The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and thirty-seven, North American Mythical War (300)

[Huh-this old man is finally gone. 】

"Can he hear you?" I turned the wand in my hand: "After such a long talk, you didn't jump out to complain. I'm not used to it."

[He definitely can’t hear it, Cricket Odin,] The stupid system hummed: [Isn’t that to take care of you? 】

"Did not see it."

[You have to respond when I speak, right? Will you be distracted when you respond? And if your expression management is not good enough, Odin will definitely see it. 】

"so what?"

[The person who spoke to him at that time was not the 'Scarlet Witch' who was used for communication, but the 'White Star' who borrowed the vest.] The stupid system plausibly said: [As a cosmic demon on the same level as Odin, how can he talk about business? Does it care about or even beat personal belongings? 】

In other words, because the No. 2 is pretending to be possessed by the No. 3, he must remain dignified to maintain the face of the No. 3. But in fact, the normal behavior of the No. 2 is closer to the character of the No. 3. The personality of the No. 3 is Solemnity is just a pretense, and regardless of whether it is No. 2 or No. 3, its character is customized to serve as a background for No. 1. As for No. 1 itself, it needs to maintain the persona of "Samsara Jin Jing", but There is limited room for free play.

In addition, there is even "Vest Zero", which is the "death" of this world. This one is the most free, because ordinary people can't come into contact with it. Even if they can come into contact with it occasionally, they can't do anything about "her". Questioning the character - As one of the five creator gods, no matter what character he shows, it is reasonable.

"In other words, I'm just causing trouble for myself?"

[Isn't that right?] The stupid system gloated: [Although these vests are quite distantly related, once someone appears who knows two or more of them at the same time, you will be in trouble. 】

"It's actually not bad."

At present, it seems that only two event collaborators, Odin and Ion Shark, can be contacted at the same time. White Star usually doesn't care about anything at all, just hangs up and sleeps in the ocean dimension, and "Scarlet Witch" as the "White Queen's Spirit" "Body", which will not appear even if it does not leave the earth and go to strange places.

【fine? Odin is very sure that 'White Star' is the attribute of 'Death'. After he 'upgrades', he will almost be able to contact the five creation gods. Do you think he will find it through knowing 'White Star'? Death' set close? 】


[Of course it’s for ‘Twilight of the Gods’, but it has nothing to do with the other creation gods, right? 】

"You remind me that this may be why he came here today."

I jumped off the high-backed chair, walked to the window of the mage tower and looked down.

Outside the wall, dozens of heroic Valkyries are flying on silver Pegasus. Most of them are facing the mage tower and are on guard. A few are patrolling around, looking at anyone passing by. A glaring expression.

Theoretically speaking, this is completely redundant behavior, because what they are protecting at the moment is Asgard's most powerful combat force.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't come. As the Lord of Asgard, it would be outrageous for Odin to travel without even a single attendant or bodyguard, especially since it is still during the Triwizard Tournament and the people he is meeting are "foreign guests."

[But in theory, it seems that there are not many foreign guests. 】


I withdrew my gaze slightly and looked towards the courtyard of the Mage Tower.

Odin was happily stroking Babas... Dogmeat... Fenrir... I mean Lu Wei's dog head, while Lu Wei lay there sleeping, completely ignoring it.

Baldr, or "Drizzt Duhenden", was saying something to Odin next to him, making him nod repeatedly.

['The meat is fresh and tender, suitable for hot pot', 'That's right, that's right'] The stupid system sent the message.

"They better actually say that."

As cosmic demons of the "same level", they will self-shield each other, but he can't hear it, and I can't hear it.

[It’s just praising Lu Wei for his contribution to the biology class at Hogwarts. It’s quite boring. 】The stupid system changed its words.

After teasing the dog, Odin turned to walk into the smithy of Stirr...Strong...a mutant now named Hagrid.

[‘Is this the Hulk? This is my first time meeting you." "No, Your Majesty, this is Hagrid, the ranger of Hogwarts." 】

[‘Mr. Hagrid, what are you building? ’, ‘Blue Fire Gatling. ','What? ’]

['Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, with one breath of 3,600 revolutions, six pure and depleted uranium bullets, saves the world with great kindness and compassion', 'Uh-huh. ’]

【puff. 】

"Stop laughing, who taught you this?"

[It seems like Vision. You know, soul gems are easily affected by things on the Internet... uh... 】

"You can just say pollution. After this competition is over, I have to find a way to purify that gem."

【Are you looking for the seed of lament? /Everyone\

winter! I tapped my wand hard on the windowsill.

【Ouch! He hasn’t left yet, your movements will be mistaken as chasing guests away——]

"We really have to expel the guest. I deliberately put all the key factors leading to Ragnarok under my nose. He still wants to provoke him, for fear that Ragnarok won't come, right?"

As if he really heard the sound of me knocking on the window sill, or was shocked by the poem, Odin quickly walked out of the blacksmith shop, gestured in the direction of the mage tower, and then walked out of the yard, taking the Valkyries with him. leave.

[Is there a possibility that this is the confidence of the Lord of Asgard - even if Ragnarok happens, he will have a way to solve it. 】After Odin left the mage tower, the stupid system said.

"Judging from the Thor movie series, he doesn't have this ability, not even in comics. The setting that Ragnarok will inevitably destroy Asgard has been engraved in the mind of the screenwriter."

[Is that another possibility? He is now only one step away from 'that realm'. As long as Ragnarok occurs, he will immediately forcibly upgrade and subdue him, even if he has to sleep afterwards. 】

"It's possible, but he's obviously looking in the wrong place. The Ragnarok caused by Fenrir, Shirter, and Hela has been postponed. The next time it will be Jormungandr, Loki, and Hodel... Well ?”

[You finally found out that this second time it was all together? 】

"Tsk, Loki is Atreus, Jormungandr was absorbed by Luna, and originally there was one missing 'God of Darkness' Hodel, but after all the commotion on the ocean planet, Moriarty successfully intercepted Dormammu All the remaining power..."

[The 'gods' who are involved in the 'Lord of the Dark Dimension' are of course the 'God of Darkness'. 】

‘When did he become a god? ’

[Is it because the ‘Devil Fruit’ is regarded as a gift from the gods by indigenous NPCs? 】

'That would be too...'

I just got to this point with the stupid system, and the prompt sister I haven’t seen for a long time suddenly refreshed the prompt:

[Reminder: 'Earthly Serpent' Jormungandr (Jandr), 'God of Trickery' Loki (Loki), 'God of Darkness' Hodr (Hr) gathered in Asgard to meet the requirements of 'Twilight of the Gods' ( Ragnarrk)' opening conditions——]

etc! Hint sister! I'm not ready yet!

[Tip: ‘Twilight of the Gods’ will start soon, so stay tuned. 】


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