The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and seventy-five, North American Mythical War (326)

——? ? ? ——

The destroyed planet Kovad, the Anti-Monitor Tower.

"Can someone tell me what the hell this guy is doing? I just cleaned out the Court of Owls!"

The roar of "Anti-Monitor" Mobius resounded through the management hall on the top floor of the giant tower. Several Batmans at work were alerted by the sound, looked at him, and then looked away without surprise.

"There is no doubt that he is 'reshaping' the Dark Multiverse," the Mobius Chair made a tut-tsk sound as if seeing a good show: "'Thanos' is not destroying the universe but starting to rebuild it. It is simply incredible."

"He calls himself Cable." Mobius pointed out the flaw in its speech.

"A 'Thanos who calls himself Cable.'" The chair added nonchalantly.

On the "Multiverse Star Map" in front of Mobius, the originally empty "Fourth Quadrant" is constantly lit up by stars of light. Even though those lights appear dim and chaotic, they still mean that there is a The single universe is "breathing" tenaciously.

However, just as corpses attract scavengers, these single universes in a "dying" state are all surrounded by extremely dense black fog, as if they will be directly affected by it as long as they "stop breathing" for a moment. engulf.

"The 'Court of Owls' almost completely destroyed the entire 'Dark Multiverse', and the 'Laughing Bat' destroyed the remaining ones. Although this may cause some of the single universes located in the 'Second Quadrant' to 'sink,' From light to darkness, at least the influence of the 'Eating Evil of the World' will be completely eliminated," Mobius pressed his forehead: "But when he 'reshaped' those destroyed universes, together with the 'Court of Owls'... …”

"Those reborn owls will be reduced to second-tier villain organizations after losing the power from 'Barbatos', and they will hardly be able to make any troubles," Mobius Chair responded: "But the problem is that the people scattered throughout the The power of the "Fourth Quadrant" that was once controlled by those dark Batmans and belongs to the "Eating Evil of the World" re-enters the single universe, and will inevitably be absorbed by some villains and establishes with the "Eating Evil of the World" Hey, without the Court of Owls, the pollution and impact they suffered will be more serious, don’t you think it’s interesting?]”

"It's not interesting at all," Mobius snorted: "The power given by Lady Death turned out to be 'instant'. After wiping out the Court of Owls, it reached an extreme value. It originally felt like it could compete with Kang the Conqueror. , but now it has started to slowly decline again, all due to the movements of the cable."

"So, in order to ensure that you can gain power, you plan to prevent a large number of single universes from being 'reshaped', and then make the same number of light universes fall into darkness?]" The Mobius chair applauded: "It is indeed a way to manage darkness. The 'anti-monitor' of the multiverse has really dark ideas.】"

After hearing this, several Batmans who were working cast sharp glances here.

"Don't be kidding! If they are sure that I need to be eliminated, they really dare to do it," Mobius slapped the armrest of the chair: "I mean, because the Laughing Bat made such a fuss, our 'Dark Knights' manpower It's seriously insufficient. The 'Three Sages' and the 'Nine Knights' have to go out on the field every day. If those powers that can affect the entire multiverse are called back, who will deal with it? How many of you?"

The civilian Batmans quickly looked away.

"Ah, speaking of this, I have good news for you," Mobius Chair changed the subject nonchalantly: "Didn't the 'Dark Knights' lose a large number of men because of the betrayal of the 'Laughing Bat'? Now, thanks to Cable's actions in 'reshaping the universe', they have reappeared and can be recruited again.]"

"Oh? This is really... wrong," Mobius paused mid-sentence: "Most of the members we recruited at the time were when their own universe was about to collapse, and they joined with a desperate mentality or a desire for revenge. Yes, there is no threat from the 'Court of Owls' to destroy the universe. As 'Batman', they will never leave 'their Gotham' alone."

"Not necessarily," the Mobius chair conjured several arrows in the void to point at the civilian Batman in the distance: "Look, the president of Gotham University, the administrator of the Gotham Municipal Library, and the researcher of the Frost Star Institute , these guys can easily leave Gotham alone.]"

Several Batmans froze for a moment, then quickly fled from the management hall.

"So... Cable also wants to cause trouble with the Laughing Bat and the so-called 'True Dark Knights' guy?" Mobius stroked his beard: "But even if he 'reshaped' the universe they came from, The corresponding 'Dark Batman' will also disappear in an instant and merge with the body that has gone to the 'Almighty Universe'. It is impossible to 'strangle the enemy in the cradle'."

"I am only 'all-knowing', but I cannot 'predict', and I have no way of knowing that other people have plans that are not put on paper in their heads," Mobius Chair said: "At present, I can only confirm that he has also signed a contract with death." The purpose of the contract, to eliminate the influence of the 'subspace evil god' on reality, should be consistent with yours.】"

"But he clearly... huh?" Mobius paused mid-sentence: "In other words, he believed that this behavior that might lead to the resurgence of the power of the 'Court of Owls' and the 'Eating Evil of the World' was necessary to complete death. ] Madam’s contract, is it very necessary?”

"According to the intelligence collected so far, this is indeed the case." The chair replied.

"So..." Mobius quickly operated on the star map, found the universe numbered "22", and then zoomed in on the screen.

Late at night, Arkham Asylum is full of chaos, the Joker and Harley Quinn are organizing the patients to escape, and Batman is standing on the top of the guard tower, his dark cape fluttering in the wind.

This scene is common for every dark - or even light - universe. If there are no accidents, the Joker will cause some trouble, cause some trouble for Batman, and will eventually be dealt with neatly and then thrown back to the asylum. .

But Morbius didn't even look at the Joker and Batman. His eyes were fixed on Harley Quinn, who was either cheering or causing trouble.

The knowledge she possesses "from outside the world" is extremely clear to Mobius, the "anti-monitor".

"The influence of the 'Whisper of the Void'..." Mobius murmured: "This is why the 'Laughing Bat' did not betray immediately until we replaced the 'Court of Owls' as the spokesperson for the 'Eating Evil of the World' 'Is it the reason why we took action after all of them were eliminated?"

"It seems so," the chair replied: "Although Death intends to deal with the four of them at the same time, they seem to have no intention of uniting to fight against it, and are still trying to hinder each other."

"So, where are the 'Instrument of Desire' and the 'Weave of Life'? Have they already had an impact on this multiverse?" Mobius asked urgently.

"I have no idea,】"

The sound of the chair was a little helpless:

"How would I know?]"

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