when no events occurred, but this would lead to There is always something to do, and the more aggressive players have a greater advantage.

Now, the correct answer is to let the contestants "dream". You can even bring in the consciousness of other people who are also dreaming in "reality" during this period, and send an avatar to play the NPC, which is quite interesting.

However, forget it about Mycroft, it is normal for boys to fight and kill, but as for my sister... Sherlock looked at "Donna Strange" on the family list, and began to consider whether to change other names to avoid “Next year” really brings Donna into the mix.

"I've long heard that Hogwarts is a magical place. Just listening to your description doesn't make it feel real." Mycroft seemed to have had enough fun. He rode back to the army and walked side by side with Sherlock: "This kind of thing is like this in a dream." The magic that creates a world in it is really powerful.”

"Yeah." Sherlock nodded noncommittally.

Speaking of which, "next year" in real time, my cousin Donna will be 11 years old, and she may also receive the admission notice to Hogwarts, so let her get to know her seniors and sisters in advance and experience Hogwarts. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with Woz's magic.


The team stopped temporarily at a village.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Lord Stephen, we had a plague some time ago -"

How can I help you? 】

"I guess all it takes is—"

I can do it. 】


This is the grain seed you want. 】

"You are such a savior!"

"Huh? Huh? Huh?" Mycroft watched as the blank-faced Sherlock finished his concise and concise exchange with the village leader who seemed to be asking for help. He then instructed the soldiers to transport dozens of bags of grain into the village warehouse, and then directly mounted the horse. He left, keeping a puzzled face the whole time.

Before he could find a chance to ask Sherlock, the team had arrived at another village not too far away.

"Nice to meet you, I am this——"

what do you need? 】

"I think the '3' set will be--"

I'll get you the tools you want. 】

"please hurry--"

Here are the three sets of tools you need. 】

“We sincerely thank you!”

After going through the same process again, Mycroft finally couldn't help but catch up with Sherlock and ask what was going on.

"That's a 'village' mission that 'requires grain seeds' and 'requires tools.'" Sherlock looked at the income and expenditure on the panel: "Standing with relevant props, hand them over directly when encountering them. Although the reputation and Bailey are not much, the province saves money." Save time and effort.”

"What about the effortless ones?"

"..." Sherlock turned to look at Mycroft, and the playfulness in his eyes made him take a few steps back subconsciously.

"Then it's your turn." As Sherlock spoke, it was almost dusk. The entire team stopped to repair under a forest cliff. At the same time, four heavy-armored knights dismounted and four other archers He broke away from the team and walked towards the two of them.

"Our scout discovered the hideout of these bandits, sir. He couldn't be wrong when he heard those guys discussing the caravan route and suitable locations for ambush." ​​A knight said.

"Huh? Huh?" Mycroft seemed very surprised that this conversation could be completed.

"Okay, wait until dark before launching an attack." Sherlock dismounted and adjusted his helmet and scimitar.

"Yes, sir." The eight subordinates stood behind Sherlock and began to wait.


"I know you chat with them when you have nothing to do, but no matter how real the reaction is, they are still 'them'," Sherlock said: "Certain specific statements are the 'magic' that allows NPCs to execute commands, but you are not an NPC, so , I can’t sit here and take command of this raid on the bandit’s hideout by a few people, I have to go with you.”

"Want to fight? Okay," Mycroft said, "I can feel that this incarnation is very strong."

"Of course, you are developing in the direction of strength and agility. You can even kill a cow with one punch." Sherlock replied while sliding his finger on the inventory panel: "Hmm... It's a pity that I haven't found better equipment recently. , let’s make do with these first.”

"What's the point--"

As soon as Mycroft asked two words, bright white light balls began to gather and shine around him. When the white light attached to different parts of his body and disappeared, the ordinary cloth and turban had been replaced by a set of parts. They don't match each other very well. The materials are replaced by assembled armor made of cloth, leather, and locks. There is also a thick shield and a broad-bladed hand ax on the hand.

While his brother was still making a fuss about the changes on his body, Sherlock had already put away the panel, pulled out the scimitar from his waist, and waved it in the direction of the cliff and the forest: "Archers, cavalry, charge! Everyone, shoot freely!" "

Mycroft didn't react at all, but the eight men he had found earlier picked up their weapons and rushed into the woods without hesitation.

"Sure enough, you won't accept orders from NPCs." Sherlock waited for a few more seconds before walking up to Mycroft and patting him on the shoulder: "Let's go and eliminate the bandits and get familiar with the battles in this world. , you will have to be responsible for leading the troops in the future."

"Oh that's fine??"

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