The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and fifty-three, North American Mythical War (312)


Regarding the fact that seven students went to an "alien planet" to participate in a large-scale competition as school representatives, the excitement within Hogwarts only lasted for about half a month. After all, this is a school that teaches magic and superpowers. It’s not unusual to go to an alien planet, isn’t it?

Therefore, people who were paying close attention to the real-time progress and discussions of the players at the beginning, after finishing the "prize pool" of the preliminaries, were quickly diverted by schoolwork, exams and other latest rumors, and only occasionally mentioned it when someone mentioned it. , then suddenly remembered: Oh, we still have seven classmates in "heaven"?

Of course, there are people who care about them, first of all their parents, such as the two people who came to me specifically, Pepper Potts and Natasha Romanoff.

Since they entered Hogwarts in the name of "parents visiting", they did not wear the black leather jackets of the OL and the agents. One wore a white skirt decorated with light yellow flowers and a gauze hat, and the other wore a white shirt, red tie, black trousers, and a tie. High ponytail.

The students I met along the way were all guessing whose mother these two outstanding ladies were.

【Completely, wrong! ] Complaints about the stupid system in the form of the Sorting Hat: [Pepper is barely Luna’s mother, but whose mother is Natasha? 】

'Um...her apprentice Coulson? Once a teacher, always a father. ’

[You might as well be Steve. 】

‘It can be the imprint effect. ’

【That’s weird! 】

"I'm afraid I can't help you contact them." Ignoring the random yelling of the stupid system for the time being, I pressed my hands on the table: "That is a 'Cosmic Demon God' level arena, and the earth does not have a means of direct communication with it for the time being. "

"..." Pepper and Natasha looked at each other, then pushed the document bag they were holding towards me: "But, what are these photos they sent through 'Er Structure'?"

"Oh? Is this happening?" I took the file bag, opened it, and looked through the photos inside.

[They were obviously delivered by you through transit. 】

'Technically speaking, it's the White Star, not the White Queen. ’

The protagonists in these photos are Stark and Steve respectively, and the contents are respectively "Iron Man" taking photos with Valkyrie and Pegasus, and "Captain America" ​​guiding the training of Asgard warriors, while Peter Parker, Bucky and Coulson also make appearances.

Well, that was a really good shot.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, each hero's personal movie focuses on a solo fight. Unless it is in the "Avengers" series, there are very few who can connect with other people-except Spider-Man.

The outstanding ones who have no connection with other characters are "Doctor Strange" and "Thor". In the world of magic and myths and legends, there is almost no room for ordinary superheroes to appear. The ancient one made a small appearance in "Endgame" , and Asgard did not let the Avengers take a step until it was destroyed.

In my opinion, this is simply because the screenwriter is not imaginative enough to handle the further development of the relationship between the two parties - but this is not a problem at all for me, just throw people in.

[That’s why we have ‘Hogwarts’ and ‘Triwizard Tournament’, right? ] The stupid system complained: [But these 'planet-level' superheroes are really limited in the power they can exert when they run into the universe. No, the family and friends group has completely turned into a tourist group, and only Vision and the Hulk can still fight. 】

‘No, no, this is called further study. If you have never seen the ocean, you will always be a frog in the well and will never grow. ’

【as long as you are happy. 】

"As far as I know, these people wearing medieval-like armor should be the two regular forces of 'Asgard', the 'Valkyrie' and the 'Asgard Corps'. They have some communication with them. It should be considered a good thing, what's the problem?" I pushed the photo back.

"Yes." x2

The two ladies said in unison, and after looking at each other, Natasha made a "you first" gesture.

"About Tony," Pepper said, "I have absolutely no problem with him going to the universe to flirt with women, but he promised before leaving that he would always pay attention to Luna, take a picture of her every three days and explain it As of now, this matter has not been fulfilled.”

'Hmm...I think someone is going to be unlucky again. ’

[The minister seconded the motion. 】

"My word, you know, there are a bunch of short-sighted people behind SHIELD," Natasha shrugged: "After they saw the photos and general introduction, they asked Captain and Hawkeye to issue a report about Asgard and Asgard. An assessment of the overall combat power of the other eight worlds and the likelihood of conquest.”

"What will you use to conquer? Marines or B2 bombers?" Pepper, who also had no favorable impression of the other side, taunted him.

"Of course -" Natasha winked at him: "Iron Man."

"Ward-" Pepper almost exploded.

[I think a certain organization is going to be in trouble]

‘What Ai Qing said is true. ’

"I probably understand," I knocked on the table to prevent them from actually quarreling: "Although the Earth cannot contact Asgard, it is still possible to send information to the Earth, but it has been defeated countless times. "

[One hand. 】

"So," I raised my hand and flicked down the brim of my hat: "I can send a communication request, but your content that is too purposeful may have to be modified before it can be sent out."

"..." The two ladies looked at each other again, then came together and started discussing in a low voice.

【is this necessary? 】

'Yes,' I looked at the ceiling: 'Of course there is no problem in contacting the two structures through the ocean dimension transfer, but as I said before, the communication content is equivalent to a clear broadcast to Asgard and the Green Lantern Corps. If If both sides are not vigilant enough to say something that they shouldn't say, I will become the only spokesperson for the earth, and no one will value the earth's humanity anymore. ’

【Oh ah? 】

'Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is. ’

[Although this statement is very appropriate and handsome, it is a famous quote from "The Three-Body Problem". 】

‘Handsomeness is enough. ’

After a while, they, who are good at paperwork, completed the idea of ​​the communication content.

Well, it was much better this time. Pepper asked Stark to collect the current situation of all the young players and the insights he wanted to share with parents and friends and send them back to Earth to alleviate the worries of parents who could not contact their children, and Nata Sha hopes that the captain will examine the external atmosphere, hydrological and ecological environment if he has the opportunity, and conduct some experiments appropriately without causing damage, as a reference for humans to enter the universe and establish bases on other planets in the future.

The overall focus is on family ties and development. Even if someone doubts whether the Midgardians are plotting against the other eight kingdoms, they will throw this idea away in the next second - they are too weak and have no power.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

[As long as the plan is not revealed, Asgard will be arrogant. 】

‘Our journey is across the stars and the sea, it makes sense that this saying has been passed down for so long. ’

【This sea...】


I was about to discuss the details of sending the message with them, when Odin's voice suddenly sounded in my ear - to be precise, it was the ear of "White Star":

"[I am Odin, and I am speaking to all the 'cosmic demons' who are near the nine kingdoms, or who are about to arrive nearby,]"

"[For some purpose, I will take the initiative to trigger the 'Twilight of the Gods',]"

"[Please forgive me for not disclosing the specific time.]"

Odin, you are really——

[Tip: ‘Twilight of the Gods’ will start in 6 days at 22:21:45. 】

...It’s so shameless.

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