The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty-Nine, Sherlock and Borderlands II (6)

——? ? ? ——【Svatalfheim】Passed through

"Niflheim" crushed a large number of local creatures that looked like carapace-like grasshoppers, and finally used vehicle-mounted rocket launchers to blast the monsters that looked like mud.

After "Swamp Bat" - it didn't drop any weapons - Sherlock arrived at a broad hilly area with a relatively mild climate but still a small amount of ice and snow.

Great for drag racing. Sherlock drove along the old dirt road based on Shi Tie's outdated intelligence, trying to find more people willing to fight.

Helper of "The Laughing Bat". Good news, there are indeed more settlements and residents here. Bad news, most of them have been

"Robin" and

Occupied by "Bane".

"Bane" is a new type of soldier. It has a huge physique and almost no armor. It attacks by punching, charging, and jumping up and sitting down.

If you attack the body normally and kill it, nothing will happen. But if you put it on the back and explode the jar containing some kind of strange black liquid, it will become crazy and attack all living things around it without acknowledging its relatives. , including Robin, and become bigger and stronger as the number of kills increases. If the timing is right, it is possible to destroy a settlement of dozens of people with just one bullet, although the cost is to raise a super giant Strange.

I always feel this

Except for boss-level characters, the subordinates of "The Laughing Bat" are all irrational monsters. Is this a swarm mode of management?

While Sherlock adjusted the direction of the rocket launcher on the explosive vehicle, waiting for the outcome of the civil war in the settlement not far away to come to an end, Sherlock watched Shi Tie speak to the communicator outside a huge metal door.

"Little guy from the 'Volunteers', tell 'Kyle Rayner' that we have Vault Hunters to help us, and we will definitely win this time, so open the door quickly!" the cyborg cowboy shouted.

"[No, Shi Tie,]" a helpless man's voice came from the communicator: "['The Laughing Bat' is about to launch a bombing on us. If we turn off the protective shield and let you in, there will be no energy to open it again,' Shelter 'Will be directly attacked.]" You don't need to reason to know that your base with the same name as the spaceship will definitely be directly attacked due to accidents in the future. Sherlock glanced at the giant giant that had just cleared the camp and was approaching menacingly.

"Bane", raised his hand and shot him into ashes. It's so dry and refreshing. The only drawback is that there are no drops...

"[Hey! Boy!]" Watson jumped out of the car. Gululu came to the communicator and said arrogantly: "[This is the great Lord Watson! I order you to put me and my subordinates down immediately. Go in, just orbital bombardment, watch me push it back!】"

"[Hua, Watson??]" The person on the opposite side seemed to tremble: "[Well, let's do this. We actually lost a shield battery, and the radar showed that it landed in the lair of the 'Drow Spider'. If you If I can get it back, and I can quickly restart the shield, I can make the decision to let you in.]"...When did Watson become so intimidating?


"[Shield Battery, getda☆ze~]" Watching Watson spin the 'Shield Battery' that was half its body and looked like a transparent tire, Sherlock helplessly held his forehead.

"I have long said that it should be kicked off the ship." Shi Tie put away his rifle and shrugged.

"Hmm..." Sherlock looked at the monster corpses that were gradually dissipating on the ground around him, and he slightly agreed.

The mission of "Looking for Shield Batteries" is because we are in an underground cave and we cannot drive all the way there with rockets, but the monsters we need to deal with are actually not that strong.

These underground monsters are mainly giant spiders with human upper bodies and giant bats with human heads - the latter is identified as

"Man-bat". They occupy different areas of the underground cave network, and they often fight with each other. If a group of people keep a quiet and low-key, it shouldn't be difficult to secretly take away the battery that fell here. If Watson doesn't keep barking to attract attention. Monsters within range.

However, this behavior is not without its benefits. After clearing the cave, Sherlock found the captured courier, Sam Porter Bridges, deep in the cave. He seemed to have been captured by the Man-Bat while delivering goods. , then those man-bats were attacked by drow spiders again, and the two sides were busy fighting. They temporarily tied him into a mummy with spider silk and threw him in the corner. Then, Sherlock and Shi Tie appeared with the noisy Watson. .

The courier originally had to work up his energy to thank Sherlock, but when he saw Watson, he immediately became frightened and ran away without looking back.

So, what did Watson do to make him so angry? ————

"[That is indeed a shield battery. Wait a minute, I will open the door right away, but please bring it over immediately. The 'Laughing Bat' will fire soon.]" With the surprise and nervousness in the communicator In response, the giant iron door that was originally closed slowly opened, and Sherlock vaguely saw a thin blue film that was so thin that it was almost transparent. It flashed and disappeared after the door opened.

A little further behind the gate is a fortress city that is roughly blue-grey in color, half raised from the ground, and almost entirely made of steel. Even if you can't see the details clearly, you can vaguely see the lively scene of people coming and going in the city.

"[Hey! Come here!]" Someone waved vigorously from a guard post near the gate.

At this moment, Sherlock's field of vision zoomed in quickly, giving a close-up of the soldier wearing a dark blue military uniform, and routinely adding explosive text notes and background.

[Sanctuary Gate Keeper, Volstagg. 】【This is his 158th job. 】…So what happened to your previous company?

"[Hey, it's a seller's market now, kid,]" Watson put the battery on his head and started to break dance on the spot: "[You must respectfully ask Mr. Watson before I will give you the battery.]"

"Ah this..." Vostagg looked at Sherlock with an expression on his face. He was about to say something, but suddenly his face changed drastically and he turned to look at the sky: "Oh no." In the sky, the dark clouds that were originally surging suddenly suddenly Spreading around, a huge bat pattern was revealed in the cavity.

No, it is not a picture, but a super giant battleship with a bat-like outline when viewed from the ground.

At the same time as this battleship appeared, the entire sky flickered, and then dazzling words appeared directly below it.

【? 】Those things are not words! Sherlock snatched the battery that was held on Watson's head, rushed into the guard post in three steps at a time, observed it briefly, and stuffed it directly into the hole of a giant diagonal column next to Vostagg.! A new shield, darker in color than the translucent shield that disappeared before, quickly formed.

And just when it was able to cover the entire fortress, including the gate, the words in mid-air were distorted, and the missile groups that made up each letter fell like a rainstorm, bombarding the shield to tremble, but they still failed to make it clear. Its breakthrough.

Sherlock breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Shi Tie, who also looked solemn, and Watson, who was still dancing. ...Is this the enemy you want to deal with?

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