The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Four Hundred and Two, North American Mythical War (277)

——Marvel, 2015——

Ocean planet.

Plop, clatter!

Atreus fell from the sky and fell into the blue sea, causing a huge splash.

[Flashing], [Waterproof and Moistureproof], [Walking on Water].

The next second, before the water splash completely fell, Atreus appeared on the sea not far away, wearing dry clothes.

There was a slight look of surprise on his face, and he was even ready to continue casting the spell, but soon he showed a look of relief.

"...He is indeed back, together with the 'player panel' for the second game."

Atreus looked at the reminder that almost brushed on his face, ['Thor Laufeisen, was captured by the enemy, and the enemy asked you to redeem him with 5,000 beli], and muttered to himself with some nostalgia.

He had to admit that when he fell into the water again, for a moment, he thought that returning to the "Earth's Inner Sea" to see Lily was some kind of space-time illusion, caused by his failure to control the Time Management Bureau.

But now it seems that his transformation of the ruins through the "Reality Stone" is equivalent to expanding the "reality dimension", extending White Star's authority to that "dimensional rift", "space-time gap" or something else. name place.

When she took her back, she might have given some orders, but because she and Lily had already reached the conditions of "becoming lovers", she successfully triggered the preset mechanism of the Earth's Inner Sea and kicked them out directly.

At that time, the little mermaid was crying and laughing at the same time, and kept saying "Thank you, Shirahoshi-sama", which made Atreus put aside his worry about whether he was attracted to her one-sidedly.

The next thing to worry about is... whether Lily can adapt to life in the real dimension.

Jotunheim's parents won't embarrass her, Laufey's mother will just be overjoyed, Kratos's father may dislike her and can't fight her, but Asgard is more troublesome, and Odin may have a crush on her. She is very concerned about the belongings of the Space Demon God of the same level, and Frigga will definitely teach her over and over again the behavior, conversational temperament, etc. that a princess should have.

Hmm... The worst is not to be treated like this prince, since I can't afford Mjolnir anyway.

With this thought, Atreus gave up his habit of refusing to pay the ransom and letting the Thor who was not Thor continue to be imprisoned, and instead chose to spend 5,000 beli to redeem the "n-brother".

['Thor Laufeyson, released, he will join your team in 3 days and 23 hours. 】

Atreus glanced casually and was about to turn off the panel, but the words on it changed before his eyes.

[‘■■■■·■■, is released, he will join your team in ■ days and ■■ hours. 】

[‘Ulysses Klaue (ulyssesk) will join your team in 0 hours. 】



Several silvery-white light balls appeared in front of Atreus. They surrounded each other, forming three haloes emitting pale white light. These haloes rotated for a few seconds, and finally shrank suddenly and exploded silently, revealing the short and skinny one among them. Humanoid.


"Gulu! Gulu! Gulu!"

"Gulu" plunged into the sea, shouting and thrashing around in a hurry. ….

Tsk...Okay, if it weren't for the "former director"'s prior planning, I might not be able to save Lily, so I just treat it as a buy one, get one free, but this style is really not in line with the aesthetics of Tamriel. , and then maybe leave Jotunheim to stay with those dwarves.

Atreus waved his wand and lifted Gollum out of the sea.

Almost at the same time, Gulu was like a dried vegetable being soaked in water. His whole body grew in size like a balloon, and finally turned into a stocky, middle-aged man wearing a three-piece suit, a beard, black hair and blue eyes.

"Father in heaven." Atreus was so shocked that he even blurted out an exclamation that he rarely used at ordinary times.

"I am... Ulysses Crow..." The middle-aged man who was Gollum a few seconds ago

Looking at his hands, he muttered to himself: "Professor of Hogwarts' Molecular Influence, Faction?"

That course that is said to require a different professor every year because molecules are always moving? He seems to be very suitable for teaching by words and deeds.

So this is compensation given by the administration for occupying other people’s time? But he took up his "younger brother" spot, which is really...

Atreus was patching up the waterproof and moisture-proof humanoid Gollum hanging in the air. He was thinking inwardly when he was suddenly startled by the newly painted panel:

[‘Rachel Laufeison, has reached adulthood and is about to join your team]

No, wait, he already knows that he was wrong, so don’t do it again!

[‘■■·■■■■■, already ■■, about to ■■■■]

[‘Lola Angelberda, join your team. 】

...take back what you just said.

Atreus looked around with Crow in his hand, but did not notice any new "aperture" appearing on the surrounding sea surface.

And when he rotated 360 degrees on the spot and returned to his original posture, he found that the sunlight was blocked by a huge shadow. When he looked up, he saw a giant three-masted sailboat that suddenly appeared, and Lily was standing with a smile on her face. Beside the boat, he was wearing a captain's hat that he got from nowhere.

"Two gentlemen, it seems that you have encountered a shipwreck? Do you need my rescue?" She looked at Atreus and Crow: "However, according to the rules of the sea, when a shipwrecked person is rescued, all belongings on him must be removed. It belongs to the rescuer~"

That's the rule in the pirate code...

"Then I ask for free food, and I promise it won't be wasted." Atreus watched Lily try to kick off the rope ladder a little awkwardly, and simply flashed onto the boat with Crow.

"Hmm... uh..." Lily seemed to be unable to continue acting, and tilted her head slightly to avoid looking at Atreus: "Sir Shirahoshi said that you were undergoing some kind of trial, so he asked me to bring you the strongest battleship as a weapon. , as..."

It must be as a dowry. Atreus already had a deep understanding of the bad taste of the Lord of the Ocean Dimension. He looked around and found that there were no sailors on the deck, so he threw Crow into the cabin and closed the door. He stretched out his arms and hugged Crow. Live the Little Mermaid.

"I'm back, Lily."

Atreus has decided that if this foolish lover dares to say anything again, he will thank Lord Shirahoshi and just stop her mouth.

"Well...welcome back." Lily responded softly in his arms.

Gee, disappointing.

"Atreus..." Lily spoke again: "Shirahoshi-sama said that your current appearance is not your original appearance, and you will return to your original shape after the trial is over..."

"Do you mind?" Atreus was also a little worried about this matter at first. If Lily prefers an uncle to a boy, and then has to find a way to "ripen" herself... then Thor will definitely laugh at her thousands of times. Years.

"No, I, I mean, I will try to adapt. Now that I have made a choice, I will not regret it!" Lily said.

Something seems wrong. She seems to be making a lot of determination. Is appearance and age so important?

Atreus frowned, turned around Lily, and looked in the direction she was looking at just now.

I don't know when a warship appeared over there that was similar in model to the sailboat below but two sizes smaller. On the deck were a group of green-skinned, hunchbacked, fanged, strong humanoid creatures waving their weapons at this side. Make all kinds of weird actions.

"..." Atreus silently opened the panel he had just closed.

[Sauron, the leader of Mordor, declared war on High Rock despite the opposition of the noble council. 】

Regardless of what is wrong with this planet, how come there are species other than humans existing, but in order to prove to Lily that you are not green-skinned, you——

All must die. .

Jingjing Little Demon Fairy

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