The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and seventy-one, North American Mythical War (322)

——Marvel, 2015——

——There are still 1] days until Ragnarok——

"The Land of Frost Giants" Jotunheim.

This snow-covered planet is also known as the "Rune Land". The name comes from the "rune pillars" that although they are not densely packed, there is always one in the field of vision as long as you look up. They are distributed irregularly around about Throughout Dunheim, the patterns on the pillars and the effects of their use are also different. These "runes" are said to have existed since the creation of the world. Each one represents a certain essence of the world. They are also Asgard. The origin of German "rune magic".

Compared with the Aesir clan who focus on transforming runes to better exert their power, the indigenous people of Jotunheim, ice giants and frost giants only use them as totems and beacons of their tribes, unless they are of special scale. A large tribe that occupies multiple totem poles. An ordinary frost giant can only use a few rudimentary runes in the place where it lives throughout its life, let alone combine some related runes to form a stronger effect. .

"There is a small white boat in the blue sky, clouds and river]"

In a camp of frost giants, huge humanoid creatures lay scattered on the ground, snoring one after another, but even so, they could not interfere with the clear singing floating above the camp.

Atreus, who was wearing a fur hunting suit, copied the words on the rune pillar one by one, then jumped down from it and walked towards Lily who was singing in a fur coat at the gate of the tribe.

"There is an osmanthus tree on the boat, and the white rabbit is playing]" Lily stared at Atreus walking towards her, with questions in her eyes, but the song in her mouth still did not stop.

"'Iron Will', 'Foggy' and 'Leap' have no combat effectiveness at all. No wonder no one invited this tribe to go on an expedition." Atreus patted her shoulder as he passed by: "Okay, stop. Although the mermaid’s singing voice is magical, where did you learn these lyrics?”

"Yes, it was hummed by Mr. Bai Xing." Lily stopped singing and followed Atreus away while turning to look at the frost giants who were gradually waking up and fighting each other with a feeling of getting out of bed: "I can sing it casually, sir, you shouldn't I’ll mind.”

"Very good. When we return to Hogwarts to hold activities such as the school singing competition, you can go on stage and sing. It's best to sing all the tunes you learned from Mr. Shirahoshi. The vice principal will definitely like to hear it." Art. Rose looked up at the sky.

"That seems a bit...other students might..."

Several meters high in the air, there was a box that only Atreus could see, floating there out of thin air. Inside the box, the intricate underground passages and the fierce battles going on inside were vaguely displayed.

"It seems that the Three Warriors of Asgard are about to be driven out of the underground. Although Sif can still hold on for a while, the situation is not optimistic. After all, you can't ride a Pegasus underground." At the same time as the picture, there was also something that seemed to be directly ringing. The strange electronic sound in his ears: "All the 'torches' in Svartalfheim are underground. In its current form, Asgard can be said to be superior - those of you who swear that Mr. Moriarty will lose." Where are the people? Come out and face me.]"

"If you stay with Thor for too long, even the strongest Valkyrie will lose part of her intelligence." Atreus curled his lips.

"Ah? What did you say?" Lily turned to look at him doubtfully.

"Hey, okay, you are all right. Now let us turn our attention to Jotunheim, which is your real enemy, the Frost Giants -]"

"I mean..." Atreus suddenly turned around and stretched out his arms, crossing Lily's shoulders and pressing them on the stone wall behind her, so that their faces were almost touching: "Don't worry, everyone will like your performance. "

"..." Lily's cheeks were slightly red and she started to feel dazed.

"Let's see the contestants from Hogwarts - oh! Damn it! Again.]"

The floating box flashed for a moment, as if he wanted to switch the screen, but the next second the screen went black, with rows of white words written on it, vaguely saying "I'm very sorry" or something like that.

"I must complain to the organizing committee of the competition! Why are players allowed to bring their girlfriends to participate? What on earth are they doing? Why do you only see the piece of wood in Helium every time you cut to Jotunheim? Well, stone." "

As the electronic sound cursed, the floating box changed its content again, showing a large tribe of frost giants. They seemed to be holding some kind of celebration. Fighting and hunting were being held on the wide ice that was barely a square. , forging and even cooking activities, while the frost giants who did not participate were all dancing silly.

"Helem! I said it a hundred times! Don't participate in those primitive celebrations! Where is your ferryman's self-esteem?!]"

"Pfft." Lily suddenly couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Huh? Can you see that?" Atreus raised his eyebrows.

"If it's the 'live camera' you're talking about, it's not possible yet," Lily pursed her lips and looked down: "I just suddenly discovered that you have to step on your feet every time you 'bidong' me... Hehe."

"..." Atreus's face turned a little dark, he retracted his hand and jumped off the stone as high as his knees: "If I want to, I can become almost as tall as those big frost fools, that is,' Demon God Form', Odin's posture is still piercing the universe."

"But Aunt Laufei said you are not allowed to use that form during this competition?" Lily blinked.

"What do you think it is because of?" Atreus looked at the "reason" in front of him.

"Hmm... because your identity as the 'Half-Blood Prince' has not been revealed yet? Is it inconvenient to transform directly?" Lily tilted her head slightly: "I asked my uncle and aunt why they wanted to foster you in Asgard, but they didn't answer."

"You really dare to ask... They really dote on you..." Atreus sighed, turned around and continued to the next scheduled tribe: "For the direct reason, I must collect everyone in their current form. All the runes of the tribe, they will recognize that I have 'grown up', seriously, the apparent age of a child is determined by the parents, who came up with this stupid thing?"

"'In mother's eyes, you will always be a child,'" Lily said mid-sentence. When Atreus turned to look over, she quickly added: "This is what 'Shirahoshi-sama' said."

"Okay," Atreus looked at the sky and found that the frame had been cut to other countries, so he put the short bow on his shoulder and continued walking: "But she can't affect Asgard..."

"Atreus," Lily asked as she followed him: "Are you anxious to 'grow up' because you are easily misunderstood as brother and sister when we walk together?"

"There is absolutely nothing like this."

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