The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and sixty-nine, North American Mythical War (320)

——Marvel, 2015——

——There are still 3 days until Ragnarok——


As the "Warner Protoss" has the same level of divine power as the "Aesir Protoss", its idea of ​​building a city-state is very consistent with the former, that is, the entire country will only build one giant city-state that can accommodate all the people, and the rest of the country will maintain its original style. .

The main city of the Warner Protoss is called "Nóatún". It is a "ship city" built at the mouth of the mainland. Its shape looks like a huge ark. The whole is mainly silver-white, with the main structure and details The design is more technological than magical. The designer also cleverly and meticulously divided the entire "ship" into different areas according to various functions, such as ports, residential areas, commercial streets, etc. Among them, as the Lord of Vanaheim Niord nj?rer's residence, the silver pyramid located at the "wheel" and the giant statue of Queen Frigga standing on the bow as the "ship's bow" are the most eye-catching.

Theoretically speaking, it is not appropriate to place the statue of the mistress of another force at the same level as oneself at the highest point of one's main city, but who makes that "Queen" be the eldest son of Niord, the leader of the Warner Protoss? Where is the woman, and the sister of Freya (Reyja), the person in charge of Nootong?

Generally speaking, even for sisters, it is not a pleasant experience to be overwhelmed by the reputation of the other party. If she has the idea of ​​​​proving herself, Freya can subtly eliminate the influence of her sister who has married away from home during the management process. If it affects you, just find another opportunity and reason to demolish that statue.

But the problem is that the real city owner of Nootong is Freya's husband, the "God of Travel" Oder. He never does anything and spends at least 11 months of the year traveling around. Freya is busy looking for him. It was too late, and there was no time to pay attention to her sister's reputation among the tribe.

Unlike Asgard, which is constantly fighting, and outside the city is basically Gobi and wasteland, outside the main city of Vanahem is a pure natural scenery that has not been damaged, with flowers, trees, birds and animals growing completely naturally, and there are countless The natural wonders and exquisite scenery are almost impossible to find once the "god of travel" sets out.

At this time, in a narrow valley full of fruit trees, a "very un-Wanaheim" chase took place: a group of oranges were chasing a tomato.

Maybe a bunch of oranges?

Specifically, a large tomato with a surface wrinkled like human facial features and a diameter of about two meters was floating in the air and escaping, while behind it were seven or eight spherical objects that were only half a meter tall, with an orange surface and a metallic luster. Chasing it, making electronic sounds while chasing it back:

"You should stay in the museum!]"

Presumably after seeing this scene, the God of Travel will doubt his life, miss his wife, and then go home.


Ship City Nootong.

In the middle of the silver pyramid, where only the Warners of the management were allowed to set foot, there was a huge room full of technology, which was densely packed with wonderful devices that were about one and a half people tall and shaped like eggshells.

It consists of a translucent shell, a seat with a joystick, and a curved display screen that occupies almost all of the field of view in front of the seat. Inside these wonderful devices, more than half are controlled by "drivers". The flickering light and shadow on the screen and the faint sound of "eggshells" made the entire hall look like a disco or bar in Midgard.

One of them is located in a somewhat distinctive "eggshell" on a high platform. Arturia Luna Stark, wearing a brown denim skirt, black leather boots, and a travel hat, is standing on one side. He grabbed the joystick and yelled at the screen.

"You should-"



The scene that originally showed a "jungle chase" ended abruptly, and the final scene showed a giant tomato crashing head-on, followed by a blurry screen and a "signal interruption" prompt.

"Tch, that guy found the 'flagship'," Luna patted the "eggshell" wall, unfolded it to the left and right, and then stepped out from inside: "I hope the others can hold on for a long time -"

Peng, Peng Pengpeng——

Just as he said, the Warner Protoss pilots with several nearby eggshells also encountered the same thing. They all stood up from the opened "eggshells" with regretful expressions and looked around in confusion.

"...Pretend I didn't say anything." Luna held up her hat.

"Miss Stark," the woman who was already waiting beside her and dressed more professionally and luxuriously than ordinary staff members bowed slightly: "Madam, please go see her as soon as you are finished."

"Huh? I think we've already talked about it," Luna called up her "two-dimensional" shadow and began to make some adjustments to the eggshell that had stopped in front of her: "She asked me to use these'remote sensing' devices to hunt 'Tomato', I helped her upgrade these toys to better find her husband, is there any need to meet again?"

"Actually..." The messenger looked around and lowered his voice: "It is Lord Niord who wants to see you and plans to discuss further cooperation with you."

"..." Luna looked at the "Second Structure" interface again, then raised her hand to close it, and looked up at Miss Messenger: "I think you should be able to find out that although I am Tony Stark's daughter, I am only the daughter of Tony Stark. As an adopted daughter, she has no say or decision-making power in Stark Group’s business dealings and specific cooperation partners. "

"Of course we know," Miss Messenger kept smiling: "But you can use the opportunity of 'off-site help' to invite Mr. Stark, can't you?"

"But..." Luna opened her mouth but stopped talking.

If you tell her that the Stark Group is actually mainly managed by Ms. Pepper, and that Stark is only responsible for inventing and creating to maintain technological advantages and updating the steel suit, and then wearing it to go around doing heroic things, will it lead to the Stark Group? What about a sharp drop in stock prices?

Those things belong to you in the future!

"Of course, we know your concerns," the messenger lady had obviously done her homework before coming: "The matter of the 'Avengers' detaining the 'Destroyer' of Asgard is really unfair. If it is forwarded to There may be problems at Vanahem, but we have solutions in mind."

"...Huh?" Luna belatedly remembered that ugly thing that she didn't like at all.

"The plan is 'joint research'," Miss Messenger said as if she was reciting lines: "Whatever is built by then will be counted as your 'combat power', Miss Stark, and can be taken away directly, but we will only keep it. The data in the research process will ensure that the 'God-killing Mecha' will not be touched."

"Then I have no problem," Luna pretended that she had really planned to question it just now: "I will wait until I see the 'Ocean God' and summon my father down - but I think you should know, We are having a game, will it be broadcast live at any time?”

"Don't worry, Lord Niold can guarantee that the content of the conversation will not be leaked. As for now," Miss Messenger continued to smile: "Unless the other venues are not as exciting as a little girl playing with holograms, we will not Being broadcast live.”

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