The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and seventy-seven, North American Mythical War (328)

——? ? ? ——

There is only a gray world.

The quiet forests and rivers, the prosperous towns and forts, the mysterious and broken city in the lake, the desolate wilderness battlefield, and even the glorious city under the golden giant tree were all covered by a layer of snow-like gray nearly one meter deep. Covered.

The "people" who "live normally" in this world turn a blind eye to this thick gray and continue to slowly trek through it, even though it has caused serious obstacles to their movements.

On the plateau overlooking this strange scenery, at the edge of the huge torch at the top, a girl in black robe with her left eye closed is sitting on the back of the strong cow horse "Torrett", quietly watching the torch The flame becomes more intense as "fuel" is continuously added.

"Dead universes" of different sizes and contents are continuously appearing from mid-air, falling into the torch, being ignited by the flames, and after burning out, the resulting ash is poured over the ash that has been spread all over, almost being burned. Completely flooded plains.

Of course, only almost, at the edge of the entire land, the ash that continues to accumulate falls like a waterfall towards the dark sea and disappears.

Puff-lu-lu—Torrett, whose face was ashen as a lake, snorted.

"Let them eliminate the influence, but in the end they destroyed all the universes that could be affected..." The girl in black robe touched its head: "Is this considered a good job?"

Puff, Torrett shook his head repeatedly.

"I don't think it counts, but those who have been affected have indeed been eliminated, so I gave them the power as agreed." The eyes of the black-robed girl became empty and unfocused, as if she was staring at something very far away: " But in this case, other 'influences' will 'rise' to the 'universe that should not be destroyed', and what should they do then?"

Phew, Thoret made a mocking sound.

"Forget it, after all...huh?]" The girl in black robe was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly her attention was attracted by an unexpected situation.

The surrounding ashes were gone and rolled up.

Those things that were originally in the "dead universe" will scatter everywhere after being burned. The ashes like snowflakes are flying off the ground from the tree crowns, rooftops, mountain peaks, etc., as if there is a "whirlpool" there. , is constantly absorbing everything around it.

Under the interesting gaze of the black-robed girl, the "whirlpool" finally stopped after absorbing the "ash-end" that was about the same size as the regular "death universe" and began to "wither" the "ash-end balls" it had gathered. "Double".

Universe, star cluster, river system, galaxy, planet, continent, country, city, street.

From huge, rough, empty, and gray to narrow, delicate, dense, and colorful, the closer to the earth, North America, and Gotham, the richer and more believable the details displayed by the "Gray End Sphere". In the end, the "display" on the sphere The scene is fixed in a strict prison located on the Linhai Peninsula.

The prison that was supposed to be a high-security prison now seemed like an unmanaged vegetable market, full of vicious prisoners, escaped guards and various dilapidated protective measures.

The person who caused all this was Bain, a strong man who had smashed through the outer wall of the prison. He was nearly three meters tall and was carrying a green liquid tank on his back. He looked like a gladiator. What stood in front of him was a gray tight-fitting man who had just airborne. Batman wearing a suit, black cape and pointed-eared helmet.

"Hmm.]" The girl in black robe thought for a moment about this still picture, then raised her hand and nodded at it.

The universe inside the "Grey End Sphere" began to move, and the battle between Bane and Batman also began. Due to the huge difference in size and strength, Batman could only dodge in the face of Bane's frontal attack. Use various means to contain them.

However, perhaps because this scene comes from "The End of Ashes", the entire performance is completely a mime, with no sound coming out.

After watching it for more than ten seconds, the black-robed girl raised her hand in boredom, and the displayed picture "fast-forwarded", and the ending came in the blink of an eye:

Because of a mistake, Batman was caught by Bane and severely broke his spine with his knee. Even if there was no sound, the abnormal bending angle of his spine made people feel chilled.

At this moment, the clown with green hair and purple suit rushed into the battlefield with a silent scream, threw a bag of green powder to blind Bane's eyes, and then took the opportunity to save the exhausted Batman.

"Oh?]" The girl in black robe waved her hand to stop the fast forward, and looked at the Joker who rescued Batman with interest.

Even though he was paralyzed, Batman stared blankly at the sky. Until he was returned to the Batmobile by the Joker, he didn't even look at him, as if the "super criminal" in front of him didn't exist at all.

During this process, the clown's mouth opened and closed, and he seemed to be saying a lot of things. He was agitated several times, but he never got a word of response from Batman. The pale, always smiling clown's face looked at this moment. It was as if I was crying when I went up.

Finally, when a Robin arrived and drove the Joker away aggressively, Batman glanced at the direction of the Joker in confusion. At the same time, the first line of the mime was projected in text on the "Grey End Sphere" "The surface is constantly shaking and the color is blood red:

Tim, who are you talking to? 】

"...]" The girl in black robe was silent, seeming to be thinking about something.

After pausing for a moment, seeing that the scene displayed by the "Gray End Ball" had not changed further, she raised her hand and pulled out the golden cross "Encore" hanging around her neck, and gestured towards it.

At this moment, the entire "Gray End Ball" "came" to life, and the gray fog that had always shrouded it dissipated, and the previously stiff characters, cities, and natural scenery inside became more real and harmonious. nature.

And most importantly, the whole world has a voice again.

"That Joker, you can't leave him alone anymore, Batman," Robin said fiercely: "Do you know how much damage he has caused to Gotham this month? He also planned Bane's escape from prison. !”

"It seems that I can't fulfill my duties as Batman for the time being, Tim," Batman said nonchalantly: "While I am recuperating, Gotham will be left to you temporarily."

"You pretend not to hear anything when it comes to topics related to the Joker, right? I really don't know what your purpose is." Robin fixed Batman angrily, and then started the Batmobile: "Okay, anyway, I am responsible for the next step. , I won’t spoil him.”

After the Batmobile drove away, the focus of the "scene" shifted to the Joker who was watching helplessly on the cliff not far away. He murmured to himself: "Please, please pay attention to me."

"Wow]." The girl in black robe praised in a calm tone.

Following the words, the "resurrected" "gray universe" quickly rose up, facing the other falling "dead universes", and disappeared in the gray sky in an instant.

Puff, Torrett snorted.

"The idea of ​​'resurrecting' an entire universe is really interesting," the black-robed girl said: "But the 'Dark Multiverse' itself lacks too much, and just 'resurrecting' key nodes is not enough to reverse the fall of those bright universes——" "

Whirring whirring--

The previous "Ashes Rewind" happened again, and various "Ashes Universes" of different shapes began to form in front of the black-robed girl and Torrett. Their number and speed of formation even exceeded the ones falling step by step from the top of the brazier. and the burning "death universe."

Puff puff puff puff - the cows and horses snorted repeatedly as if they were choked.

"Don't they know..." A little emotion finally appeared on the calm face of the black-robed girl: "Do I have to handle all the 'resurrection' personally?"

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