The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and forty, Sherlock and the Borderlands (7)

——Marvel, 2015——

"Shelter" battleship.

The choices made by the Asgardian players aroused heated discussions among the spectators.

"What? Only two countries were chosen?"

"Obviously, it is impossible to make arrangements with loopholes when you know that other camps behind you can see their choices. Shrinking the front is also an option."

"No, wait, they seem to be ranked first now? Although I don't know how the third game will be scored, there are only seven games in total. As long as they stay in second place and fight for third, are they likely to continue to maintain the momentum of first place? Until the end?”

"But the remaining contestants are all obviously military-oriented. Who came up with the idea?"

"Is there a possibility that the light elf mage was just eliminated and not banned?"


"The first question now is to determine how the manpower of these two countries will be arranged, and how the Green Lantern Corps will respond."

Well... the "friends and relatives" group has begun to provide support before the game begins, but their discussions are limited to analysis and suggestions. Except for some members who are particularly familiar with Hogwarts, the "Avengers" have no idea about Hogwarts. The strength of Gvoz's players is not known in detail, and it is the players themselves who ultimately make the decision.

At this time, after each of them went to the lion head statue to receive the engraving for help, the eight players gathered again and began to discuss the current situation - of course, generally only Sherlock, Moriarty, Luna and Ah could make suggestions. Terus.

"There is no doubt," Atreus said first: "Sif will go to the 'Dark Elf Kingdom' with the 'Three Warriors of Asgard', while Helem will go to the 'Giant Kingdom' alone."

Sherlock nodded silently, and his current analysis was almost the same.

"Four-one points?" Luna expressed doubts: "That stupid big guy looks easy to deal with, doesn't he look like he can demolish the tower alone?"

"...I don't know what tower you are talking about, but as a frost giant, he has great geographical advantages in Jotunheim. Not only can he easily hide among similar tribes and be undetected, he can also use 'Asgard' at any time. The bastards are calling' as an excuse to summon a swarm of giant thugs," Atreus replied: "If certain 'markers' are placed in the Frost Giant's territory, he can activate them without alerting anyone. .”

You also have these things as the "Half-Blood Prince", and you have obviously more advantages... Sherlock glanced towards Kratos and Ms. Laufey, and found that the couple was facing Jotun Hemby outside the porthole. He gestured, as if he had never seen his own country from this angle.

"As for the 'Dark Elf Country', due to repeated rebellions, Asgard will send troops to conquer it from time to time. The Three Warriors of Asgard and the Valkyrie Sif are regular participants in the war," Atreus added: "Although Old enemies may jump out to seek revenge, but those dark elves who lack strength or want to preserve their strength will actively avoid them. Those advantages are not available to new faces like us."

As outsiders, we don’t know much about this information, but no one raised any doubts. On the contrary, Miss Mermaid, would you like to calm down your emotions? Her eyes are flashing brightly?

"That is to say, you want to invite Ying to go to this 'Jotunheim'?" Sherlock took the initiative to interrupt, then turned to look at Moriarty: "As for the 'Land of Dark Elves' - where is 'Dormammu'? Are there any forces infiltrating the area?"

"Penetration? Ha," Moriarty adjusted his glasses: "The shadow cast by the light being blocked by an object is 'darkness', not to mention a country named after 'darkness'? Then 'Svartalfheim' must be The power of my Lord spreads all over, and when the time comes, whether it is the 'Valkyrie' or the 'Three Warriors of Asgard', I can defeat them all by myself."

It is true that in other timelines, Casillas was clearly just a "debtor", but he was able to summon Dormammu to come to the earth in person - that is much more difficult than summoning the demon projection in the desolate universe to eliminate the "evils of the void" .

In contrast, when facing the "Lord of the Dark Dimension", it is more handsome to directly throw the debts of other demons on the earth to Dormammu and ask him to settle them before occupying them.

However, according to the information from the "Ministry of Magic", the "Universal Demon God" is an existence beyond the timeline. He pays attention to casting a wide net and catching more fish. Like the "Lord of the Ocean Dimension", he will not go anywhere in one timeline. There are very few talents, which means that Dormammu's inexplicable hostility towards him in this timeline actually comes from "Stephen Strange" in other timelines... Isn't it unfair?

"Because Asgard made this decision, although the Green Lantern Corps is the second batch to set off, there is no other choice at all," Luna quickly browsed the information of the seven major arenas on her "second structure": "They will never give up a certain country and let us score easily, so they will definitely give up the two countries chosen by Asgard, and then evenly distribute the five main contestants to the remaining five major countries, but which one corresponds to them specifically? And how the 'heroic spirits' will be distributed... um..."

"Why do we have to care so much?" Watson said blankly: "We are currently ranked third. We may need to win a complete victory to win the championship. Of course, each of the seven major countries will send people there. There is no need to worry about the three-party melee. It's great if you only have to deal with one force."



Not only the classmates, but also the group of relatives and friends who were having similar discussions in the distance turned their attention.

"Oh, one day I will be educated by the blue Mr. Ju." Luna turned off the "Second Structure", jumped off the chair, and looked around at everyone with her hands on her hips: "As the captain, I have to start arranging manpower now. Who has Just say your opinion directly.”

Sherlock and Moriarty looked at each other, shrugged, and shook their heads together to express no objection.

"Atreus is going to the 'Land of Giants' and Moriarty is going to the 'Land of Dark Elves', so the rest -" Luna named them one by one: "Irene, as a student of the Death Faction, is going to the same country. The 'Kingdom of Fog' connected to 'Heim Underworld', Watson, you are the Thunder Faction, heading to the legendary 'Kingdom of Dwarves' where Thor's Hammer was forged, and then the Light Faction Sherlock heading to the 'Land of Light Elves' , and the flame-type T’Challa who went to the ‘Land of Fire’.”

Hmm... The assignments are basically reasonable. While they are in line with the academy's factions, they also have opportunities to utilize their respective strengths.

"As for me, as a Stark, I should naturally go to 'Vanaheim', which is second only to Asgard in technological level." Luna patted her chest: "Don't be afraid when your respective countries encounter difficulties. Maybe you When you look up, I'm driving the Normandy and bringing my mechanical army to rescue you."

Hey, she still can't forget her flagship from Mass Effect.

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