The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and thirty, North American Mythical War (297)

——Marvel, 2015——


"Okay, kids, you performed very well in the 'Simulated War'. Now go back to your dormitory to have a good rest and prepare for the next third game."

The players who returned to Asgard on the "Noah" were still looking around curiously, but the team leaders from all parties had already boarded the ship and were preparing to take them away.

"But we lost," Luna puffed her face: "Although it was almost occupied by the greenskins because they failed to take care of their territory in time, we found the last key 'Certificate of Overlord'. "

"Of course the weight of this behavior was considered during the settlement of the game," Professor Actions in numbers carry greater weight.”

"That's right, with my example, won't Asgard's players be as powerful as a rainbow?" Thor, wearing a shiny golden armor and a rather proud expression, walked out from behind Professor X, feeling very proud of himself.

"Is there a place to report cheating? Principal?" Moriarty pouted.

"In fact, Thor's behavior is within the rules," Professor Some points will be deducted at checkout.”

"But they are busy traveling around Asgard, so they don't have time, right?" Luna wrinkled her nose.

Professor X shrugged and spread his hands.

"I think we really need to rest and then discuss how to get a good result in the third game," Sherlock said while glancing in the direction of Atreus and Lily, who were being tortured by the strong man in golden armor and the beautiful lady: "Their words..."

"Classmate Atreus has a somewhat special bloodline. Don't worry about him and that mermaid lady," Professor

"No one asked that..." "He took people who were not 'brothers and sisters' out of the arena..."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about other things later. Let's leave the pier now." Professor X ignored the students' cooing and waved for everyone to follow him.


After a group of little adults from Hogwarts left chirping, Thor adjusted his armor and walked towards the Asgardian contestants very proudly: "How is it? Follow my command, but in one fell swoop he climbed from the bottom to the top. ?”

"It's true." "Your Highness is amazing." "Did you know? At that time -"


When the "Three Warriors of Asgard" began to praise Thor as usual, Sif interrupted them with a low shout.

"...Sif?" Thor asked with a confused look on his face and looked at the other contestants with pleading eyes, but they all had expressions of confusion.

"It's like this again, no, you're always like this," Sif stared at Thor: "Do you remember why you were exiled to Midgard?"

"Because I didn't follow the tactical plan and attacked the Frost Giant army in advance?" Thor scratched his head.

"Is that an attack? It's simply suicide!" Sif glared at him: "Just because you heard that the Frost Giant commander appeared on the front line, you rushed in alone, didn't you consider the possibility that it was a trap? "

"With the Frost Giant's IQ, he would never have thought of setting up a trap," Thor blinked: "And didn't I succeed?"

"Yes, you successfully killed the Frost Giant commander, leaving them leaderless." Sif closed her eyes and took a deep breath: "But you were also surrounded by angry ice giants and frost giants, and we had to give up our tactics. Arrangements were made to rescue you, but in the end we suffered heavy losses.”

"I can fight out on my own without saving me, just an ice giant..." Thor tried to argue, but his voice became smaller and smaller under Sif's glare.

"The fact that you were able to escape is completely different from the fact that we allowed the prince of Asgard to fall into danger. This matter has been in the past for a long time, so we won't discuss right or wrong," Sif said, "And Heavenly Father threw you to Midgar. De, I just want you to understand the principle of teamwork. I originally thought that after you joined the Avengers and became a professor at Hogwarts, you would be calmer than before. I didn't expect that now it seems that you have. Nothing less."

"I have changed a lot, and the opinions of other professors and students about me..." Thor tried to find witnesses, but when he turned around, he found that everyone in Hogwarts had gone away.

"Really? Then tell me, when you used the cannon that exceeded the upper limit of the power of the 'incarnation', could you guarantee that there would be no problems with your own body?" Sif asked.

"This is just a game, of course I can guarantee that!"

"Can you guarantee that there will be no problems every time?!"

While Thor and Sif bickered, the other Asgardians were trying to reduce their presence.

"They obviously care about each other, why are they quarreling?"


"You should stay out of the affairs of unmarried couples."


"[Chen], [Disaster Seal], do you feel any discomfort?"

On the other side of Noah's deck, Jade was leading the Green Lantern Corps to review the game. After hearing the noise there, she turned to ask the two eliminated Green Lanterns.

"No problem." "[Everything is normal.]" The two responded in their own ways.

"What about you?" Shi Tie looked at [Zongzheng Mo].

"It's a bit troublesome," the ancient Green Lantern, who still used the incarnation of the ocean planet, frowned: "I can feel that if you use 'Storm' again, this body will be completely broken."

"Kyle?" Jade tilted her head.

"I no longer feel any connection with the prehistoric Green Lantern [whoever asked me]," Kyle Rayner shook his head: "Obviously, these 'heroic spirits' who were accidentally summoned were used in this competition. Treated as 'consumables', and the 'protective measures' against players will not take effect on them,"

"Why is this like this..." Can Guang's eyes widened: "I have made an appointment with Mr. [Nameless Se] to take him to visit Oa Star in this era."

"Don't worry, I have already made a preliminary inference about your symptoms of being unable to leave the green light energy more than one meter away from the body. I can write out the prescription and treatment method before the end of the third game. As long as you take it on time and cooperate with exercise, it will be better within a year." ." [Unnamed Se] patted him on the shoulder.

"[I never said it before]," [Old Argon] said: "[When we were summoned, we were given the knowledge that we must understand about this world, including that our 'temporary life' is limited in time. And this is a one-time thing, although I am a little bit concerned that the purpose of my 'resurrection' is just to help the summoner win a game, but this thing in itself is a miracle, and we don't plan to ask for too much.】"

"[We will do our best to help you win.]" [Starry Night Soul·**] concluded.

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