The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and eight, North American Mythical War (283)

Scarlet Witch Mage Tower.

After listening to my explanation about time, dimensions, and parallel worlds, Gandalf left thoughtfully. He looked normal on the outside, but he was obviously having a violent storm of thoughts in his head, and the thoughts that occasionally leaked out were all... It was garbled code, and when Vision greeted him, he actually replied, "Looking forward to Blue Fire Gatling's performance on the battlefield."

[Who asked you to reveal so much high-level knowledge to him? ] The stupid system in the wand posture said while glowing.

"He is Maia of Zerapesh. He spans two worlds and has three identities. He is qualified to understand some knowledge about the nature of the world." I turned my wand: "I just figured out what this cycle is about. I also hesitated for a while, and I couldn’t keep this opportunity to exercise my brain power to myself.”

[How pitiful, there are not so many high-end concepts in Middle-earth. Fighting the Balrog and being promoted to white robe is enough for him to brag for several years. When he meets people, he usually says "Hello, I am Gandalf, please call me Gandalf the White." ”, “How did you know that I was promoted to white robe?”. 】

"Don't be embarrassed, Magneto is also in the Marvel Universe, and you should have some understanding of concepts like multiplicity, omnipotence, and so on."

[X-Men series? There has been no way to enter the movie universe because of the existence of mutants, so the depth of knowledge should not be enough. 】

"It doesn't matter. You have to give people some benefits when they are seconded to work. Especially now that the Time Administration has been changed to the Ministry of Magic. How can Hogwarts connect with it in the future without the relevant knowledge?"

[Then do you think Gandalf understands? I mean the time loop part. 】

"If you pick up a random person on the road who has only watched Avengers: Endgame once, do you think he can sort out the timeline?"

[This depends on IQ. 】

"Then I believe he can understand."

The former "Time Management Bureau" still located in the dimensional rift and time gap is now owned by the "Ministry of Magic", as well as the large amount of information about the main Marvel universe that it itself holds.

How can I put it, if the "original people" of the "original Marvel Cinematic Universe" get these information, they will be like treasures, but to me it is completely useless, because those information have already been released because of "Rachel Fisk" And "Lord of the Ocean Dimension Shirahoshi" is active and most of it is invalidated. If it is not destroyed, but continues to "maintain the timeline" according to the original work flow, it will most likely end up against me in the end, tsk tsk, it is really miserable. s future.

[Is it possible that it was destroyed in advance just because it would confront you in the future? 】

"That's shouldn't be possible, right?"

When it comes to the subject of time travel, it is generally divided into two categories, namely "history can be changed" and "history cannot be changed". The former is represented by the "butterfly effect theory", while the latter is represented by "world line convergence" "Theory", the point of difference lies in whether the "past" behavior can have an impact on the "future". The former is prone to the "grandfather paradox", while the latter is prone to fatalism.

Therefore, based on them, later generations have developed new categories: the "parallel world theory" that can interfere with history at will but has nothing to do with the original world of the intervener, and all modifications to history, but lead to history becoming The "infinite loop theory" that is the reason today - the time travel in "Avengers IV" is this kind of thing. All "time travel" goes to the same timeline, but the time period is different, and the "future" behavior is still " The past" became the cause of certain events.

As for me, strictly speaking, my time travel is actually the "reverse butterfly effect": first confirm the desired result, and then cut off the "causes" that cannot achieve this result. This behavior is fine if used in other worlds. If the timeline itself is a mess, and Marvel and DC, which are constantly adding numbers and reboots, use it... it will be too few to generate thousands of parallel worlds.

The conclusion is that all the "time travel" implemented in "this game" has "already happened", and those time travelers will intentionally or unintentionally ignore the traces left by "themselves" before completing the trip, and Aha moment at the end of the trip.

Exactly what Atreus did.

I have to say that this situation is very cinematic - even though they are in a

movie world.

Speaking of movies, in order to maintain entertainment, the "loops" of Avengers 4 have more or less loopholes - such as Steve hitting himself, Frigga dying after meeting Thor, etc., so at the end of the movie By leaving a blank space, Captain America was asked to return the Infinity Stones and ensure that the original events occurred as usual... As a result, the biggest BUG in history was created that had no chance to be corrected.

[In view of the general environment,

I'm not talking about a small bug like "Captain America stayed in the past and caused those disasters to happen as usual." This incident can barely be explained by "Captain America has always tried his best to avoid changing history." The BUG in this incident The reason is...[Captain America made the decision to stay in the past without being able to guarantee that he would "certainly" not change history].

You must know that almost the entire drama of Avengers 4 is based on the event of "time travel went wrong, causing history to be changed." After making great sacrifices to save the world, everyone will finish the most important work , "Send back the Infinity Stones and get history back on track" to the most trustworthy Captain America, and then, for the sake of love, he created the final "problem".

Yes, "a dance to make up for the debt owed to Carter" is indeed romantic, but is it romantic enough to allow Steve to stay in the past at the expense of the entire world's ever-present security risks?

The image of the loyal, reliable and responsible Captain America that the Marvel series of movies has always created completely collapsed at the last moment of his curtain call.

Of course, on the bright side, this behavior can also be called sublimation. He is just no longer bound by his identity and responsibilities, and chooses to pursue his own self-worth and freedom. Isn't there no problem with history?

Yes, there was no problem, but on Steve Rogers' life history as "Captain America", the last mission, "Return the Infinity Stones and put history back on track" will always be marked as "Failure". And there is no chance of redress.

[Then if you were asked to write it, how would you arrange it? Drastically change the ending? 】

"Why is it so troublesome? Just add a sentence and a shot." I casually used my magic power to describe the scene of the last scene of the movie in the air: "When the other Avengers asked him what was going on, the old captain showed off his clothes intentionally or unintentionally. The "Time Administration" logo on his collar, and then mysteriously said, "I can guarantee that the mission has been successfully completed, but the rest is a secret." "

[Backstabbing other screenwriters, right? 】

"They've done a lot of digging holes and not filling them."

【really. 】

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