The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and fifty-one, North American Mythical War (310)

——? ? ? ——



This is a dry, hot, barren planet where the sky and the earth are all red.

Its surface is dotted with "rivers" that flow with flames, "lakes" that store magma, and "oceans" that are nothing but ashes.

The residents living in this land of fire are naturally not life in the conventional sense. Fire rats, fire rabbits, lava turtles and other harmless "small animals" form the basis of the ecosystem. Salamanders, lava pythons and gray Predators such as sharks make up the middle layer, and the dominant ones are behemoths named "Fire Giant" and "Lava Giant" respectively based on their body structure.

They form tribes that occupy most of the territory on the planet, and they fight against each other for various unknown reasons, non-stop.

If - although the possibility is negligible - if a tribe of giants finally defeats all opponents on the planet, then their king, the "King of Fire Giants", will lead all his men to attack Asgard, and set fire to and destroy everything they saw.

The path to Asgard is located in the only "golden forest" on the planet that has not been eroded and occupied by fire.

These translucent golden giant trees are very common in Asgard and Vanaheim, and they also grow in large numbers in Alfheim. However, in this land of fire, they have only tried their best to ensure that their territory is not eroded, and have not expanded at all. of margin.

However, that was just the tree itself. In response to the fire giant's attack, the Golden Forest spontaneously gave birth to a "Golden Tree Guard". It looked like a golden-armored giant with a face similar to a lake, holding a battle axe, and made of pure energy. In terms of strength, It is enough to deal with any enemy on this planet except the Fire Giant King.

Unless the enemy comes from outside the planet.

At this time, the huge golden-armored giant was unable to move on the ground. Not only had the golden armor on his body collapsed, but his originally golden and transparent body was also gradually being saturated with ink-like black air.

In front of the golden tree guard, a giant bear kept attacking the air as if guarding it, but it was all in vain. As time went by, its speed also slowed down rapidly, and finally fell to the ground, its body shrinking. , turned into a thin old man with black skin.

Afterwards, a strange man in a red tights with bats and lightning embroidered on his chest appeared on the shoulder of the golden giant and raised his hand to press its forehead.



This is a planet completely covered by ice and snow, and is home to ice giants and frost giants.

Out of instinct, they gathered under the obelisks with dark blue patterns all over the planet and formed tribes, and then used the runes on the obelisks or stone tablets as tribal totems to conquer each other.

But unlike the barbaric fire giants, the ice giants did not conquer each other to annex and incorporate other tribes. Strictly speaking, their behavior was a kind of military training to show the strength of their tribes in the hope that their tribes would be conquered by the ice giant king. Get a better position with Sgard.

Yes, conquer Asgard. Even though it has been nominally conquered by Odin for a long time, the frost giants of Jotunheim still do not agree with his rule. Every once in a while, they will organize an army of giants from the entire country to go to Asgard. Germany fought against the warriors of the Aesir Protoss, and after this army was defeated, the tribes with many Frost Giants would be honest for a period of time and continue to fight each other based on their post-war combat strength until the next expedition begins.

Asgard is using them to train soldiers. They may know it or they may not know it, but no giant cares, because they go all out for every battle. If the warriors of the Asgard are defeated because they underestimate the enemy, they will be happy to do so. Burn all of Asgard to ashes - oh, freeze it into ice.

As the battle commander, the King of Frost Giants, Feilao, has been sitting on the "Frozen Throne" located on the highest peak of Jotunheim, in addition to launching wars and facing challenges from legion commanders who overestimate their capabilities and want to seize the throne. Above - that is also the half trunk of the golden tree that has withered and withered, but can still connect to Asgard.

At this time, the huge Frost Giant King, whose body was made entirely of ice, had fallen in front of the throne. Its head and half of its body were completely shattered, and the remaining half of its body was still struggling to attack the attacker. , but completely in vain.

The attacker was a giant man with a golden crown and golden armor. He was holding a chopper that seemed to have not yet been crafted and was only beginning to take shape, and he was attacking a small boy with a bow.

The young man's weak bow and arrows, summoned animal spirits, and occasional spells were completely harmless to the giant man, but because of his huge size, he was helpless against the young man for the time being.

A little further away from the scene of the fight between the two sides, just on the platform of the Frozen Throne, a girl in blue who looked slightly older than the boy holding the bow was lying there, with a slash from her left shoulder to her right waist. Blue blood was continuously gushing out from the horrific wound, and her whole body was gradually turning into foam and dissipating.



This is the "Land of the Light Elves", the home of a beautiful race that builds gorgeous palaces and settles in the golden woods scattered throughout the country.

They love nature, are happy to be with animals, are good at studying magic, and like all shiny things. Therefore, they will regard anyone who destroys their favorite things as an enemy, and will use all means to make them taste the same destroyed things. Objects suffer equally.

At this time, on a giant golden tree that had been pruned into an "orchard", the angry light elf gardener was walking around among the fruit trees in the orchard with eyes wide open, picking unripe fruits from time to time, and then smelling them. A figure that is discarded as soon as you smell it.

The "weirdo" was wearing a red and black tights, a matching hood on his head, two knives on his waist, and he was jumping around with hairy hands and feet, looking quite weird.

"Oh? This seems ripe?" The weirdo stopped in front of a fruit tree, reached out and picked out a red, peach-like fruit, took a few bites through his mask, and then threw it away: "Bah. , the smell of expired holy water.]"

Snap, grunt.

The discarded fruits rolled gurglingly under the gardener's gaze, and finally stopped at the entrance of the orchard, before a pair of golden steps.

"You came just in time -" The gardener raised his eyes to look at the visitor. He originally wanted to say something, but the words were stuck in his throat and could not be spoken.

It was a monkey wearing golden armor and long feathers, walking upright like a human--it didn't look like a fruit tree keeper at all.

"What are you doing? Liu Er?]" Monkey looked at the scene in the orchard and asked.

"My name is Wade Wilson——" The tight-fitting weirdo paused mid-sentence, then scratched his head: "Well, I was completing the task assigned by you, but such a long time has passed and I haven't seen that at all. The hedgehog bat spirit is coming.】"

"Then stop,]" The golden-armored monkey turned and left directly: "Follow me to the next node."

"Hey, you haven't explained it yet. What's the use of inducing those 'Dark Knights' to win so many times in the 'exercises' to the real dimension? You don't need money for your monkey hair?]" The tight-fitting weirdo Wiping his mask, he hurriedly followed.

"They can win countless times," the golden-armored monkey scratched his ears: "But they can only lose once."

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