The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and ninety-nine, Sherlock and the three powerful forces fighting for hege

——Marvel, 2015——

East Sea Empire, Silonia.

This large city is located in a defenseless plain, with linen and silk as its main products. It is also the capital of the East China Sea Empire. It is under siege by the "Smaug Empire".

It's a siege, not a siege.

An army of about a thousand people was blocking the main entrance of the city, neither attacking nor retreating. Occasionally, caravans from other small kingdoms would cautiously pass by the army, enter the city to trade, and then leave cautiously. , the whole process was not affected by this force at all.

Further away from this force, there are many small troops ranging in size from a dozen to dozens of people, hanging with the flag of the East China Sea Empire, lingering. They occasionally tentatively approach the city gate, but they are not far enough away from the troops. After a while, he would turn around and run away again, and so on.

"This, isn't this good? Sherlock," Watson was restless in the command tent of the siege camp, opening the panel from time to time to observe the surrounding movements: "The total number of soldiers in the city garrison and scattered legions outside is already three times ours. ah……"

"It's normal." Sherlock was still checking the overall information of the ocean planet through the kingdom panel: "This is the last city in the East China Sea Empire. If it doesn't even have this amount, it is not qualified to compete with the other three empires."

The reason why it fell into siege was because there was a slight problem with Instiana's promise. When Shylock occupied more than two-thirds of the East China Sea Empire's territory, the remaining cities directly defected without any rebels. Even Silonia is no exception.

But the problem is that Ao Guang, the emperor of the East China Sea Empire, assembled a large army outside the city of Silonia to prepare for a decisive battle with Shylock. After discovering the rebellion in the main city, he turned around and captured the city, so Shylock had to personally Come and finish.

"No, no, what I mean is..." Watson opened the panel repeatedly to confirm: "There are two thousand defenders in the city and a thousand scattered troops outside the city. If-"

"They won't attack at the same time." Sherlock answered.

"Why? Can't they do addition and subtraction?" Watson was dazed.

"Their main force has been destroyed by us. At least half of these three thousand people are newly recruited junior soldiers. When calculating the overall combat effectiveness, they can only be counted as half," Sherlock replied: "And we brought all For upgraded elites, half will be added when calculating the overall combat effectiveness."

"..." Watson counted on his fingers: "That's just the same. If they continue to recruit new soldiers in the city, their combat effectiveness will exceed ours sooner or later."

"Where to recruit?"

"You can recruit them yourself in the city, and there are attached villages around...ah."

"Did you find out? The East China Sea Empire only has the affiliated villages of Silonia that can recruit troops, but the number is not enough for the nearly a hundred lords outside. The same is true in the city." Sherlock zoomed out the panel slightly and took a look. Family members who are farther away, each with more than a hundred people patrolling the periphery: "Our younger brothers and sisters can also ensure that they cannot escape to attack our other cities or plunder affiliated villages."

"Actually, that's my brother..." Watson scratched his head: "But what's the use of a stalemate here? They won't surrender."...

"Because we can't siege the city," Sherlock replied: "According to the rules of this arena, up to a thousand people are allowed to participate in the battle at a time. The initial number of people entering is determined based on the total number of people on both sides. If we choose to siege, it will be 250 people. When attacking a fortified city defended by 750 people, no matter how powerful a famous general is, he will fail."

"Oh... so we are waiting for the garrison to run out of food and flee on our own?" Watson guessed based on recent experience.

"The only ones that will escape are unled garrisons. Troops with lords will not escape no matter how low their morale is." Sherlock closed the panel and looked at the city: "Our current actions are for..."

Boom boom boom——

Before Watson could ask "why", the city gate of Silonia suddenly opened, and a dozen troops with only double-digit soldiers rushed out.

"Stephen Strange! Your luck is over!" Erin led the way, ignoring the people she led

Counting, he shouted loudly from a distance: "[Surrender! Or die!]"

"Look," Sherlock shrugged at Watson, stepped towards his mount outside the tent, and responded at the same time: "[I think it's you who should surrender.]"


The raid ended at lightning speed. Almost all the daring lords of the East China Sea Empire who tried to attack the enemy with an attack were arrested, while the teams that were originally watching from the outside had no time to react.

"[Good fight, I admit defeat.] w w, in the command tent, with several arrows stuck in her body, Irene said with a smile.

"You are overly dedicated," Watson looked at her: "Just surrender after all the soldiers have fought."

"This is a miserable sale," Eileen looked around and lowered her voice: "If we go back together, no fool will come out with me next time."

"Really..." Watson turned to look at Sherlock in confusion.

"[The fight is very good, you can go,]" Sherlock first confirmed the treatment of the prisoners, and then said: "We are currently exploiting the loopholes in this game, but it has not been repaired until now. Maybe the organizer recognized it It can be used."

"Is placing an undercover agent and cooperating inside and outside considered a loophole?" Watson expressed doubts.

"This loophole is that all N generals have acquiesced that when encountering an enemy, other lords of the same camp will fully assist them, so there will be a situation where 'when two troops of 100 people from the same camp encounter an enemy force of 150 people,' Launching an attack without hesitation and completely ignoring the possibility of the other team escaping. This kind of behavior." Sherlock looked at Watson: "During our battle with the East China Sea Empire, Irene did this more than once. Don't you? Will you forget?"

"Ah, it seems that there have been many times when some troops with obviously poor strength dared to take the initiative to attack our main force or family troops. Is it because of Irene?" Watson suddenly realized.

"If it were a real battlefield, I would probably have been sent to a military court, but this is just a game." Irene shrugged, then added Sherlock's "keyword": "[Am I free? Goodbye then. .]"

Click, the two elite armored cavalry who were originally holding Irene's arms released their hands, and the arrows and war ashes on Irene's body also disappeared.

"After that, Irene will repeat the previous actions after returning to the city, tricking all the lords who are huddled in the city and making us prisoners. Finally, when the food in the city is exhausted and the total strength is reduced to half of ours, we will Start attacking the city and destroy the East China Sea Empire in one fell swoop." Sherlock concluded.

"Your Majesty," at this time, a messenger quickly approached the camp: "[The East China Sea Empire proposed a truce, and they are willing to pay a daily tribute of 23,090 beli.]"

"Oh," Sherlock pressed on the kingdom's diplomacy panel and looked at Watson: "I choose [not to accept this proposal], what about you?"

"I also [oppose]." Watson followed and voted.

[Stephen of the Smaug Empire, with the support of the Noble Council, refused to make a truce with the East Sea Empire. ].

Jingjing Little Demon Fairy

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