The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and eighty-five, North American Mythical War (336)

——? ? ? ——

The Rock of Eternity?

This is a large stone building with an oval overall outline, an altar-like platform in the center, ring-shaped seats that decrease in height from the outside inward, and giant torches burning on the four walls.

At this moment, half of the original perfect oval outline had collapsed, the altar was covered with ash, the seats fell to the ground in a mess, with large areas of dark red stains splattered on them, and the torches on the wall that had been completely burnt were only A few weak flames still remained, preventing the building from being completely engulfed in darkness.

Even if a child who is not familiar with the world looks at this situation, they will judge that "this place has been severely damaged and has been abandoned for a long time."

However, in this dilapidated environment, there is an existence that is incompatible with it.

It was standing in the center of the "auditorium", a giant high-backed throne that was far larger than the other seats.

The overall appearance of it is consistent with the material of the building itself. It is made of some rough and granular stone, but it itself has a dark golden color that ordinary rocks cannot have, and its backrest, armrests and the back of the seat are also made of The complex patterns composed of a large number of small, dark red symbols "∞" make the entire stone chair look more mysterious.

However, no matter how dazzling this golden mysterious throne is, it cannot compare to the existence sitting on it.

It was a humanoid creature wearing a light green smock with an ancient Egyptian style and purple metal armor. It had light blue skin, a ferocious appearance, and an unusually strong and huge physique.

He sat upright on the golden throne, his arms pressed on the armrests, his eyes closed, motionless. If it weren't for the slight rise and fall of his body and the occasional movement of his eyes under his eyelids, he might have been recognized as a lifelike withered statue. picture.

Although there was no dust on the giant's body, judging from the overturned seats around him and the thin layer of dust covering the ground, it seemed that he had not stood up from the golden throne for a long time.


As the unclear wind sounded, the light in the altar dimmed a little.

Looking from the direction directly opposite the Golden Throne, one can see the ornate but dilapidated frameless door of the altar, as well as an adjacent row of small stone windows with upper circles and lower circles.

The strange thing is that no matter the doors or windows, they are all covered by a layer of thick, constantly flowing gray fog, making it impossible to see the outside scenery at all.

The giant's eyelids moved but did not open, but the index finger of his right hand placed on the armrest of the throne flicked slightly imperceptibly.

The gray-white mist that shrouded the doors and windows quickly dissipated, revealing a scene that should not appear outside this kind of stone altar.

It was a bird's eye view of an abandoned zoo.

The paths are overgrown with weeds, the shrubs have not been trimmed for a long time, the railings in the park are rusty, the various service facilities and entertainment projects are unattended, the venues are in disrepair, and some buildings have even collapsed. No matter what the situation is, it has truly proved that This zoo has been abandoned for a long time, but it has not been renovated or renovated due to various reasons.

However, the "picture" shows a completely opposite scene to this situation.

Rabbits are running around in the park, goats are leisurely gnawing on the bushes, several lions are yawning in the tourist rest area, and even elephants can be vaguely seen playing in the water in the distance.

No matter what kind of animal, the gray mist is constantly emitting from its body as if it is burning. The larger ones emit slowly, while the smaller ones emit it faster. A few rabbits that happened to run past the "door" disappeared in the blink of an eye. Half of the time disappeared out of thin air, while the other rabbits continued to run and play with the remaining companions without noticing.

The giant's eyelids remained motionless, and his right index finger jumped again.

In the scene "outside the door", endless gray-white mist came from all directions. The animals that originally had no reaction to anything finally showed some panic-like emotions and tried to escape before the mist came, but the next step Within seconds he was completely engulfed by the mist.

In the end, the foggy zoo was completely unable to see clearly, and its posture when viewed from inside the altar was the same as when the doors and windows were obscured by fog.


The faint sound of wind sounded again, "blowing away" the fog covering the doors and windows, making the light in the altar a little brighter, and the zoo disappeared as if it had never existed.

Outside the gate of the festival, there is a dilapidated scene that is almost the same as inside.

The stone pavement and the shapeless sculptures were shattered as if they had been hit hard, and the flying fragments fell irregularly into the surrounding dry and yellow grass. The screen walls and decorative walls surrounding the altar were full of chips, There were traces of slashing, burning, corrosion and freezing. A huge tree as black as charcoal was even cut in half vertically in the middle very smoothly. One half was still upright, while the other half was leaning on the roofs of many places in the festival. It's like a bridge to get to the roof.

When the perspective is further zoomed out to see the entire altar clearly, it can be found that the altar itself is located on a suspended rock with a dark abyss below. Although there are several broken stone roads extending beyond the suspended rock, the road There was nothing at the end, and people couldn't help but turn their eyes away and look at the sky instead.

But that's obviously not a good idea.

Generally speaking, when you look up at the sky, what you see is, if not the sky and clouds, at least the starry sky and the universe. However, when you look up from this dilapidated altar, what you see is not any one type, but countless types.

Classrooms, schools, shopping malls, police stations, airplanes, highways, amusement parks, racetracks, bridges, Stonehenge, pyramids, elf forests, castles, museums, space stations, spaceships, alien bases...

Countless empty scenes with obvious signs of human beings are randomly mixed together like plasticine that has been kneaded by children, and then cover the entire "sky" in an attitude that seems to "fall" at any time, and it seems that For fear of others not being able to see clearly, these scenes all have their own light sources that are not very bright, slightly illuminating the rocks and sacrificial sites suspended above the pitch-black abyss.

In this extremely weird "sky", there is a "scene" that can be considered "familiar", which is the "zoo" that has just been swallowed up by the fog.

Although it was distorted to the point of being out of shape, it was still possible to barely see the dilapidated facilities. Moreover, the entire zoo was flashing like a TV with poor signal. In the end, the entire park disappeared, leaving only After landing in the "Marine Animal Zone", it peeled off from the "sky" like the remaining shreds of a burned newspaper, falling precariously, passing by the suspended giant rocks, and falling into the pitch-black void below. There is no trace left in the abyss.

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