The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and sixty-two, North American Mythical War (313)

——? ? ? ——Subspace. The surging gray fog and the bright stars are constantly changing, overlapping, and mixing.

In this scene that is enough to make a mortal who is not mentally strong enough to go into coma and go crazy, a translucent plane suddenly floats out of thin air.

"Screencast TV". On the TV screen, scenes full of comic exaggeration were flashing alternately: --- A large experimental base located in the valley where various cages for raising and confining wild animals were built.

A group of relatively normal animals, led by a boy wearing a robe and hood, holding two guns, and a small robot with an inverted triangle shape were fighting against other weird animals with twisted bodies and emitting purple steam.

From time to time, there are cold guns flying from outside the screen, killing the sneak attackers that the teenagers and animals occasionally have no time to take care of.

The scene was chaotic and noisy, but this

"Television" has no audience, so no one will turn down the volume. The battle and advancement were slow and smooth. When the boy finally reached the deepest part of the experimental base, he saw the target of his trip, a huge falcon with purple light all over its body, constantly seeping out thunder, flames and corrosion.

The young man defeated it with difficulty and followed the assassin's instructions to inject it with an injection to remove control and contamination.

But the owner of this place, the one with the spiked eyepatch

The "old enemy" suddenly appeared in the form of a projection and announced that he would give the boy a

"Gifts" as rewards for hard work. Following the words, the restraint device originally tied around the falcon's neck suddenly exploded.

At the same moment, the screen pauses,

A card with [Tower] on it appeared in front of the "TV screen". Without anyone touching it, the card began to rotate, from the upright position to the reverse position, and then turned into bursts of light points, merging into

"TV screen". The next moment, the explosion continued, and the head of the huge bird disappeared in the flames of the explosion.

Then, it shook its other two heads and staggered up. it is no longer

"Falcon", but one with three heads

"Chimera". ————A huge city full of technology and countless enemies. The robed boy, the little robot, and their partners sneaked in here through an arduous battle, and successfully found a way to enter the giant tower in the center of the city to challenge their old enemies head-on.

Afterwards, they discovered that the artificial intelligence that had been helping them

The "angel" is actually that

The daughter of an "old enemy", she herself is

The power of the "Original Witch" is being continuously extracted by her father to maintain rule over the entire planet and to search for

"Secret", she can only find out who she is through the Internet

The young "Vault Hunter" asked for help, hoping that they could destroy the device that restrained her and destroy her father's conspiracy.

However, years of extraction, transformation and life-sustaining functions have integrated her life into the restraint device, and destroying the device will kill her at the same time.

At this time, the old enemy had discovered this team and began to summon the entire city's combat power to capture them. The only way was to destroy the restraints

The "Angel" device stopped the robot army. Finally, with a confused expression, the young man pulled the trigger on the battery of the restraint device.

The screen pauses, and a card with [Moon] appears on it.

In front of the "TV screen", and again from the upright position to the reverse position. The next moment, he escaped from the collapsed restraint device.

"Angel" was helped by another witch into a wheelchair with various weird instruments. Although he fell into a coma immediately after, his vital signs were very stable.

Known as

Companions of the "Doctor Kindness" sent communications disparaging the doctor.

"Old Enemy" has outdated technological levels and says that although he cannot make

"Angel" comes to life, but can make her immortal, and so on. ————As if the TV series has reached the last few episodes,

The chaotic and noisy pictures on the "screen" gradually became unified, and the scenes displayed after each flash also converged, showing the young vault hunter, his little robot companion, and the comrades he met along the way jointly facing the man.

A scene of the "Old Enemy" launching an attack on its last fortress in a sea of ​​lava and fire. However, the scenes are similar, but the events are still very different.

"Commander" was attacked by a sneak attack and shot in the back.

"Fire Eagle" fell into a trap and was drained of its magic power.

"Lord of Bain"

The "Beast King" attacked the strong fortress and was trapped without return. undefended

"Shelter" Encounter

The "Batship" bombed and the residents suffered heavy casualties. [Chariot] [Queen] [Power] [Judgment] One card after another

Appears in front of the "TV screen", rotates, turns into light points and blends into it, rewriting events one after another. finally,

Already in desperate situation, the "old enemy" used all the accumulated magic power to open the door.

"The Great Vault" summoned a giant dragon made entirely of lava with almost no weaknesses.

[The Hanged Man] The new card can’t wait to appear. This time it does not rotate forward or backward. Text and exaggerated graffiti appear on the card as if someone is writing fast: ['Watson, the Guardian of the Secret'] [ Those who advance with the fire will meet their destined death.

】Snapped. This card did not turn into a point of light and merge into the screen like before, but was directly grabbed by a slender mechanical hand that appeared out of thin air.

Following the robot hand, a small robot in the shape of a tetrahedral inverted triangle, painted in orange, with only one eye and one wheel slowly emerged.

In front of the "TV screen". The little robot retracted his hand, put the scrawled card on his forehead, then stretched out his other hand and made a victory gesture towards the void: "[How about it? You must not have expected it, right?" ]" One second, two seconds, three seconds.

The rolling mist and stars were silent.

"[Really, it's so shameless, just say a few words to compliment me,]" the little robot took back his hand angrily,

"[Such as 'What?! Watson is not Watson!' 'I should have thought of it earlier!' 'Yes, how could that idiot have so many lines that break the dimensional wall?']" Silence.

"[Give me a quick reaction!]" The little robot stared fiercely into the void and raised its hand.

He took off the "Hanged Man" card and waved it around: "[Otherwise I'll eat this thing!]" This time, there was some movement in the fog. Between the thick gray surges, a [Fool] card quietly emerged from the fog. It emerged, but only missed it for a moment, and then quickly retracted as if it was afraid of being contaminated.

"[Oh! 'The Fool'? Very good, both the positive and negative interpretations of this card are very suitable for me.]" The little robot seemed to be very satisfied and raised his hand and waved it.

"The Hanged Man" swung towards the person who had been suspended for a long time

"TV screen". The screen flashed,

of the boy in "TV"

The "old enemy" has been defeated.

“[This is impossible—]” He froze on the spot, and sprayed banknotes, Yin Li ingots, colorful weapons and equipment, etc. out of his body completely contrary to the laws of physics: “[——The Laughing Bat will always win!] "

"[Hehe, it's a pity that you are just 'Handsome Jack',]"

The little robot outside the "TV screen" is erasing itself with an oversized eraser: "[When the 'real Laughing Bat' tries to 'modify reality' to defeat those brats and discovers that 'he has defeated himself', that scene must be It will be fun.]"

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